
2016-01-25 03:21杜勇李浩渤
河北医药 2015年16期





【关键词】口腔扁平苔藓; E-钙粘蛋白;免疫组化

【中图分类号】R 781.5+9




通讯作者:作者单位: 050000石家庄市,河北医科大学第二医院口腔内科李浩渤,050000河北医科大学第二医院口腔内科;E-mail: lhbkn@126.com

【Abstract】Objective To investigate the expression of E-cadherin in oral lichen planus(OLP)and to explore the role of E-cadherin in pathogenesis and carcinomatous change of OLP in order to provide scientific evidences for early diagnosis and treatment of OLP canceration.Methods Fifty-two OLP specimens were collected,at the same time,41 normal oralmucousmembrane specimens were served as control group.Using E-cadherinmonoclonal antibody as primary antibody,taking E-cadherin-positive normal oralmucousmembrane specimen as positive controls and using PBS as negative controls instead of primary antibody,these specimens were detected by immmunohistology(SP)to observe the distribution and intensity of positive staining,moreover,the expression of E-cadherin was analyzed.Results Twenty-five specimens out of the 52 OLP specimens showed normal positive expression of E-cadherin,however,the other 27 specimens showed abnormal positive expression of E-cadherin,with abnormal positive rate being 51.92%.However in control group,39 out of 41 specimens showed normal positive expression and 2 specimens showed abnormal positive expression,with abnormal positive rate being 4.88%,there was a significant difference between two groups.Conclusion The abnormal positive expression rate of E-cadherin in OLP is significantly higher than that in normal oralmucousmembrane,which suggests that E-cadherin plays a certain role in the canceration of OLP,and it is further confirmed that OLP is possible to be cancerated.


Expression and significance of E-cadherin in oral lichen planus

DU Yong,LI Haobo.Department of Stomatology,The Second Hospital of Hebeimedical University,Shijiazhuang 050000,China

【Key words】oral lichen planus; E-cadherin; immunohistochemistry



1 资料与方法



1.3实验方法运用SP免疫组织化学法,以E-钙粘蛋白单克隆抗体作为一抗,对切片标本进行免疫组化染色,观察阳性染色的分布及强度,对表达情况进行研究分析。所有标本均经10%甲醛固定,石蜡重新包埋后,将每个蜡块切为5 μm的切片,共切3张,1张HE染色,1张E-钙粘蛋白染色,1张作为阴性对照。一抗:兔抗人E-cadherin单克隆抗体、二抗:生物素标记羊抗兔IgG。

操作步骤如下:石蜡切片常规脱蜡至水; 3% H2O2甲醇振洗25min,以封闭内源性过氧化物酶活性;微波抗原修复,(92~98)℃×15min,室温冷却;正常山羊血清封闭,37℃孵育30min;倾去血清,滴加一抗,4℃过夜;滴加生物素化二抗,37℃孵育25min;滴加辣根酶标记的链酶卵白素,37℃孵育20min; DAB显色,苏木素复染,脱水、透明、封片。


1.4结果判定E-cadherin以细胞膜上出现棕黄色膜性染色作为正常阳性表达的标记。而位于细胞浆中或胞膜与胞浆共同有连续线状或斑点状黄色至棕黄色颗粒沉积者为异常阳性表达,无染色者为阴性表达。1.5统计学分析应用SPSS 17.0统计软件,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 E-cadherin在口腔正常黏膜和扁平苔藓中的表达在41例正常口腔黏标本中39例呈正常阳性表达,2例呈异常阳性表达,异常阳性率为4.88%;在52例口腔扁平苔藓标本中25例呈正常阳性表达,27例呈现异常阳性表达,异常阳性率为51.92%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=23.64,P<0.05)。见表1,图1、2。

图2 E-cadherin在扁平苔藓中的表达(SP×400)

图1 E-cadherin在正常黏膜中的表达(SP×400)

表1 E-cadherin在2种黏膜中表达比较 例

2.2 E-cadherin的表达和临床病理参数的关系在性别和年龄的对照中,E-cadherin在口腔扁平苔藓中的表达差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。见表2。

表2 E-cadherin的表达和临床病理参数的关系 例

3 讨论








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