众所周知,语法课是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,也是日常教研的一项重要内容。美国社会语言学家Dwell Hymes认为,交际能力不仅包括对一种语言的语言形式的理解和掌握,而且还包括对在何时何地、以什么方式对谁恰当使用语言形式进行交际的知识体系的理解和掌握。由此可见,正确地理解和掌握语言形式是具备交际能力的基础,研究英语语法教学策略是英语教师的当务之急。
以人民教育出版社编写的《高中英语》(New Senior English for China)为例。在每个单元的第一篇阅读材料中多处出现本单元的语法结构,然后在课后的Discovering Useful Structure部分,让学生主动探究这些语法结构,再做练习,巩固所学的语法知识。由于篇幅所限,教材中提供的练习较少。针对这种情况,教师应针对阅读材料进行再创作,借助课文提供的交际语境,为学生提供优质的练习题。
《高中英语》第三册 Unit 3 的两篇课文是美国著名作家马克·吐温的小说《百万英镑》(The Million Pound Bank Note)改编的剧本。本单元的语法项目是名词性从句,课文中多次出现名词性从句的例句。由于学生对《百万英镑》的剧情非常熟悉,这为教师挖掘教学资源提供了良好的条件。以下是笔者根据课文改编的课堂练习题:
In the summer of 1903 ,two wealthy broth-ers, Roderick and Oliver made a bet on a man could survive a month in London with a million pound bank note. When they saw Henry Adams , a homeless American, wandering in the street, they invited him to their house and asked him some questions they were interestedin. To their joy, they discovered the fact Henry landed in Britain by accident and he was penniless at that moment.So they drew a conclusion he was the right person to carry out the experiment. That was they gave Henry an envelope with a million pound bank note in it.Now they were eager to find out was Henry would survive without any relatives or friends in London.
常言道“A picture is worth thousands of words(一幅图画胜过千言万语)”,精美的图片是语法教学中最为常见的资源。例如,在学习非谓语动词时,笔者精选了这样一幅图画,然后和学生一起进行看图对话。
T:What can you see from the picture?
S:We can see some people staring at their smart phones while walking or riding in the street. What is worse, we can see a driver using his smart phone while driving a car.
T:How does the picture impress you?
S:It serves as a warning to us. Some people are so addicted to playing with smart phones that they totally ignore their safety in the street.
T:What lesson should we learn from the picture?
S:Being addicted to smart phones is very harmful and even dangerous. It is time to reflect our way of life. We should make better use of high technology to serve us so they wont ruin our life.
英国语言学家Henry Widdowson指出,语言学习的最终目的是获得交际能力。而语法能力是交际能力的基础,正确使用语法规则能使人们顺利开展交际活动。笔者发现,阅读地道的英语原著,可以让学生在阅读过程中感悟知识,体验学习的快乐。笔者让学生阅读英语小说《秘密花园》,并关注里面的非谓语动词形式。然后,笔者针对这个故事进行了缩写,让学生用非谓语动词形式填空。下面是笔者编写的练习题:
Fill in the blanks using the suitable forms of the words given:
I like The Secret Garden very much. I was deeply impressed by the heroine Mary. She used to be a selfish, unhealthy and badtempered girl, but after (playing) with her friends in the secret garden, she changed a lot.She became healthy, helpful and caring.The little master Colin was Marys cousin. (stay) in bed for a long time, he was too weak (walk) properly. However, Colin gradually improved his health by (take) physical exercise outdoors with his playmates Mary and Dickon. The story tells us that (spend) more time in nature with our good friends is beneficialto us physically and mentally. When (face) with difficulty and challenges in life,we should always develop a positive attitude.
(责 编 再 澜)