A Removable Work Station at Nanhui Dongtan Wildlife Sanctuary, Shanghai, China, 2013
Architects: ZHU Jingxiang, WU Chenghui, XIA Heng/Shenzhen Yuanyuan Building Technology Development Co., Ltd.
1 外景/Exterior view
2 剖面/Section
3 立面/Elevation
Based on an independently developed prefabricated box system, this work station is customized for wetlands along the southeast coast of Shanghai. The final installation took only 1 full day. The building system can adapt to multiple functions, and can be dismantled and transported in the future. Passive environmental design ensures interior thermal comfort in hot-summer and cold-winter climate. An integrated built-in device system, including photovoltaic roof, rainwater collection, sewage water degradation, and kitchen and bathroom appliances, offers a modern work environment for this off-grid station.
项目信息/Credits and Date
客户/Client: 世界自然基金会上海办公室,上海浦东新区林业站/WWF Shanghai Office & Forestry Station of Pudong New District
设计团队/Project Team: 深圳元远建筑科技发展有限公司(建筑设计)/朱竞翔,吴程辉,夏珩(建筑师)/ Shenzhen Yuan Yuan Architectural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Architectural Design)/ZHU Jingxiang, WU Chenghui, XIA Heng (Architects)
建筑面积/Floor Area: 92m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2012
摄影/Photos: 吴程辉/WU Chenghui