Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum and Villagers' Activity Center, Xinyang, China, 2014
Architects: HE Wei, CHEN Long, QI Honghai, HAN Xiaowei/School of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts
1 夜景/Night view
2 模型/Model
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 西河村村民合作社/Villager Cooperative of Xihe Village
设计团队/Project Team: 何崴(主持建筑师,中央美术学院建筑学院);陈龙(建筑设计,中央美术学院建筑学院);齐洪海(照明设计,远瞻照明设计有限公司);韩晓伟(照明设计,北京吉晟通科技有限公司);夏博洋(平面设计,中央美术学院设计学院)/ HE Wei (Principal architect , School of Architecture, CAFA); CHEN Long (Architecture design , School of Architecture, CAFA); QI Honghai (Lighting design, Z Design & Planning), HAN Xiaowei (Lighting design, Geston); XIA Boyang(Grafic design, School of Design, CAFA)
地点/Location: 河南省信阳市新县西河村大湾/Xihe Village Great Bay, Xin County, Xinyang City, Henan Province
用地面积/Site Area: 3760m2
建筑总面积/Gross Floor Area: 1532m2
博物馆建筑面积/Museum: 420m2
村民活动中心建筑面积/Villagers' Activity Center: 680m2餐厅建筑面积/Restaurant: 169m2
附属建筑面积/Affiliated Construction: 273m2
建筑总造价/Total Cost: 1,500,000 RMB
设计时间/Design Period: 2013-2014
摄影/Photos: 陈龙/Chen Long(Fig.1), 齐洪海/Qi Honghai(Fig. 3, 5),何崴/He Wei(Fig. 4, 8-13)
This project is situated in Xihe Village, Xin County, Xinyang city, Henan province, China. The village has a beautiful environment. However, it is economically underdeveloped and lacking in vitality. Being a typical left-behind village, most of its residents are unattended elderly and children. The aim of the project is to repair the environment, motivate vitality and revive the economy of the village.
Project funding comes from the government and the villagers' cooperative. The construction team is mainly formed by the left-behind villagers. The center will be run and managed by the villagers themselves after completion. This project is more like a public event. It prompts the villagers to stand together for the prosperity of the village. At the same time, it enables the village to find its true self through collective labor and industrial revitalization.
The architects also play the role of business planner. Combined with the local cash crops and the traditional craftsmanship, the design team draws up strategies for the village to develop products like organic camellia oil and Chinese chestnut etc. They also help to create a new brand "Xihe Good Oil" and design its logo for free. It is an important part and the starting point of the project to reconstruct collective economy and guide the villagers in managing the brand.
The project also tries to fix China's rural traditional organic agriculture and handicrafts. Advised by the designers, the villagers purchase and repair the only remaining and workable oil squeeze (with a history of 300 years) in the village, which has been restored for over 30 years.
After completion, Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum and Villagers' Activity Center consists of a small museum, a villagers' activity center and a restaurant. As expected, it will become a new public place for Xihe village and it will bring vitality. At the same time it will pull the economy forward and reshape rural industry. Judging from the consequences, all the aims have been achieved basically.
3 夜景/Night view
4 餐厅外景/Exterior view of the restaurant
5 内院夜景/Night view in the courtyard
6 平面/Floor plan
7 横剖透视/Perspective cross section
Jury Statement
As a new mode of village construction, this project is not a donation in traditional sense, but a mode of social participation that is built and managed by the villagers themselves. The architects reset the functions of the original idle building to provide a public activity space for the villagers and improve the quality of rural life. The design makes use of the existing building space, adopts local materials and construction methods, and follows the principle of cost control, making the project a typical case for sustainable rural evelopment.
8 博物馆南立面细部/Details on the south facade of the museum
9 改造后内院和新建连廊/The courtyard after renovation and the new corridor
10 博物馆内景/Interior view of the museum
11-13 传统手工榨油的工艺/Handmade oil extraction process