Bamboo Design in Taiyang Farming Commune, Hangzhou, China, 2014
Architects: CHEN Haoru/Citiarc Design Office
1 夜景/Night view
2 猪圈爆炸图/Exploded diagram of pigsty
3 鸡舍剖面/Section of henhouse
The core concept of this project is natural building. Native bamboo and thatch make up the main building materials. Animal behavior and rotational grazing were studied during the designing process. It was a cooperation between urban and rural areas to revive the local economy and handicraft industry through the construction of a series of buildings needed by the rural area in modern times.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 临安太阳公社生态农场/Taiyang Organic Farming Commune
设计团队/Project Team: 陈浩如,谢晨云,马成龙,王春威/CHEN Haoru, XIE Chenyun, MA Chenglong, WANG Chunwei
功能/Program: 猪圈,鸡舍,长亭/Pigsty, henhouse, pavilion
材料/Material: 青竹,溪坑石,茅草/Bamboo, thatch, stone
猪圈用地/Land Scale of Pigsty: 2000m2
猪圈面积/Area of Pigsty: 256m2
鸡舍面积/Area of Henhouse: 130m2
长亭面积/Area of Pavilion: 120m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2013
摄影/Photos: 吕恒中/LV Hengzhong