Jixi Museum, Jixi, China, 2013
Architects: LI Xinggang, ZHANG Yinxuan, ZHANG Zhe, XING Di/China Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.
1 鸟瞰/Aerial view
2.3 剖面/Section
4 展厅内景/Interior view of the exhibition
Jixi Museum is located in the north of the Jixi old town in Anhui Province. The entire building is covered under a continuous roof with undulating profile and texture that mimic the mountains and waterways surrounding the county. Once other buildings in the old town are restored to the traditional Hui style, the museum will fit in even more naturally within the overall townscape.
In order to preserve the existing trees on site as many as possible, multiple courtyards, patios and alleys are introduced into the overall layout of the building. Two waterways are designed along the alleys, eventually converging into the pool in the large courtyard at the main entrance. An introvert courtyard named as "Ming Tang" sits in the southern portion of the building. Directly opposite from the main entrance, there is a group of abstract rockery. A tourism route goes around "Ming Tang" and guides visitors to the "sightseeing platform" at the southeast corner of the building, where they can overlook the building's roof-scape, the courtyards and the mountains in a distance.
Triangular steel structural trusses adapt well to the undulating roof. Local building materials such as stones and clay roof tiles are used in modern and innovative ways to pay respect to history yet to respond to our present times.
项目信息/Credits and Date
客户/Client: 绩溪县文化局/Cultural Affairs Bureau of Jixi
设计团队/Project Team: 中国建筑设计院有限公司(建筑设计)/李兴钢,张音玄,张哲,邢迪,张一婷,易灵洁,钟曼琳(建筑师);王立波,杨威,梁伟(结构设计);李力,于超(景观设计)/China Architecture Design Institute Co., Ltd. (Architectural Design)/LI Xinggang, ZHANG Yinxuan, ZHANG Zhe, XING Di, ZHANG Yiting, YI Lingjie, ZHONG Manlin (Architects); WANG Libo, YANG Wei, LIANG Wei (Structure Design); LI Li, YU Chao (Landscape Design)
建筑面积/Floor Area: 10,003m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2009.11-2010.12
建造时间/Construction: 2010.12-2013.11
摄影/Photos: 夏至/XIA Zhi (Fig. 1, 4-6, 8, 9, 11),李兴刚工作室/Atelier LI Xinggang (Fig. 7)
5 二层游廊/Veranda on second floor
6 主庭院折桥/Zigzag in the main courtyard
7 山院/Mountain courtyard
9 序言厅内景/Interior view of the preface hall
10 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
11 建筑屋顶与远山/View of distant mountains over the roof
Jury Statement:
The project systematically responds to and solves issues caused by conservation, renewal, and revitalization of old towns. The design gives consideration on various aspects, including literature, philosophy, art, and space, and tries to build up connections among them. Moreover, it confronts changes in contemporary and future lives in an active way. To adapt to the scale of the old town, the project is designed as a settlement with rich changes in the roof's profile and courtyard's layout but in a controlled manner, instead of confining itself within the conventional rules. More importantly, it showcases the elegant cultural character of this small town, and elaborates and promotes the quality and confidence of the culture and history possessed by such small Chinese towns with a regional perspective. The concept of the design is to transform the life of ordinary people, the elegance of culture, and the natural environment into a foreseeable and localized vision for the future.