Pavilion of Visional Technology at the International Horticultural Exposition 2014, Qingdao, China, 2014
Architects: FU Xiao/School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University-Integrated Architecture Studio
1 主入口/Main entrance
2 总平面/Site plan
3 建筑隐于自然/The building hidden in the nature
4 绿坡屋面与自然山体形成良好的衔接/Good connection between green roof and natural mountain
5 西侧鸟瞰/Aerial view from west
6 剖面/Section
The pavilion of visional technology at the International Horticultural Exposition 2014 Qingdao is located on the highest position overlooking the whole garden. It is used for technology exhibition, with the aim to present the transition of nature by means of high technology.
Conception: Comply with the terrain, conform to nature. Strategy: (1)Transition: By making full use of the difference in height of the terrain, we reduce the height and the volume of the building to create a good transition between the building and nature. (2)Form: Though the building is use for high-tech exhibition, we do not give it a strange high-tech image. "Conform to nature" is considered as the most appropriate high technology for nature. (3)Energy saving: Methods of passive energy saving are fully adopted, including green roof, well-ventilated courtyard, skylight ventilator, tubular daylighting system, rainwater collecting system and permeable ground. (4)Light, Combined with the characteristics of the terrain, the visiting route is designed to be a journey along the spatial transition of bright-dimbright: Starting from the outdoor plaza, going downwards along the aisle into the high-tech exhibition hall and the 4D video hall, then going upwards by the stairs to the ground. Finally the scene suddenly becomes bright open and the whole garden is within view.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 2014青岛世界园艺博览会组委会/The Organizing Committee of the International Horticultural Exposition 2014 Qingdao
设计团队/Project Team: 南京大学建筑规划设计研究院有限公司/青岛市旅游规划建筑设计研究院(合作设计)/傅筱(方案主创);傅筱,陆春(工程主持);施琳,李辉(建筑施工图设计);陈佳(结构);朱小伟(电气);王成(暖通);丁玉宝(给排水)/Architecture Design Institute, Nanjing University/Qingdao Tourism Planning and Architecture Designing Institute (Collaborators)/FU Xiao (Principal architect); FU Xiao, LU Chun (Project director); SHI Lin, LI Hui (Construction drawing); CHEN Jia (Structure); ZHU Xiaowei (Electric); WANG Cheng (HVAC); DING Yubao (Drainage)
建筑面积/Floor Area: 2850m²
设计时间/Design Period: 2011.06-2011.12
摄影/Photos: 侯博文/HOU Bowen (Fig.1, 3, 10, 12),姚力/ YAO Li (Fig.4, 5, 7)
7 山顶俯瞰园区/Aerial view from the mountain
8 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
9地下层平面/Underground floor plan
10 内景/Interior view
Jury Statement
With a modest attitude, this project takes the site into consideration and makes use of the natural environment. Accordingly appropriate energysaving measures are taken to integrate the building with nature, so as to create an exhibition space that can provide rich experience for the visitors. Owing to the respect for natural environment, the building retreats to the back of nature and enters the site with modest friendliness, presenting itself as a "hidden building".
11 横剖透视/Perspective cross section
12 从道路看建筑与山体/Exterior view from the road