Stepped Courtyards, Fuzhou, China, 2013
Stepped Courtyards, Fuzhou, China, 2013
Architects: LI Hu, HUANG Wenjing/OPEN Architecture
1 入口/Entrance
This project is the staff dormitory for the relocation of Net Dragon Company to their new campus. Not far from the ocean, the open site is virtually a tabula rasa with neither much context, nor defined physical boundary. The idea is to create a collective living commune with introverted and semi-autonomous forms that foster a strong sense of community. Three square-shaped buildings with large central courtyards are arranged on the site at different angles. The form is inspired by the square Tulou, a local vernacular residential typology in Fujian province employed by early migrants from the inland.
2 外景/Exterior view
Stepping down in different ways according to wind and views, the three buildings each provides a series of carefully landscaped open terraces to be shared by the residents. This also opens up the otherwise enclosed central courtyards to the surrounding natural environment, be it the mountain or the ocean. Commune residents can enjoy their free time together on these terraces with great views. Circulation is organized on the courtyard side, with connections to all shared terraces.
The three stepped courtyard blocks are lifted off the ground to allow free air circulation and foot traffic from the outside. The ground is designed with complex topography to form different mounds with varied geometries that appear to support the buildings above. Ancillary facilities for the dorms, such as gyms, laundry rooms, cafeteria, and convenient stores, are accommodated in these landscaped mounds with storefronts open to the central courtyards.
Communal living and social interaction are of particular significance to the employees who are immersed in creating the virtual fantasy world every day, subconsciously becoming part of it otherwise. The once prevalent socialist communal living is reinterpreted here in a totally new context. More importantly, staffs in different positions are living together equally, sharing the same resources and public spaces, which reflects and stimulates further changes to the culture of the company.
项目信息/Credits and Date
客户/Client: 福建天晴在线互动科技有限公司/Fujian TQ Online Interactive Inc.
设计团队/Project Team: OPEN建筑事务所(建筑设计)/李虎,黄文菁,周亭婷,陈逸岚,汪剑柃,戚征东,李强,陈忱,崔雨柔/OPEN Architects (Architectural Design)/LI Hu, HUANG Wenjing, ZHOU Tingting, Laurence CHAN, WANG Jianling, QI Zhengdong, LI Qiang, CHEN Chen, Yurou Cynthia CUI
合作设计院/Cooperative design institute: 时代建筑设计院(福建)有限公司/Times Architectural Design institute (Fujian) Co. Ltd
建筑面积/Floor Area: 38,203m2
设计时间/Design period: 2011-2014
摄影/Photos: 金波安/JIN Boan
3 庭院/Courtyard
4 外景/Exterior view
5 朝向庭院的走廊/ Corridor towards the courtyard
6 外景/Exterior view
7 夜景/Night view
8 轴测示意/Axonometric diagram
9.10 朝向庭院的走廊/ Corridor towards the courtyard
11 楼梯间的局部/Detail of the staircase
Jury Statement
Conducted under the constraint of a highly intensive layout, the project makes full use of the limited design resources, creating not only a large amount of public open space, but also an enriched and diversified landscape. In the meantime, it builds an underlying link with the local traditional architecture. With refined design quality, this project well presents the core value of the H/WA Housing Award.
12 五层平面/Floor 4 plan
13 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
14 局部立面/Partial elevation
15.16 内景/Interior view
17 门厅楼梯/Lobby stairs
18 庭院内景/Courtyard view