(西北民族大学数学与计算机科学学院,甘肃 兰州 730030)
中图分类号:O175.12 文献标志码:A
次线性条件指[9],存在f,g∈L1(0,T;R+),0≤α<1 ,使得
定义1 [9]设X为Banach空间,称泛函φ∈C1(X,R)满足(PS)条件是指对任何点列{un}⊂X,由{φ(un)}有界,φ′(un)→0蕴含{un}有收敛子列.
引理1 [13]设φ∈C1(X,R)满足(PS)条件,又是偶函数,φ(0)=0.
[2]TANGChunlei.ANoteonPeriodicSolutionsofSecondOrderSystems[J].Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.,2003,132:1 295-1 393.
[3]ZHANGXingyong,TANGXianhua.PeriodicSolutionsforanOrdinaryp-LaplacianSystem[J].TaiwaneseJournalofMathematics,2011,15(3):1 369-1 396.
[6]TANGChunlei.PeriodicSolutionsforSecondOrderSystemswithSublinearNonlinearity[J].ProceedingsoftheAmericanMathematicalSociety,1998,126:3 263-3 270.
[12]TANGXianhua,XIAOLi.HomoclinicSolutionsforaClassofSecondOrderHamiltonianSystems[J].NonlinearAnalsis,2009,71(3):1 140-1 151.
Multiplicity of Periodic Solution of a Class of Non-Automous
Second Order System at Resonance
ZHANG Huanhuan
(College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Northwest University for Nationalities,Lanzhou 730030,China)
Abstract:The existence of periodic solutions for non-automous second order systems at resonance is investigated.With the sub-linear increase of the non-linear term,the periodic solutions of the system are converted into the critical points of a functional defined on a proper space,and the existence of periodic solutions is proved through the critical point theory.
Key words:non-autonomous second order systems;critical point theory;periodic solutions;resonance;critical point
Article ID:1007-2985(2015)05-0021-06
Mittag-Leffler Stability of a Class of Fractional
Order Hopfield Neural Networks
Received date:2014-11-26
Biography:LIU Xiaolei(1983—),male,was born in Weifang City,Shandong Province,master of science,lecture;research area are fractional order dynamic systems and neural networks.
LIU Xiaolei,MA Cuiling,HAO Shuyan
Abstract:In this paper,we investigate the Mittag-Leffler stability of a class of fractional order Hopfield neural network with Caputo derivative.By using the Mittag-Leffler function,we get some sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium point and its Mittag-Leffler stability for the fractional order Hopfield neural networks.Finally,we use one numerical simulation example to illustrate the correctness and effectiveness of our results.
Key words:fractional order neural networks;Mittag-Leffler function;Mittag-Leffler stability
CLC number:O211.29Document code:A
The subject of fractional calculus was planted over 300 years ago.In recent years,fractional calculus has played a significant role in many areas of science and engineering[1-3].The necessary and sufficient stability conditions for linear fractional differential equations (FDEs) and linear time-delayed FDEs have already been obtained in ref. [4-6].The stability of nonlinear fractional order system for Caputo’s derivative is studied in ref. [7-9].
Currently,some excellent results about fractional-order neural networks have been investigated[10-13].Particularly,Yu Juan et al[13]studiedα-stability andα-synchronization for fractional-order Hopfield neural networks as follows:
where 0<α<1,ncorresponds to the number of units in the neural networks;xi(t) corresponds to the state of theith unit at timet;gj(t) denotes the activation function of thejth neuron;aijdenotes the constant connection weight of thejth neuron on theith neuron;ci>0 represents the rate with which theith neuron will reset its potential to the resting state when disconnected from the network andIidenotes external inputs.
In this paper,by putting the systems translating into the nonlinear Volterra integral equation of the second kind,and making use of the existence and uniqueness Theorem of FDEs and a weakly singular discrete Gronwall inequality to prove the Mittag-Leffler stability of the Hopfield neural networks,which is the generation of the exponential stability.And when 0<α<1,the asymptotic rate of convergence for the system approaching the equilibrium point is faster than the exponential stability.
The remained of this paper is organized as follows:in section 2,some necessary definitions and lemmas are presented;in section 3,we give some sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium point and its Mittag-Leffler stability for a class of fractional order Hopfield neural networks by using the Mittag-Leffler function;in section 4,one example and corresponding numerical simulation are used to illustrate the validity and feasibility of the results obtained in section 3.
There are several definitions of a fractional derivative of orderα,which is the extended concept of integer order derivative.The commonly used definitions are Grunwald-Letnikov,Riemann-Liouville,and Caputo definitions.In this section,we will recall the definition of Caputo fractional derivative and the several important lemmas.
Definition 1[14]The Caputo fractional derivative of orderα∈R+of a functionx(t) is defined as
Consider the Cauchy problem of the following fractional differential equation:
where x=(x1,x2,…,xn)T∈Rn,0<α<1,and f:[0,+∞)×Rn→Rnis continuous int.
Definition 2[15]LetB⊂Rnbe a domain containing the origin.The zero solution of (2) is said to be Mittag-Leffler stable if
Definition 3[16]The constant x*is an equilibrium point of the Caputo fractional dynamic system (2) if and only iff(t,x*)=0 for anyt∈[0,+∞).
Lemma 1[17]Consider the following equation
The homotopy perturbation technique yields that the initial value problem (3) be equivalent to the nonlinear Volterra integral equation of the second kind
In particular,if 0<α<1,then eq. (4) can be written in the following form
Lemma 2[18]Letx(t) be a continuous and nonnegative function ont∈[0,T].If
where 0≤α<1 andψ(t) is a nonnegative,monotonic increasing function ont∈[0,T],andMis a constant,then x(t)≤ψ(t)E1-α(MΓ(1-α)t1-α).
Lemma 3[14]Let 0≤α<1 andf(t,x):[0,+∞)×Rn→Rnbe a function such that,for allt∈[0,+∞) and for allx1,x2∈G⊂Rn,
whereA>0 does not depend ont∈[0,+∞),then there exists a unique solution x(t) to the Cauchy problem in theC[0,+∞).
In this section,we suppose that the fractional order Hopfield neural networks satisfies the following conditions:
(A1)gj(j=1,2,…,n) are Lipschtiz-continuous on (-∞,+∞) with Lipschtiz constantsLj>0,i.e.,|gj(ξ)-gj(η)|≤Lj|ξ-η|,for allξ,η∈(-∞,+∞);
Letλ=min{λ1,λ2,…,λn},l=max{l1,l2,…,ln},then we haveλ>0,l<1.
Theorem 1Under the assumptions (A1) and (A2),system (1) has a unique equilibrium point.
By the assumptions (A1) and (A2),we have
It shows that ‖Φ(u)-Φ(v)‖ So the conclusion of the theorem is correct. Theorem 2Under the assumptions (A1) and (A2),the unique equilibrium point of system (1) is Mittag-Leffler stable. (6) By the lemma 3 and the assumption (A1),the solution of the system (6) exists and is unique.It is easy to see thatei(t)≡0 is a solution of the system (6);therefore we haveei(t)ei(0)>0 fort∈[0,+∞).We divide our discussion into two cases. Case 1Ifei(0)>0,thenei(t)>0 fort∈[0,+∞).From (5) in lemma 1,we have Case 2Ifei(0)<0,thenei(t)<0 fort∈[0,+∞).It is similar to the case 1,we have Therefore, From case 1 and case 2,we get the inequality By lemma 2,we have which shows that the system (1) is Mittag-Leffler stable. In the system (1),let x(0)=(x1(0),x2(0),x3(0))T=(0.1,0.1,0.1)T, thenthesystem(1)satisfiestheconditionsoftheorem1andtheorem2;thereforeithastheuniqueMittag-Lefflerstableequilibriumpoint(seefig. 1). a x 1(t) plane b x 2(t) plane c x 3(t) plane Reference: [1] IGOR PODLUBNY.Geometric and Physical Interpretation of Fractional Integration and Fractional Differentiation[J].Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis,2002,5(4):367-386. [2] J TENREIRO MACHADO,VIRGINIA KIRYAKOVA,FRANCESCO MAINARDI.Recent History of Fractional Calculus[J].Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.,2011,16:1 140-1 153. [3] SAMKO G,KILBAS A A,MARICHEV O I.Fractional Integrals and Derivatives:Theory and Applications[M].Yverdon:Gordon & Breach,1993. [4] BONNET C,PARTINGTON J R.Coprime Factorizations and Stability of Fractional Differential Systems[J].Syst. Control Lett.,2000,41:167-174. [5] DENG Weihua,LI Changpin,LV Jinhu.Stability Analysis of Linear Fractional Differential System with Multiple Time-Delays[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2007,48(4):409-416. [6] LI Changpin,DENG Weihua.Remarks on Fractional Derivatives[J].Applied Mathematic and Computation,2007,187(2):777-784. [7] SADATI S J,BALEANU D,RANJBAR A,et al.Mittag-Leffler Stability Theorem for Fractional Nonlinear Systems with Delay[EB/OL].[2014-09-22].http:∥dx.doi.org/10.1155/2010/108651. [8] LIU L,ZHONG S.Finite-Time Stability Analysis of Fractional Order with Multi-State Time Delay[J].Word Acad. Sci.,Eng. Technol.,2011,76:874-877. [10] AREFEH BOROOMAND,MOHANMMAD B MENHAJ.Fractional-Order Hopfield Neural Networks[J].Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2009,5 506:883-890. [11] HADI DELAVARI,DUMITRU BALEANU,JALIL SADATI.Stability Analysis of Caputo Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems Revisited[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2012,67(4):2 433-2 439. [12] CHEN Liping,CHAI Yi,WU Ranchao,et al.Dynamic Analysis of a Class of Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Delay[J].Neurocomputing,2013,111:190-194. [13] YU Juan,HU Cheng,JIANG Haijun.α-Stability andα-Synchronization for Fractional-Order Neural Networks[J].Neural Networks,2012,35:82-87. [14] ANATOLY A KILBAS,HARI M SRIVASTAVA,JUAN J TRUJILLO.Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations[M].North-Holland:Elsevier,2006. [15] LI Yan,CHEN Yangquan,IGOR PODLUBNY.Mittag-Leffler Stability of Fractional Order Nonlinear Dynamic Systems[J].Automatica,2009,45:1 965-1 969. [16] HADI DELAVARI,DUMITRU BALEANU,JALIL SADATI.Stability Analysis of Caputo Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems Revisited[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2012,67(4):2 433-2 439. [17] K SAYEVAND,A GOLBABAI,AHMET YILDIRIM.Analysis of Differential Equations of Fractional Order[J].Applied Mathematical Modelling,2012,36(9):4 356-4 364. [18] J A DIXON,S MCKEE.Weakly Singular Discrete Gronwall Inequalities[J].Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics:Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik,1986,66(11):535-544.4 Illustrative Examples