
2015-12-13 10:30:00建筑设计邵韦平刘宇光北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司
世界建筑 2015年1期







中国外交部于2005年8月举办了大使馆建筑设计竞赛,我们设计团队经过反复思考,提出了 “融于自然”的设计方案并一举中标,应该说这么好的自然环境是我们在国内做设计时很少能碰到的,因此在突出建筑还是突出环境的价值上,作了大胆尝试。方案将官邸、办公、公寓按照围合布局组成3个独立单元体,由南至北选择林间空地布置,建筑掩映在树林当中,行成蜿蜒的空间序列,点缀在环境当中。








1 官邸东侧花园/Eastern view of the mansion

2 总面积/Site plan

3 模型/Model

Environment of Garden City

China's new embassy in Australia is based in Yarralumla, Canberra. The original one is located to the east across the road which was built in the early 1990s. The new embassy is adjacent to Lake Burley Griffin to the north and the famous Parliament House to the south. The site and its surroundings are all part of the city garden.

Australia's new capital of Canberra was planned and designed by W.B. Griffin, an architect of the American Chicago school. He created a garden city featured with low density. At the United Nations Conference on Environmental Protection, Canberra was hailed as a model city that is barely polluted.The project site for China's new embassy in Australia is covered with dense tree grove, among which 35 trees are required to be preserved by the Australian government.

China Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a design competition for the embassy building in August, 2005. Based on thorough consideration, our design team put forward the proposal of "dissolving in nature" which won the bid. It is noted that such a good natural environment is not common for domestic projects. We made a bold attempt in deciding on whether to emphasize the value of the building or the environment. The mansion, offices and apartments are distributed into three independent units which are designed in an enclosed layout. They are arranged in glades among the woods from south to north, forming a meandering spatial sequence nestled in the environment.

New & traditional architecture

The design team went to Australia for site investigation in December, 2005. At that time, FU Ying, the Chinese ambassador to Australia, put great attention on this project and specially arranged a meeting between the design team and the local architects to help team members understand the local architectural features, in the hope that the design shall reflect both a new and traditional style of contemporary China.

Traditionally, the main office building of the Chinese Embassy is located at the main entrance to present a unique image. However, the new Chinese Embassy in Australia is different, leaving the most important entrance location to the mansion. The first story of the mansion is made up of various spaces for foreign affairs activities. These spaces can be divided or integrated based on need of large social event. The second story is living area for the ambassador, which combines a lot of outdoor and semi-outdoor spaces into the roof garden, creating relatively private spaces. The unification of indoor and outdoor spaces provides the guests the experience of the Chinese philosophy "harmony between heaven and man". The main space is left for nature and human activities, and the architecture becomes part of the space.

Canberra has relatively high elevation and strong solar radiation. Therefore, the design adopted the unified roof scaffolding as the "umbrella", using gray space to control the light and to avoid extreme hot or cold situations. It conveys the means of traditional Chinese architecture dealing with the natural environment, while sets a contrast between the traditional appearance of the original embassy building.

Modular prefabricated assembly system

4 官邸南立面/Exterior view, south facade of the mansion

5 剖面/Section

6 官邸首层平面/Floor 0 plan, mansion 7 官邸二层平面/Floor 1 plan, mansion

Due to the special needs of the embassy project, building materials need be purchased and processed in China and transported to the site for installation. In order to reduce the workload on-site and improve the assembly quality, we designed the entire project with a steel prefabricated assembly system. A modular grid system is adopted, which strictly controls the division of interface and the integration of various design systems.

Since the beginning of the new century, China's diplomatic strategy has bee in constant adjustment. Chinese embassies abroad have become important carriers to display China's development and achievements. Australia has a deep-rooted architectural culture and advanced technologies. It is a greater challenge for Chinese architects to design projects in such a country. The project shall not only represent the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture, but also show current development trend of world architecture design. After nearly a decade, the new embassy building was finally completed in March, 2014, becoming a new window for China to the Oceania.

8 官邸西立面/Exterior view, west facade of the mansion

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目总负责人/Principal Architect: 邵韦平/SHAO Weiping主持人/Project Architects: 刘宇光,王宇,冯冰凌/LIU Yuguang, WANG Yu, FENG Bingling

建筑设计团队/Project Team: 国夫,顾知春,杨坤,潘辉,卫江/GUO Fu, GU Zhichun, YANG Kun, PAN Hui, WEI Jiang结构工程师/Structural Engineer: 郑辉/ZHENG Hui

设备工程师/Mechanical Engineer: 侯宇/HOU Yu

电气工程师/Electrical Engineer: 张力/ZHANG Li

室内设计师/Interior Designer: 杨奕,唐立果/YANG Yi, TANG Liguo

弱电工程师/Wear Current Engineer: 梅百顺,秦艳丽/MEI Baishun, QIN Yanli

照明设计师/Lighting Designer: 卢哲/LU Zhe

经济专业/Economics: 张鴒,徐凤玲/ZHANG Ling, XU Fengling用地面积/Site Area: 1.85hm2

总建筑面积/Floor Area: 6858m2

占地面积/Building Area: 2650m2

建筑物层数/Floors: 2-3

容积率/FAR: 0.37

建筑密度/Density: 15.30%

摄影/Photos: 刘宇光/LIU Yuguang

7 屋顶平台/Roof terrace



在1950-1960年代,格罗庇乌斯、 沙里宁、斯东、贝聿明、约翰•约翰逊等著名建筑师都曾受邀参与了美国驻外使馆的建筑设计,那个时期美国的新建使馆有宣示民主观念的政治任务,其安全性也以防“谍”为主,尚未面临地缘政治和恐怖主义的巨大压力,因此开放性的现代主义语言得以与地域特征结合,产生了出色的作品。与之相近的是,21世纪初的中国也有对外展示国力提升和自信开放的需求。在这一背景下,新建的驻澳使馆无疑代表了一种值得倡导的新风气。


8 茶亭/Tea pavilion9.10 屋顶平台/Roof terrace


ZHU Xiaofeng: Three buildings are dispersed in the green space to protect existing trees on site. From the main entrance going southward, there are the ambassador's mansion, the office building, and the apartment building, which are all interconnected through corridors. Instead of creating a monumental axis in site plan or function arrangement, the design gives priority to human activities (in-house use and outside visits) and the natural environment. The design of the ambassador's mansion, which is the focus of the project, fully reflects the above design principle. By using traditional Chinese architectural elements of the courtyard, spaces with different characteristics are divided, including public from private, open from enclosed, service from being served. Several small semi-outdoor courtyards are formed, providing people opportunities to relax in, communicate, and interact with nature. Different from the fortresslike embassy buildings, this project successfully achieves a balance between the solid and the transparent, fulfills requirements on security and privacy while presents an open gesture, and represents the concept of nature in traditional Chinese culture.

During 1950s-1960s, many famous architects were invited to design American embassies abroad, including Walter Gropius, Eero Saarinen, Edward Durell Stone, Ieoh Ming Pei, and John Johansen. At that time, the political task of American embassies was to promote democratic ideologies. The primary security threat was from "spies", without the current huge pressure from geopolitics and terrorism. As a result, the architects were able to combine modern architectural language with the local regional characteristics, producing many extraordinary works. Similarly, in the early 21st century, China needs showcase its national capacity with a confident and open gesture. Under such circumstance, the newly constructed Chinese Embassy in Australia undoubtedly represents a refreshing new trend which shall be promoted.

PENG Nu: The building complex keep place for existing trees, and takes courtyard as the prototype, forming three units of varied volumes in the site. Based on the hipped roof, the prefabricated steel structure of the residence forms a complicated complex of ABCBA. The compartment C on the ground floor, made up of 4 halls, in collusion with the circulation space of compartment B, reproduces the traditional Chinese courtyard, which highlights a peculiar relationship among hall, yard and corridor. In the meantime, the northern volume of the ground floor and the western volume of the first floor break the closure of the courtyard in two directions, through which the architects express their design pursuit of "new but still Chinese". The vertical partition of facade is not related to its structure.

China's Embassy in Australia, Canberra, Australia, 2014

Architects: SHAO Weiping, LIU Yuguang/Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Co.,Ltd

堪培拉趣味 农展会开幕
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