1 屋顶合院/Courtyard on roof
In recent years, under the development of China's international trade and economic cooperation and rapid increase of overseas business, the office buildings of Chinese Ministry of Commerce worldwide are faced with new challenges, including a shortage of office space and a lack of national image as a window for China towards the outside world. In 2007, Tsinghua Architectural Design and Research Institute was appointed by Chinese Ministry of Commerce to design its office building in Indonesia, with goals to expand working space and to create a positive national image. Therefore, the design team carried out an on-site investigation and communicated with the urban planning administration in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Although the total area of the project is only around 3000 square meters, it went through as long as 7 years from design to completion due to measures taken to comply with the local planning laws and regulations. It was finally completed in August, 2014, and put into use. The Office Building of Chinese Ministry of Commerce in Indonesia is located in the central area of the capital city of Jakarta. The project site is 65 meters long from north to south and 49 meters wide from east to west, with the main entrance on the east side. The Embassy of the People's Republic of China sits to the east and the ambassador's residence to the south. On the west, there are low-story residential buildings, with high-rise apartments and hotels to the northeast and southeast.
The design was initiated upon contemplation of the nature of the project as "an exclave". The expression of the twofold meaning of an exclave's regionality is carried out through the entire design process, i.e., located overseas, the architecture shall adapt to the local climate and environment that is distinctively "Right There"; meanwhile, it shall also represent the culture and spirit of its homeland that is "Right Here".
"Right There"-Representation of climate and environment in the foreign place: the project is composed of two functions, namely office and dwelling. Responding to the surrounding city context, the design separates the above two functions in a distributed layout, which is in harmony with the original Embassy building and forms a middle-scaled urban landscape between the high-rise hotels and the low-story residential buildings. Double layered roof with grille and double layered facade with sunshades are designed to adapt to local climate while ensuring privacy for working and living space. Since the project is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the north facade is exposed to the sun. We designed a total of 128 shading panels, 48 of which are sliding panels.
"Right Here"-Representation of culture and spirit in the homeland: the design aims to reveal Chinese traditional cultures and contemporary spiritual quality in different aspects. The entrance canopy, windowpanes and hallway skylight are embodied with traditional Chinese patterns. The reinterpretation of Chinese traditional courtyard space and its connotation are best expressed in the entrance "Zhaiyuan" (a narrow courtyard), as well as the semi-enclosed space surrounded by corridors on the roof and residential space to the north. Additionally, the unpredictability and diversity of the building form expressed through richly changing light and shadows created by sliding sunshadesimply the open and diversified culture and spirit of contemporary China
3 总平面/Site plan
4 办公楼与宿舍间的内庭院/Courtyard between the office building and dormitory
The concept of "Right Here" and "Right There" is not only expressed in the final design, but also adopted as realities through the entire process from design to completion. For instance, local timber was initially specified for exterior sunshades, but was eventually replaced by metal to fulfill the demand of presenting a more enduring image of the Chinese government. The main gate was originally designed as semi-solid due to safety concerns, but was changed to a upper-hallow lower-solid gate because of requirements of the local planning regulations. Above all, architecture design at exclaves shall not only synthesize the duality of "Right Here" and "Right There", but also balance their differences. As such, it becomes a typical interactive design and construction process between "Right Here" and "Right There".
5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
6 三层平面/Floor 2 plan
7 四层平面/Floor 3 plan
8 办公楼入口窄院/Entrance of the office building
9 南立面/South elevation
10 东立面/East elevation
11 从办公楼屋顶合院门廊看宿舍/View of the dormitory from the courtyard on the roof of office building
12.13 双层立面图示/Diagram, double-layer facade
王昀:中国商务部驻印尼商务馆舍的设计从当地的气候入手,选取拥有遮阳功能的可移动遮阳窗板作为“本土”文化的联想触发装置,巧妙地避开了“装饰性面板”的困扰。遮阳窗板的可推拉与变换性,增加了建筑本身的装置性特征。而从西南角鸟瞰该商务馆舍与其周边的几栋“过往”建筑,感受到随时代而变化着的关于如何表述“中国”的思考 。
14 宿舍楼双层立面/Double-layer facade of the dormitory
15 办公楼双层屋面/Double-layer roof, office building
16 双层屋面图示/Diagram, double-layer roof
17 剖面/Section
WANG Yun: The design of the Office Building of the Ministry of Commerce of China in Indonesia is based on analysis of the local climate. The installation of sliding shade panels as the trigger to remind people of "local" culture, avoids problems caused by the "decorative panel" in a delicate way. The movable and changeable nature of the shade panels adds the assembling characteristics to the architecture. Overlooking from the southwest towards the new building and the nearby "original" buildings, one can see the changing representations of the "Chinese" character as time goes by.
QING Feng: Louis Kahn used double-layer roof and double-layer wall in his design for the United States Consulate in Luanda, Angola, to prevent the extreme heat and sunshine. This motif became dominant in his later works. Similar conditions led to similar solutions in this project. Besides these climate considerations, there is another cultural dimension – the transitional area in traditional Chinese architectural interface created by window lattice, extended eave and open corridor. It clearly softens the rigid volume of the building, and gives it an additional depth and cultural meaning.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 中华人民共和国商务部/Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
主持建筑师/Principal Architects:单军,刘玉龙/SHAN Jun, LIU Yulong
建筑设计团队/Project Team: 铁雷,王育娟,赵瞳,孙显,程晓曦,吴艳,王鑫,康茜,王飞/TIE Lei, WANG Yujuan, ZHAO Tong, SUN Xian, CHENG Xiaoxi, WU Yan, WANG Xin, KANG Qian, WANG Fei
建设单位/Contractor: 北京城建集团有限责任公司/Beijing Urban Construction Group Co. Ltd
建筑面积/Floor Area: 3160m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2007-2012
摄影/Photos: 铁雷/TIE Lei
Office Building of Chinese Ministry of Commerce in Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2014
Architects: SHAN Jun, LIU Yulong/Tsinghua Architecture School, Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University