管飞 钱俊 倪艳
目的 采用45°斜轴平面内法与长轴平面内法超声引导下行颈内静脉穿刺置管术,比较两种超声引导方式的优缺点。方法 选取60例需行颈内静脉穿刺置管患者,采用随机的分组方式将患者平均分为两组,每组30例,对比两种超声引导方法的优缺点。结果 45°斜轴平面内法与长轴平面内法的首次穿刺成功率对比,P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。结论 45°斜轴平面内法在首次穿刺成功率上优于长轴平面内法,并且不易损伤动脉。
45°斜轴平面内法比长轴平面内法的首次穿刺成功率高,P <0.05,差异具有统计学意义。见表2。
表1 两组患者一般情况比较(n=30)
表2 两组患者穿刺效果及并发症比较(n=30)
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Comparison the Application of 45 Degree Oblique Axis Plane and Long Axis Plane Method in Ultrasound Guided Internal Jugular Vein Puncture Tube
GUAN Fei QIAN Jun NI Yan, Changzhou City Wujin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Changzhou 213161, China
Objective To investigate the application effects of 45 degree oblique axis and long axis method in ultrasound guided internal jugular vein puncture tube. Methods Selected 60 of internal jugular vein puncturetube were divided into two groups, each group had 30 cases,comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of ultrasound guided method. Results Compared the success rate of the first puncture between the 45 degree oblique axis group and long axis group, P<0.05, was difference had statistically significance. Conclusion 45 degree oblique axis plane method is superior to the long axis plane method in the success rate of the fist puncture,and is not easy to damage the artery.
45 degree oblique axis, Long axis, Ultrasound guidance, Internal jugular vein puncture tube
选取我院需行颈内静脉穿刺置管的拟行择期下肢骨科手术患者60例,ASA分级Ⅱ或Ⅲ级,无凝血时间延长,年龄30~92岁,体重45~80 kg,性别不限,随机将其分为45°斜轴组(A组)和长轴组(B组),各30例。比较两组患者的性别构成、年龄、体重,P>0.05,差异不具有统计学意义。见表1。
患者入室后监测BP、HR、SpO2,仰卧位,头后仰并偏左30°,常规消毒铺单后,A组使用8~13 MHz高分辨率探头,探头涂耦合剂并套无菌护套后,垂直于血管放置(即横切面)寻找到动静脉血管位置后,再将探头旋转45°,使动静脉均能在屏幕上被观察到,在超声平面内穿刺颈内静脉后置管并固定。B组将超声探头垂直于血管放置(即横切面)寻找到颈内静脉位置后,将颈内静脉置于探头中央,再将探头随颈内静脉旋转90°,找寻最宽的颈内静脉长轴,在超声平面内穿刺颈内静脉后置管并固定。两组操作结束后均再次检查深静脉导管位置,确保无误后贴膜再固定,所有操作均由操作熟练的主治医师以上职称麻醉医师完成,操作完成后记录两组首次穿刺成功率、穿刺失败率、气胸、误伤动脉率。