
2015-11-30 11:53:25米斌周冯翠菊祁云平薛永红华北科技学院基础部北京060西北师范大学物电学院甘肃兰州730070
计算物理 2015年1期

米斌周,冯翠菊,祁云平,丁 东,薛永红(.华北科技学院基础部,北京 060;.西北师范大学物电学院,甘肃兰州 730070)



米斌周1,冯翠菊1,祁云平2,丁 东1,薛永红1
(1.华北科技学院基础部,北京 101601;2.西北师范大学物电学院,甘肃兰州 730070)



0 引言

近年来,在纳米科技蓬勃发展的背景下,低维磁性材料研究引起了科学家们的极大兴趣.为了研究二维和一维磁性系统的磁化行为和物理机制,人们发展了不同的理论技术方法.文献[1]采用自旋动力学方法研究了磁偶极相互作用表现的边界效应对小尺寸正方形铁磁薄膜的磁化翻转过程的影响,文献[2]采用Monte Carlo模拟对自旋为1/2的一维钻石链反铁磁Ising系统的磁化进行研究,文献[3]采用变分法研究了具有反铁磁界面交换耦合的铁磁/反铁磁双层膜系统中交换偏置场和矫顽力场随冷却场的变化等.在众多的理论方法中,涉及多体格林函数法的研究相对较少.由于多体格林函数法考虑了量子涨落效应[4-12]并且可以从低温到高温统一地处理铁磁理论问题,此方法运用于处理海森伯磁性系统被证明是非常成功的[6-9,12-19],因而具有更加诱人的吸引力.对于一个海森伯磁性系统,人们成功地运用量子统计理论的多体格林函数方法求出磁化强度随温度的变化,有一个对于任意自旋量子数S都适用的普遍公式[4-6].内能是热力学系统的基本物理量.在量子统计力学中,内能就是哈密顿量的系综平均值.文献[7]严格给出了S=1/2,1时铁磁体的内能公式.文献[8]给出了一个铁磁系统对于任意自旋量子数都适用的考虑横向关联函数时比较严格的内能表达式.文献[9]利用多体格林函数方法计算了单壁铁磁纳米管的内能,并与二维平面的情况做了比较.其


1 模型、方法和计算公式


其中,第一项是海森伯交换相互作用项,下标i、j表示格点,Jij表示格点i、j之间的交换积分.本文只考虑最近邻交换作用,求和遍及所有最近邻格点,设最近邻格点间的交换积分Jij=J.J<0表示铁磁交换,J>0则表示反铁磁交换.最近邻格点间的距离设为a.第二项是单离子各向异性项,D是各向异性强度,也称为各向异性场.由于各向同性的海森伯模型在二维和一维情况下是没有自发磁化的[10-11],要加上各向异性项才会出现自发磁化,即低于三维情形时(1)式中的D必须不为零.一般认为D比 |J| 小两个数量级.第三项是有外磁场时的能量.本文设玻尔兹曼常数kB=1,则交换强度J、各向异性强度D、外磁场Bz和温度T等参量都是无量纲的量.本文的数值计算中取:|J |=100,D=1,2,5.



1.1 铁磁能量的计算公式









1.2 反铁磁能量的计算公式










2 数值结果和讨论

不加外磁场时,将铁磁(或反铁磁)能量分成了两部分:经典能量EC=EMF+EA和横向关联能ETC.图1 (a)、(b)、(c)给出了几个不同自旋量子数(S=1,3/2,2,5/2,3)时铁磁体、反铁磁体的内能随温度的变化,并将二者做了比较.其中,图1(a)是铁磁能量,图1(b)是反铁磁能量,图1(c)将二者对比.可以看出,若自旋量子数一定,在零温时,铁磁能量高于反铁磁能量.温度升高,铁磁能量和反铁磁能量都上升.反铁磁能量随温度上升的速度较铁磁能量更快,当温度升高到居里点TC和奈尔点TN时(这里TC=TN),铁磁能量和反铁磁能量相等.在零温和相变点之间,包括零温,反铁磁能量总是低于铁磁能量.

图1 不同自旋量子数(S=1,3/2,2,5/2,3)时:(a)铁磁体(FM)、(b)反铁磁体(AFM)的内能随温度的变化;(c)铁磁能量和反铁磁能量;(d)本文和文献[8](原文图4)的铁磁能量Fig.1 Intrinsic energy versus temperature:(a)FM energy,(b)AFM energy,(c)FM and AFM energies,and(d)FM energies(Spin quantum number S=1,3/2,2,5/2,3.)



图2 不同自旋量子数(S=1,3/2,2,5/2,3)时铁磁纳米管的内能随温度的变化Fig.2 Intrinsic energy of FM nannotubes versustemperature at several S

图3 (a)铁磁体(FM)、(b)反铁磁体(AFM)的经典能量、横向关联能和内能随温度的变化Fig.3 Longitudinalmean⁃field energy,transverse correlation energy,and intrinsic energy versus temperature:(a)FM,(b)AFM

图4 不同自旋量子数(S=1,3/2,2,5/2,3)时:(a)铁磁体(FM)、(b)反铁磁体(AFM)的横向关联能随温度的变化Fig.4 Transverse correlation energy versus temperature at several S:(a)FM and(b)AFM

图5 不同各向异性强度(D=1,2,5)时铁磁体(FM)、反铁磁体(AFM)的横向关联能随温度的变化Fig.5 Transverse correlation energy versus temperature (a)FM,(b)AFM



3 结论





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Article ID:1001⁃246X(2015)01⁃0093⁃08

Abstract: Magnetic properties of single⁃wall ZnSnanotubes(NTs)doped with Fe atoms are studied with first⁃principles calculations. Formation energies of doped NTs are smaller than that of pristine one,which indicating that doping is an exothermic reaction. Monodoped NTs has atom⁃likemagnetic momentsmainly due to 3d componentof Fe atoms.It indicates that Fe⁃doped ZnSNTs tend to adopt antiferromagnetic(AFM)configurations.To obtain room temperature ferromagnetism,we replaced an S atom by a C atom and found that C atom prefers to substitute Satom connecting two Fe atoms.Ferromagnetic(FM)state energy is lower than that of AFM state by 164 meV.It implies that room temperature ferromagnetism is expected in these systems.

Key words: codoping;nanotube;magnetic properties;density functional theory

0 Introduction

ZnS is an important II⁃VIcompound semiconductorwith potentialapplications in electronics and optoelectronics due to itswide direct band gaps,3.77 eV for the wurtzite structure[1]and 3.72 eV for the zinc⁃blende structure[2].Nanodimensional ZnS is found to exhibit excellent optical and optoelectronic properties that are remarkably different from the bulk[3-5],making it a versatile building block for nanoscale electronic and photonic devices.

Over the past few years,considerable efforts have been placed on the synthesis of ZnS tubular structures[6-10].Magnetic NTs are interesting and technologically important objects of physical researches with many promising applications of future generations of nanoelectronic devices[11-13]. Previous computations have made on magnetic properties of Mn⁃doped ZnO NTs[14]and transition atom(TM)doped GaN NTs[15].Several theoretical researches have made on the magnetic properties of Mn⁃doped ZnS surfaces[16-17],TM doped ZnSbulk materials[18-20]and ZnSNWs[21]. Our previous work on ZnS NTs focused on the magnetic property of monodoped ZnS NTs[22].To obtained room temperature ferromagnetism,interaction between two TM atomsmust be considered.

In thiswork,we carried outa systematic computational study on Fe⁃doped ZnSNTs.The paper is organized as follows.We first describe computational details in Sec.1 and then present results and discussions in Sec.2.Finally,conclusions are given in Sec.3.

1 Theoreticalmethod and com putational details

The calculations were performed by using spin⁃polarized density functional theory(DFT)asimplemented in the DMOL package[23-24].All electron treatments and double numerical basis set including d⁃polarization functions(DND)were chosen when thismethod was used.The exchange⁃correlation interaction was treated using generalized gradient approximation(GGA)with the functional parameterized by Perdew⁃Burke⁃Ernzerhof correction(PBE)[25].SCF calculations were performed with a convergence criterion of 10-6hartree on total energy.All structures were fully optimized with no symmetry constraint,with a convergence criterion of0.002 hartree·Å-1for forces and 0.005Åfor displacement.Mulliken population analysis[26]was performed to determine charge transfer and magneticmoment on each atomic site.

2 Results and discussions

2.1 Pristine ZnS tube

The pristine ZnSnanotube(P⁃ZnS)with a 1.00 nm diameter is cut from a bulk ZnSalong the [0001]direction.The relaxed structures are shown in Fig.1.Distinct surface relaxation occurred on the facets after geometry optimization.Zn atoms move inward whereas S atoms move outward,forming a buckle of Zn⁃S dimer.

Fig.1 (a)Top⁃view and(b)side view of P⁃ZnSNT(The small and big balls represent Zn and Satoms,respectively.)

2.2 Femonodoped ZnS tube

Since Fe atoms adopt divalent ionic states,they substitute readily for divalent cations. Therefore,only substitutional doping was considered.This scenario has been confirmed by previous experiments[27-28].To achieve realistic experimental doping concentrations(approximately 2% -3%),a super cell that consisted of 36 Zn and 36 S atoms was used,in which one Zn atom is replaced by a Fe atom,named M⁃ZnS.This corresponds to a doping concentration of 2.8%.A structural optimization was subsequently performed for P⁃ZnS.The electronic properties of P⁃ZnS had been calculated in our previous work[22].It has been shown that P⁃ZnS is a direct band gap semiconductor with a band gap(3.52 eV)larger than that of the bulk ZnS(2.23 eV)due to quantum confinement effects.M⁃ZnS was further optimized in this investigation.The optimized structures are plotted in Fig.2(a).We observedminor changes in lattice constants and bond lengths after structural optimization due to the different ionic radii of Zn and Fe atoms.This indicates that Fe atom doping does not change the crystal structure of ZnS NTs,which is in agreement with experimental results[27-28].

Fig.2 (a)Side⁃view of Femonodoped and(b)to(d)bidoped ZnSNTs(Small,middle,and big balls represent Zn,S,and Fe atom,respectively.)

To compare energy stability of doped ZnSNTs,the formation energy Efwas calculated Ef=Etot-EP-ZnS-n1EFe-n2EC+n3EZn+n4ES,where Etot,EP-ZnS,EFe,EC,EZn,and ESare the total energy of doped NT,the energy of P⁃ZnS,the energy of Fe,C,Zn,and Satom,respectively.n1,n2,n3and n4are numbers of Fe,C,Zn,and S atoms in the doped NTs,respectively.It is known that themore negative the Efis,themore stable a NTwould be.The calculated results are shown in Table 1.The formation energy of doped NT is lower than thatof P⁃ZnSNT,which indicated that the Fe⁃doped NT is exothermic.

Table 1 Formation energy Ef,band gap Ep,local charge QFeand localmagnetic momentμFeof Fe atom,and total magnetic m omentμtotof M⁃ZnS,magnetic moments contributed by the nearest neighboring S and Zn atom sμS,μZn

Electronic properties of M⁃ZnSwere calculated.The band gap is shown in Table 1.Clearly,the band gap of M⁃ZnS is smaller than that of P⁃ZnS(3.52 eV).The band structures of M⁃ZnS alongΓ⁃Z direction are shown in Fig.3.It can be seen that certain localized states existed near Fermi levels,which would make the band gap narrower than that of P⁃ZnS.In addition,M⁃ZnS shows semiconducting characteristic with indirect band gap.These indicate that Fe⁃doping changes significantly electronic properties of P⁃ZnS.

Fig.3 Band structures ofmonodoped ZnSNTs

We performed Mulliken population analysis to determine charge transfer and magnetic moment on each atomic site.Themagnetic properties of doped NT are presented in Table 1.3d electrons of Fe atom followed Hund's rule and maximized the magnetic moment.Our results indicate that the magneticmoment is very close to those of free atom,which suggesting that the defect behaved like an isolated Fe atom at this doping level.This aspect of DMS has been observed previously and explained alongwith the large ferromagnetic exchange splitting of the impurity's defectband[29-30].

An important quantity characterizing the delocalization ofmagnetic moments around Fe atom is induced magnetic moments in surrounding atoms of the host semiconductor.The hybridization between Fe and S atoms plays an important role in the formation of induced magnetic moments. Their magnetic moments have same direction,indicating that Fe atom induces FM interactions between surrounding S atoms(Table 1).Substitutionally doping a Fe atom at a Zn site in ZnSNT changes the number of spin⁃majority or spin⁃minority states in the valence band of ZnS NT.The spin⁃majority states of Fe atom are occupied,and the spin⁃minority states are partially occupied. Thus,the spin⁃majority states in S atoms becomemore occupied than the spin⁃minority states,and the induced magneticmoments in them are parallel to those in Fe atom.Zn atoms interacte with S atoms in the same way as Fe atoms.

2.3 Fe bidoped ZnS tube

In this section,two Zn atoms in a super cell substituted by two Fe atoms is studied formagnetic interaction.We considered three possible configurationswith different spatial positioning of Fe atoms (B1,B2,and B3),respectively.Each was fully relaxed before the magnetic moments were calculated.The optimized structures are plotted in Figs.2(b)-2(d).The distances between two Fe atoms are listed in Table 2.The formation energy and the relative energyΔEr=EFM(AFM)-Egroundstatebetween the AFM (FM)states and the ground state are presented in Table 2.Energy differencesΔE=(EFM-EAFM)between AFM and FM states are also listed in Table 2.

Magnetic properties of all bidoped structures were computed and presented in Table 3.Again,Fe atoms induced FM interactions between surrounding Satoms.

For isomers B3 with a large distance over 5Å,AFM and FM states are degenerate in energy,and have same geometry,local charge,and magnetic moment except that the AFM state has a slightly larger band gap.It means that magnetic coupling between two Fe atoms is short⁃ranged,which has been confirmed by previous researches[31-34].

Table 2 Distances between two Fe atom s dFe,formation energy Ef,band gap Ep,relative stabilityΔEr,and relative energiesΔE=(EFM-EAFM)of Fe⁃bidoped ZnSNTs

Table 3 Local charge QFe1and QFe2and magnetic mom entμFe1andμFe2of two Fe atom s,magneticmoment of thenearest neighboring S atomsμS,and totalmagnetic momentμtot,of Fe⁃bidoped ZnSNTs

The lowest energy configuration B1 is an AFM state where Fe atoms replace two nearest Zn atoms,which implies that Fe atoms have a tendency to form clusters around Ssites.For isomers B1 and B2,the states with AFM coupling are lower in energy than the states with FM coupling.It indicates that Fe⁃doped ZnS NTs tends to adopt AFM configuration.How can we obtain FM coulping?

2.4 Fe/C codoped ZnS tube

Additional hole doping may further promote ferromagnetism.A similar idea was proposed by Huang et al[35]who showed that an acceptor like N codoping in Mn doped ZnSe nanocrystal can induce ferromagnetism.This is because the holesmediate Mn⁃Mn spins.Sharma et al[36]found that C codoping in Mn doped ZnO has room temperature ferromagnetism due to carriers introduced by oxygen vacancies and the substitution of C atO sites.Here,we replaced a Satom by a C atom in Fe doped ZnSNTs.We only considered the configuration that C atom replace a S atom between Fe atoms,named CB1 and CB2.The optimized structures are plotted in Fig.4.After relaxation,the local structure around C dopant shrinks slightly,with Fe atomsmoving closer to C atom.

Fig.4 Side⁃view of Fe/C codoped ZnSNTs(The small,middle,big,and huge balls represent S,Zn,Fe,and C atom,respectively.)

Calculated formation energies,relative energies,and energy differences between AFM and FM states are listed in Table 4.After C codoping,all doped NTs show FM coupling.For CB1 configuration,the formation energy of FM state is lower than that of AFM state by 164 meV.Such energy differences imply that room temperature ferromagnetism may be expected in these systems.

Table 4 Totalmagnetic momentsμtot,local charges QFe1,QFe2and localmagnetic momentsμFe1,μFe2andμCof Fe and C atoms,formation energies Ef,relative energiesΔEr,energy differencesΔE of Fe/C codoped ZnSNTs

Mulliken population analysis for charge transfer and magnetic moment on each atomic site of Fe/C codoped ZnS NTs are presented in Table 4.Due to hybridization with C atom,the local magnetic moments of Fe atoms decrease.For CB1 and CB2 configurations,totalmagnetic moments are only 4μBfor FM states.The localmagnetic moment of C atom is always antiparallel to those of neighboring Fe atoms.

3 Conclusions

Structural,electronic,and magnetic properties of ZnS NTs doped with Fe atoms were systematically studied by using first⁃principles calculations.The formation energies of doped NTs are smaller than that of P⁃ZnSNT,which indicating that the process for forming the Fe⁃doped NTs is exothermic.Mulliken population analysis shows that all monodoped ZnS NTs have atom⁃like magnetic moments,which ismainly contributed to the 3d component of Fe atoms.The hybridization between Fe atoms and S atoms playes an important role in the formation of induced magnetic moments.Fe atoms induced FM interactions between surrounding S atoms of the host semiconductor.To obtain ferromagnetism,we replaced a Satom by a C atom.The FM state energies are lower than those of AFM states by 0.164 eV.Such energy differences imply that room temperature ferromagnetism could be expected in these systems.

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Intrinsic Energies of Two⁃dimensional Heisenberg M agnets and Ferromagnetic Single⁃walled Nanotubes

MIBinzhou1,FENG Cuiju1,QIYunping2,DING Dong1,XUE Yonghong1
(1.Department of Basic Curriculum,North China Institute ofScience and Technology,Beijing 101601,China;2.College of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China)

Intrinsic energy of two⁃dimensional square lattice single⁃ion anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets,antiferromagnets,and ferromagnetic single⁃walled nanotubes are calculated withmany⁃body Green's functionmethod in quantum statistical theory.Calculated results of ferromagnets and antiferromagnets are compared.Between zero temperature and phase transition point,including zero temperature,anti⁃ferromagnetic energy is always lower than that of ferromagnetic energy.Calculationmethod of intrinsic energy in this paper is applicable not only to ferromagnetic system,butalso suitable for antiferromagnetic system and ferrimagnetic system,aswellas ferromagnetic single⁃walled nanotubes.Intrinsic energies are greatly lower than classical energies,which shows that transverse correlation effect is important.

Heisenbergmodel;two⁃dimensional systems;magnetic nanotubes;intrinsic energy;many⁃body Green's functionmethod

M agnetic Properties of Single⁃wall ZnS Nanotubes Doped w ith Fe Atom s

XIE Jianming,CHEN Hongxia

(College of Physical Science and Electronic Techniques,Yancheng Teachers University,Yancheng 224002,China)

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Received date: 2014-01-06;Revised date: 2014-06-17

Received date:2013-12-28;Revised date:2014-06-03

Foundation item s:Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China(11247235,11404279)and Qinglan Project of Jiangsu Province

Biography:Xie Jianming(1976-),male,major in first⁃principles calculations of structure and property ofmaterials,E⁃mail:dtxiejianming@sina.com

学生天地(2016年27期)2016-04-16 05:15:41
应用化工(2014年11期)2014-08-16 15:59:13