
2015-11-30 11:53:03李兆敏李松岩杜庆军中国石油大学华东石油工程学院山东青岛66580中国石油大学华东地球科学与技术学院山东青岛66580
计算物理 2015年1期

王 飞,李兆敏,李松岩,杜庆军(.中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东青岛 66580;.中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院,山东青岛 66580)



王 飞1,李兆敏1,李松岩1,杜庆军2
(1.中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东青岛 266580;2.中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院,山东青岛 266580)



0 引言



1 物理模型


图1 泡沫混排示意图Fig.1 Schematic of foam plug removal

2 数学模型


2.1 泡沫注入模型建立

2.1.1 井筒管流模型








式中,ρg,ρl为泡沫中气体和液体的密度,kg·m-3;qg,ql为 泡沫中气体和液体的体积流量,m3·s-1;(d p/d H)f=/D为泡沫流体的摩阻压降;(d p/d H)f=-ρfgsinθ为泡沫流体的重力压降;(d p/d H)ac为泡沫流体的加速压降,一般很小,可以忽略不计;ρf为泡沫密度;Vf为泡沫流体的流速,m·s-1;D为井筒直径;θ为管路倾角度.

2.1.2 泡沫渗流模型








式中,Rf为注入泡沫前沿半径,m;Rw为井筒半径,m;qf为注入地层的泡沫流量,m3·s-1;Γ为注入泡沫质量,小数;ϕ为地层孔隙度,小数;SP为注入气相圈闭拟表皮系数,无量纲;K,Kf分别为地层原始渗透率和地层注入泡沫后渗透率,D;K/Kf反映了泡沫的稳定性,可由实验确定;pw为注入井底压力,MPa;pe为油藏边界压力,MPa;μf为注入泡沫流体黏度,Pa·s;Re为泄油边缘半径,m;S为地层初始表皮系数,无量纲;Swc为束缚水饱和度,无量纲;ql,qg为注入泡沫中液体和气体体积流量,m3·s-1;Te为返排地层温度,K;zg为注入气体压缩因子,无量纲;qgsc为注入泡沫中气体在标准状态下的体积流量,m3·s-1;pgsc为标准状态下的压力,0.1 MPa;Tgsc为标准状态下的温度,273.15 K.

2.1.3 边界条件


qgsc=const; ql井口=const; p井底(t) =pw(t)(耦合边界).

2.1.4 初始条件

p井底(0) =pe.


2.2 泡沫返排模型建立


















2.3 辅助方程





3 模型离散


3.1 泡沫注入模型离散



3.2 泡沫返排模型离散



4 模型求解









5 算例


5.1 注入部分计算结果分析





5.2 返排部分计算结果分析



表1 地层及油井施工参数Table 1 Formation and operation parameters of a well

图2 注入泡沫压力沿井筒变化Fig.2 Evolution of foam injection pressure along wellbore

图3 注入泡沫质量沿井筒变化Fig.3 Evolution of foam quality along wellbore

图4 注入泡沫密度沿井筒变化Fig.4 Evolution of foam density along wellbore

图5 注入泡沫压力随时间变化Fig.5 Evolution of foam injection pressure



图6 返排井底压差随时间变化Fig.6 Evolution of bottomhole differential pressure during foam flowback

图7 泡沫返排量随时间变化Fig.7 Evolution of foam rate during foam flowback

图8 返排泡沫流量沿井筒变化Fig.8 Evolution of flow rate during foam flowback along wellbore

图9 返排泡沫质量沿井筒变化Fig.9 Evolution of foam quality during foam flowback along wellbore

图10 返排泡沫密度沿井筒变化Fig.10 Evolution of foam density during foam flowback along wellbore

6 结论



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Received date: 2014-01-14;Revised date: 2014-06-10

Article ID:1001⁃246X(2015)01⁃0065⁃10

Influence of Fem tosecond Laser Chirp on Optical Limiting

and Dynam ical Two⁃photon Absorption of 4,4'⁃bis(di⁃n⁃butylam ino)stilbene Com pounds

Abstract: Optical limiting(OL)and dynamical two⁃photon absorption(TPA)of 4,4'⁃bis(di⁃n⁃butylamino)stilbene(BDBAS)molecules in chirped femtosecond laser pulses are studied by solving Maxwell⁃Bloch equationswith an iterative predictor⁃corrector finite⁃difference time⁃domain(FDTD)method.It shows that both sign and magnitude of chirp rate influence greatly spectrum evolution and OL behavior.Spectra exhibit obvious carrier frequency shifts depending on sign of chirp rate,blue shift for positive chirp rate and red shift for negative chirp rate.As absolute chirp rate increases,shift becomesmore obvious,OL window gets narrower and saturation of output intensity becomes greater.Interestingly,self⁃induced transparency(SIT)appears as a negative chirp rate reduces to a certain value(-0.025 fs-2).Dynamical TPA cross section is reduced as chirp effect is considered.It provides a method for controlling nonlinear optical absorptions.

Key words: two⁃photon absorption;optical limiting;chirped pulse;organicmolecule

0 Introduction

With remarkable progress in ultrashort and ultraintense laser technology,it is possible to generate precisely defined laser pulses[1]which brings a vast variety of investigations in the light⁃matter interaction[2-5]and leads to great potential of applications[6].Among all of the applications,optical limiter,whosemajormechanism is dynamical two⁃photon absorption(TPA),hasmotivated an extensive research in order to protect delicate sensors,especially human eyes.On the basis of quantum approaches at ab initio level,the TPA cross section of a molecule was theoretically calculated[7-8].This TPA cross section is normally noted as static since it is only referred to the molecule itself.When the TPA cross section of a molecular system is measured,there exists interaction between the molecule and laser.Thus,one should solve the combined Maxwell⁃Bloch equations[6,9-10]to simulate correctly experimental results and explore nonlinear optical processes. As a result,the TPA cross section performs as a dynamical value because it is related to laser parameters.

Considering that a laser pulse usually has a large frequency chirp that may change characteristics of the pulse significantly[11-12],one expect that the laser chirp would have influence on nonlinear optical properties of molecules.In the last decades,chirped laser pulses have been widely applied to generate high⁃order harmonic(HHG)[13],transfer population[14],and transform multiphoton between Rydberg states[15],etc.Desaix et al[16]studied chirped soliton pulses propagating in optical nonlinear Kerr media,indicating obvious influences on properties ofasymptotically emerging solitons by the initial chirp.Moreover,Centinietal[17]measured signal and group velocities of chirped pulses propagating through a GaAs cavity,which showing substantial modification of the group velocity of pulse by the chirp.Song et al[18]investigated theoretically coherent control of spectra with chirped femtosecond laser pulses propagating in a two⁃level⁃atom medium.They found that the sign and magnitude of the chirp rate have obvious effects on the spectral feature.

To the best of our knowledge,there are few works to study influence of chirp on OL properties and dynamical TPA cross sections of organic compounds.In this paper,taking the BDBAS compound as the medium reported by Ehrlich[19],we investigate spectra of chirped femtosecond laser pulses and OL behaviors of the compounds by solving Maxwell⁃Bloch equations using an iterative predictor⁃corrector FDTDmethod[20].Chirp effecton TPA cross section is analyzed further.

1 Theoreticalmethods

1.1 M axwell⁃Bloch equations of a three⁃level system

Based on a semiclassical theory for interaction between laser pulses and molecules,electromagnetic radiation is described classically by Maxwell equations,and themolecular system is treated quantum mechanically with Bloch equations.The density matrix equation with relaxation effect is written as

here,Γnmgives the rate per atom atwhich population decays from level m to level n,andγnmgives relaxation rate of the density matrix elementρnm.is Hamiltonian of the system,which can be expressed as the sum of Hamiltonian of the field⁃free moleculeand the interaction Hamiltonian H^′.Within the dipole approximation,it can be written as

Settingρ01=(u0+i v0)/2,ρ12=(u1+i v1)/2,ρ02=(u2+i v2)/2,we get Bloch equations for the three⁃level system ∂u

where dmn=dnm(m,n=0,1,2)are the permanent electric dipolemoments(m=n)or the transition electric dipolemoments(m≠n)of the molecule,andћωmnis the excitation energy between the states m and n.

We assume that the incident electromagnetic field polarizes along the x axis and propagates along the z axis to an input interface at z=0.Then the Maxwell equations take the form

whereμ0andε0are the permeability and permittivity of free space,respectively.

The Maxwell and the Bloch equations are coupled to each other by themacroscopic polarization Px,

where N is themolecular density.

1.2 Dynam ical TPA cross section

In the absence of significant recombination,diffusion and thermal,the differentialequation that describes propagation of pulses in the presence of linear and TPA can be written as[21]

where I is the field intensity,αdenotes the linear absorption coefficientandβis the TPA coefficient. The analytical solution of Eq.(6)is

As one knows,the TPA coefficient depends on the input intensity I0[22].If I0is smaller than the saturation absorption intensity,the TPA coefficientβcan be assumed as a linear function of I0[23],

whereβ0is the steady⁃state TPA coefficient.Input Eq.(8)into(7),one can see that the inverse transmission 1/T is a quadratic function of the input field intensity I0,

αandβ0can thus be estimated from Eq.(9).Themolecular TPA cross sectionσtpis related toβ0by

where hνis the input photon energy.

2 Results and discussions

As shown in Fig.1,BDBAS is a typical one⁃dimensional symmetrical conjugated organic molecule.The time⁃dependent DFT/B3LYP method implemented in DALTON package[24]is employed to obtain the excitation energy Enand the dipolemoment dmnof themolecule.The 6⁃31G basis set is chosen for all calculations.It is shown in Table 1 that thismolecule has only one charge transfer state in low energy region,which is the first excited state S1withδop=1.630.The transition dipolemoment between S1and the fourth excited state S2ismuch larger(d14=4.154×10-29C·m)than the others.ab initio calculations show that the fourth excited state S2has the maximum TPA cross section in the low energy region.The excitation energies of S1and S2are 3.408 eV and 4.206 eV,respectively.The permanent dipole moments are approximately equal to zero because of symmetry of themolecule.When the interaction between themolecule and ultrashortpulse in the low energy region is considered,a cascade three⁃level system including the ground state S0,the first excited state S1and the fourth excited state S2ismodeled as shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1 Molecular structure of BDBAS(left)and transitions(right)

Table 1 Excitation energy En,oscillator strengthδopand dipolemoment dmnof the first five excited states

We choose the initial chirped electric field with a hyperbolic⁃secant functional for Ex(z=0,t)=F0sech[1.76(t-z0/c)/ ]cos[ω0t+χt2/2],where F0is the peak amplitude of the inputelectric field, is the fullwidth at halfmaximum(FWHM)of the pulse intensity envelope,which is set as a few femtoseconds,andχis the chirp rate.The choice of z0ensures that the pulse penetrates negligibly into themedium at t=0.Themolecule is assumed in its ground state before the light is turned on,i.e.,ρ00(t=0)=1,ρ11(t=0)=ρ22(t=0)=0.Themolecular density is taken as N=7.0×1025m-3.The decay rates of the densitymatrix elementsγnmcan be chosen as 1.0× 1013s-1,while the decay rates of excited statesΓ01,Γ12andΓ02are assumed equal to 1.0×109s-1,1.0×1012s-1and 0[25],respectively.The time and space incrementsΔt andΔz are chosen to ensure cΔt≤Δz[26].

2.1 Two⁃photon resonant propagation of fem tosecond pulse

Frequency of the incident ultrashort pulseω0is taken as half of the frequency between S0and S2states,namely,ω0=ω20/2.Taking FWHM of the incident pulse as 5 fs,we simulated temporal evolution of pulses with different input peak amplitudes F0=4.0×109V·m-1,6.0×109V·m-1and 8.0×109V·m-1for chirp ratesχ=0,0.002 5 fs-2and-0.002 5 fs-2,respectively(Fig. 2).As one can see in Fig.2,the pulses increase area by splitting,not by pulse broadening as in the long pulse cases,which is in agreementwith a previouswork[27].Thismeans that the traditional area theorem based on the slowly⁃varying envelope approximation and rotatingwave approximation[28]is invalid in describing an ultrashort pulse propagation accurately.As the input peak amplitudes increases,the splitbecomes obvious.Compared with the chirp free case,the splits of chirped pulses are weaker,which is consistentwith the two⁃level case[18].When a chirp rate exists,themain pulse has little variation,and the subpulse intensity becomes weaker.The time⁃delay between the main pulse and subpulse turns longer compared with the case without a chirp rate.

Fig.2 Evolution of electric fields with different input peak amplitudes(a)χ=0,(b)χ=0.002 5 fs-2,and(c)χ=-0.002 5 fs-2with pulse width 5 fs at propagation distance of 7.0μm

Corresponding spectra of Fig.2 are shown in Fig.3.One can see that except for the base frequencyω0,lower and higher frequencies appear mainly due to self⁃phase modulation(SPM)during the propagation of pulse,such asω21,ω10,ω10+2ω21,3ω0and 5ω0.The odd harmonic components(3ω0and 5ω0)appear for the symmetry compounds with a strong TPA process,while the even harmonic components are restrained.With the enhancement of peak amplitudes,the spectra display more components.When chirp rate is considered,the spectra of chirped pulses exhibit obvious shift of carrier frequency during propagation in medium depending on the sign of chirp rate,namely,blue shifts for positive chirp rates and red shifts for negative cases,which is consistentwith previous results[18].

Fig.3 Corresponding spectra in Fig.2(a)χ=0,(b)χ=0.002 5 fs-2,and(c)χ=-0.002 5 fs-2.

In order to further elucidate the influence of chirp on ultrashort pulse propagation,we consider different chirp rates.Fig.4(left)shows a chirped pulse of F0=4.0×109V·m-1withχ=±0.005 fs-2andχ=±0.025 fs-2,propagating through BDBAS at respective distances of0 and 14.0μm.One can see that as absolute value of the chirp rate increases,the intensity of main pulse increases obviously,while the intensity of subpulse components decreases.Corresponding spectra are shown in Fig.4(right).One can see that the spectra shift ismore evident for pulse with a larger absolute value of chirp rate.Moreover,higher and lower frequency components(ω21andω10)disappear for a chirped pulse withχ=±0.025 fs-2.The center frequency deviates further from TPA resonant frequencyω20/2 as the absolute value of chirp rate increases,leading to weaker TPA from S0to S2and thus smaller population of S2.Specially,when the chirp rate takes-0.025 fs-2,themedium becomes approximately transparent to pulse.

Fig.4 Evolution of electric fields(left)at distances of 0(solid line)and 14.0μm(dash line)and corresponding spectra(right)at 14.0μm with different chirp rates(F0=4.0×109V·m-1, =5 fs)

In order to further observe this phenomenon,Fig.5 shows a chirped pulse of F0=4.0×109V· m-1withχ=-0.025 fs-2propagating through BDBAS at respective distances of 0,3.5μm,7.0μm,10.5μm,14.0μm and 17.5μm(Fig.5(a))along with the corresponding spectra(Fig.5 (b)).One can see that the shape of pulse is quite stable and no additional frequency appears.This can be explained by the resonant frequency shiftandmuch weak absorption during pulse propagating process.

Fig.5 (a)Chirped pulse ofχ=-0.025 fs-2propagating through BDBAS at respective distances of 0μm (solid line),3.5μm(dash line),7.0μm(dot line),10.5μm(dash dot line),14.0μm(dash dot dot line)and 17.5μm(short dash line),and(b)corresponding spectra(F0=4.0×109V·m-1, =5 fs)

2.2 OL and dynam ical TPA cross section

Fig.6 Output fluence Soutat z=7.0μm versus input fluence Sinof a 5 fs pulses

To illustrate influence of chirp rate on OL ability,we present output fluence Soutat z=7.0μm as a function of input fluence Sinof 5 fs pulses with different chirp ratesχ=0, ±0.002 5 fs-2, ± 0.005 fs-2and-0.025 fs-2in Fig.6.As shown in Fig.6,one can see that the chirp rate has an obvious influence on OL in both OL window and higher output saturation intensity.When the absolute value of chirp rate increases,the medium shows a narrow OL window and higher output saturation intensity,showing weaker OL ability.Specially,when the chirp rate reaches-0.025 fs-2,the medium turns transparent,meaning breakdown of OL behavior.This phenomenon is due to the resonant frequency shift caused by chirp rate,which results in much weak absorption from ground state S0to the maximum TPA state S2.

Dependence of dynamical TPA cross sectionσtpon pulse width in femtosecond time domain with different chirp rates ata distance of7.0μm is shown in Fig.7.One can see that the TPA cross section increases as thewidth of the input pulse is broadened.The TPA cross sections is obtained as 1 145.3 GM(1 GM=1×10-50cm4s/photon)for chirp free pulse width of 5 fs at a distance of7.0μm,which is in the same order of magnitude with the static TPA cross sectionσtp=1 430 GM.The calculated value is smaller than the experiment result of σtp=9 300 GM[19].The discrepancy mainly results from the experimental condition with pulse duration of 5 ns andλ=600 nm under which a two⁃step TPA process takes place.Furthermore,the TPA cross section is reduced by the chirp,and theχ=0.002 5 fs-2pulse shows a larger TPA cross section than theχ=-0.002 5 fs-2pulse.Therefore,both sign and magnitude of pulse chirp rates should be considered when calculating TPA cross sections of different pulses.

Fig.7 Dependence of TPA cross sectionσtpon pulse widths and chirp rates at a distance of 7.0μm

3 Conclusions

In conclusion,we investigate influence of chirp rates on OL and dynamical TPA in a cascade three⁃level medium BDBAS theoretically by solving Maxwell⁃Bloch equations using an iterative predictor⁃corrector FDTDmethod.It is demonstrated that both sign and magnitude of the chirp rate influence spectra and nonlinear properties of the medium crucially.The OL ability breaks down as magnitude of the negative chirp rate is larger than 0.025 fs-2.The OL behavior ismore obvious and the dynamical TPA cross section ismuch larger for a positive chirp rate laser compared with negative one.It shows thatboth sign andmagnitude should be taken into consideration when nonlinear optical properties of medium are measured and simulated.Our investigation predicts a way to control nonlinear optical absorption by changing chirp rate.

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M athematical M odel and Numerical Simulation of Foam Plug Removal

WANG Fei1,LIZhaomin1,LISongyan1,DU Qingjun2
(1.College ofPetroleum Engineering,China University ofPetroleum,Qingdao 266580,China;
2.School ofGeosciences,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266580,China)

With amodel of foam wellbore flow and a model of foam seepage flow,a mathematicalmodel of foam plug removal is given.Themodel is solved with numerical method.Distributions of foam pressure,foam quality,foam density along wellbore and wellhead and bottom pressure are discussed.Furthermore,variation of bottom hole differential pressure is given as wellhead back pressure is fixed.It shows that as foam pressure and density increases,foam quality decreases with increase of well depth and bottom hole differential pressure declines.

foam plug removal;seepage flow;wellbore flow;mathematicalmodel;bottomhole differential pressure

ZHANG Yujin,ZHANG Qiuyue,SONG Yuzhi,WANG Chuankui

(College ofPhysics and Electronics,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China)

O437;O561.1 Document code:A







Received date:2014-01-08;Revised date:2014-03-30

Foundation item s:Supported by 973 Program(2011CB808100)

Biography:Zhang Yujin(1989-),female,PhD,major in molecular photonics,E⁃mail:zhangyujin312@163.com

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