Boundedness of Commutators Generated by Campanato-type Functions and Riesz Transforms Associated with Schr¨odinger Operators



(School of Science,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing,100876)

Communicated by Ji You-qing

Boundedness of Commutators Generated by Campanato-type Functions and Riesz Transforms Associated with Schr¨odinger Operators


(School of Science,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing,100876)

Communicated by Ji You-qing

Let L=−Δ+V be a Schr¨odinger operator on Rn,n>3,where Δ is the Laplacian on Rnand V̸=0 is a nonnegative function satisfying the reverse H¨older's inequality.Let[b,T]be the commutator generated by the Campanatotype functionand the Riesz transform associated with Schr¨odinger operatorIn the paper,we establish the boundedness of[b,T]on Lebesgue spaces and Campanato-type spaces.

commutator,Campanato-type space,Riesz transform,Schr¨odinger operator

1 Introduction

Let L=−Δ+V be a Schr¨odinger operator on Rn,n>3,where Δ is the Laplacian on Rnand V̸=0 is a nonnegative locally integrable function.The problems related to the Schr¨odinger operators L have attracted much attention(see[1–3]for example).In particular, Fefferman[1],Shen[2]and Zhong[3]established some basic results about the fundamental solutions and the boundedness of Riesz transforms associated with the Schr¨odinger operator.

The commutators generated by the Riesz transform associated with Schr¨odinger operator and BMO functions or Lipschitz functions also attract much attention(see[4–7]for example).Chu[8]considered the boudedness of commutators generalized by the BMOLfunctionand the Riesz transformon Lebesgue spaces.And Jiang[9]investigates some

properties of the Riesz potentialon the Campanato-type spacesInspired by[4,6,8–9],in this paper we consider the boundedness of commutators generated by the Campanato-type functionand the Riesz transformon Lebesgue spaces and Campanato-type spaces.

Firstly,let us introduce some notations.A nonnegative locally Lq(Rn)integrable function V is said to belong to Bq(1<q<∞)if there exists a constant C=C(q,V)>0 such that the reverse H¨older's inequality

holds for any ball B in Rn.

We also say a nonnegative function V∈B∞,if there exists a constant C>0 such that

holds for any ball B in Rn.

By H¨older's inequality,we have Bq1⊂Bq2for q1>q2>1.One remarkable feature about the Bqclass is that if V ∈Bqfor some q>1,then there exists an ε>0 which depends only on n and the constant C in(1.1)such that V∈Bq+ε.It is also well known that if V∈Bq(q>1),then V(x)dx is a doubling measure,namely,for any r>0,x∈Rnand some constant C0,we have

Definition 1.1[3]For x∈Rn,the function m(x,V)is defined by

Clearly,0<m(x,V)<1 for every x∈Rnand if r=m(x,V),then

Definition 1.3[8]Let f∈Lloc(Rn).Then the sharp maximal function associated with L=−Δ+V is defined by

Then the kernel K(x,y)of operatorsatisfies the following estimates:there exists a constant δ>0 such that for any nonnegative integer i,

Hence,for 1<p≤p0,there exists a constant C>0 such that

Throughout this paper,C always remains to denote a positive constant that may vary at each occurrence but is independent of the essential variable.

2 Theorems and Lemmas

C>0 and 1<r<p0such that

To prove the theorems,we need the following lemmas.

Lemma 2.1[8]Let 0<p0<∞,p0≤p<∞ and δ>0.If f satisfies the conditionthen there exists a constant C>0 such that

Lemma 2.2[12]For 1≤γ<∞and β>0,let

Lemma 2.3 Let B=B(x,r)and 0<r<ρ(x).ThenHence



3 Proofs of Theorems 2.1–2.3

Proof of Theorem 2.1

Fix a ball B=B(x,r0).Let B∗=2B=B(x,2r0)and denote f0=fχB∗,f∞=f−f0for f∈Lloc(Rn).

Case I.When 0<r0<ρ(x),write


we get

Let us estimate every part.For E1,by H¨older's inequality,we obtain

For E3,recalling δ>0,by(1.4),we get

For E31,by H¨older's inequality,we have

From Lemma 2.3,it follows that

Case II.When r0≥ρ(x),write[b,T]f=bT(f)−T(bf0)−T(bf∞).Then,

For F1,by H¨older's inequality

Taking p1,p′and r as in the estimate for E2,by H¨older's inequality,we have

For F3,by using(1.3)and i>0,

Combining the estimates for E1,E2,E3,F1,F2and F3,we conclude that

This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1.

Proof of Theorem 2.2

Without loss of generality,we can assume that 1<r<p<p0.Sinceis dense in Lp(Rn),applying Theorem 2.1,Lemmas 1.1,2.1 and 2.2,we derive the inequality as


The proof of Theorem 2.2 is completed.

Proof of Theorem 2.3

Case I.We first show that for all x∈Rn,0<r0<ρ(x)and B=B(x,r0),there exists a constant C>0 such that

Applying(1.3),we have

From(1.4),it follows that


Case II.In the following,we show that for all x∈Rn,ρ(x)≤r0and B=B(x,r0), there exists a constant C>0 such that


For H1,by H¨older's inequality

Thus,combining the Cases I and II,we complete the proof of Theorem 2.3.

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Received date:Oct.31,2013.

The NSF(11161042,11471050)of China.

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2010 MR subject classification:42B20,42B30,42B35