曾亚英 王晓清 戴振炎 等
摘要2011年7月至2012年6月,对五强溪水库太湖新银鱼不同繁殖群体的生长特性进行了比较研究.用von Bertalanffy 生长方程描述其生长特性,得到不同群体的体长体重关系式分别为:春群W=0.003 4 L3.027 2(n=538,r=0.956 6),秋群W=0.001 7 L3.379 1(n=590,r=0.958 5),由此表明该水库太湖新银鱼属于等速生长类型;并由生长方程推导出体长和体重的生长速度方程及生长加速度方程,得出太湖新银鱼春群的生长拐点为5.77月龄,秋群的生长拐点为3.97月龄,确定五强溪水库太湖新银鱼的合理捕捞期为9~10月.
Growth Characteristics of Neosalanx Taihuensis of SpringStock and
AutumnStock in Wuqiangxi Reservoir
ZENG Yaying1,2, WANG Xiaoqing1*, DAI Zhenyan1*, HU Yazhou1, WU Hanhan1, LIU Yipeng1
(1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Hunan Agricultural University,
Collaborative Innovation Center for Efficient and Health Production of Fisheries, Changsha 410128, China;
2.Alxa League of Inner Mongolia Institute of Animal Science, Alxa League of Inner Mongolia Agricultural and Livestock
Products Quality Inspection Center, Alashan Left Banner 750306, China)
AbstractIn this study, the comparison of growth characteristics of two Neosalanx taihuensis populations was conducted in Wuqiangxi reservoir in July, 2011 to June, 2012. Analysis indicates that its month age suits to von Bertalanffy growth formula. The equations are: the springstock W=0.003 4 L3.027 2(n=538, r =0.956 6), the autumn group W=0.001 7 L3.379 1(n=590, r=0.958 5). The results suggested that the fish was isometric velocity growth type. And by the growth formula, the growth rate formula and accelerative growth rate formula of body length and body weight were deduced out. Growth point of inflection sites at 5.77 month age of the springstock, while the growth point of inflection sites at 3.97 month age of the autumn group. These results confirmed that the suitable fishing period is within September to October.
Key wordsNeosalanx taihuensis; growth characteristics; wuqiangxi reservoir
太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis Chen)主要生活在敞水区的中上层[1],其生命周期为一年,在长江中下游流域有两个繁殖群体:春季群体(本文简称春群)繁殖期为1~5月;秋季群体(本文简称秋群)繁殖期为9~11月[24].近年来,国内对太湖新银鱼的两个群体的繁殖特性、食性和种群竞争等开展了研究[57],部分学者[812]对不同水域的太湖新银鱼单个群体的生长特性进行了较系统的研究,但针对太湖新银鱼两个繁殖群体的生长特性进行比较研究的报道很少.本文依据太湖新银鱼的生长方程,结合其食性、种群竞争等其他因素,最终确定合理的捕捞期,为太湖新银鱼的可持续发展提供依据.
五强溪水库位于湖南省沅江中游干流江段,面积约16 667 hm2(25 万亩),支流、库湾多,为鱼类增养殖提供了有利条件[1314].该水库在1997年从云南滇池移植引入太湖新银鱼受精卵20亿粒,刚移植后库区的银鱼资源丰富,1998年产量达200 t,随后两年产量均达500 t以上,近几年该水库的年产量剧减到100 t以下.本文通过对该水库中银鱼的周年调查,比较研究春群和秋群的生长特性,旨在阐明两个群体的生长特性与生长差异,了解其生长规律,为确定库区银鱼的合理捕捞期,合理开发和保护库区银鱼资源管理提供科学依据.