A Study of the Subtitle Translation in“The Big Bang Theory”from Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory

2015-07-04 14:52甄宽彭念凡甄顺
校园英语·下旬 2015年8期

甄宽 彭念凡 甄顺

【Abstract】The subtitle translation is very different from other forms of translation.We translators should meet the particular needs of the subtitle.This study is going to analyze the subtitle translation in “The Big Bang Theory” from Newmarks Communicative Translation Theory in three main perspectives:the information transmission,the aesthetics effect and the emotional transmission.In the information transmission the study will put emphasis on the limited circumstance.In the aesthetics effect the study will explore the expression of the sense of beauty.In the emotional transmission this study will study the use of rhetoric to express different emotions.

【Key words】subtitle translation; communicative translation theory; translation principle; information transmission; aesthetic effect; emotional transmission

Chapter One Introduction

The subtitle translation is one of the most important forms and widely used in our everyday life.As we all know that the subtitle of the films is one kind of the non-literary writing.According to Newmark,the communicative theory is very suitable to the non-literary writing,so the communicative theory can be well applied into the subtitle translation.

Newmark categorized the functions of the language in the book “A Textbook of Translation” in three subsections:the information transmission,the aesthetic effect and the emotional transmission.So the subtitle translation is concerned with the information the author wants to express.To make the film more interesting and attractive,the subtitle must take the aesthetic effect into consideration.The aesthetic effect put emphasis on the rhythm,the metaphors and the balance of sentences and so on.The emotion transmission requires that the subtitle should be loyal to the circumstances and express the emotion and the manner of the actors.The subtitle is a special kind of text.It has a lot of limit,such as the sound and the length.The translators should translate the subtitle based on the character of the role and the circumstance and so on.

Chapter Two Subtitle Translation in “The Big Bang Theory” by referring to Communicative Translation Theory.

1.Information Transmission

According to Newmark,the information transmission can suit some styles of text.The subtitle translation must be loyal to the information which is related to the original language and make sure that the form of the subtitle is the same to the original text.

There are a variety of characters in one film,some is very kind and some is vicious,some is very extrovert and some is introvert,some is very mature and some is very childish.So we should express the information of the characters in the subtitle.

Specific scene concerned with the characters

Example 1-Gablehauser:Oh,what are you working on?

-Sheldon:Something remarkable.

Since my prospects for the Nobel Prize in physics have disappeared--

Thank you very much—

I've decided to refocus my efforts and use my people skills to win the Nobel Peace Prize.






In example[1],when Sheldons research is laughed at and proved to be wrong and feels that Dennis Kim is better at the field what Sheldon is studying,he has no confidence in the field he studied.So he changes the field and turns to win the Nobel Peace Prize for the reason of Dennis Kim.In this scene,Sheldon says “thank you very much” is not the meaning to express his thanks to Dennis Kim.Based on the context,the sentence “Thank you very much” should be translated “全拜你所赐”.

2.Aesthetic Effect in Communication Translation

It is the requirement of the subtitle translation that to get rid of the limit of the source language,to handle the ideas and the aesthetic value from the works deeply,to treat the source language as a piece of art work.(the authors translation)

So we should transmit the imagines and the aesthetic value of the language to the audience to make them enjoy the beauty of the language.

Example 2 -Raj:Where did my life go,Penny?

One day I'm a free bachelor,and the next I'm married and driving a minivan to peewee cricket matches in suburban New Delhi.

-Penny:Are you talking to me?

-Raj:Is there another Penny here?

I had such plans.

I had dreams.

I was going to be the India Gandhi of particle astrophysics.








Here in example[2]in the subtitle,the translator translate “Where did my life go” into “我的人生将何去何从”.It transmits the same information and show the aesthetic of language.And the translators translate “I had such plans.I had dreams” into “我志向远大,我雄心勃勃”.The use of antithesis makes the sentence looked more neat and interesting.So the aesthetic of language can make the subtitle like a recreation of art.

3.Emotional Transmission

In one film,the subtitle must transmit the same emotion to the scene.The use of rhetoric can strengthen the expression of the characters emotion.According to Tan Zaixi,“the rhetorical devices can not only provide aesthetics to language,but also enhance language effect and express emotion.”(Tan Zaixi,1999:108).

Example 3 -Sheldon:Well,at this point I should inform you that I intend to form my own team.

And destroy the molecular bonds that bind your very matter together,

And reduce the resulting particulate chaos to tears.

-Leonard:Thanks for the heads-up.

-Sheldon:You're welcome.






As it is shown in[3],the particulate can tear like human being.The use of personification can make the audience understand the subtitle more vividly and give an image of beauty.And the personification can make the abstract things embodied.The sentence “destroy the molecular bonds that bind your very matter together” is a hyperbole.The use of hyperbole can transmit the anger of Sheldon.It transmits the anger of Sheldon by rendering the image and causing the image of the audience.

Chapter Three Conclusion

Nowadays the subtitle translation is more and more important in our daily life.If the translators want to meet the requirement of the subtitle,they should translate it under the Newmarks communicative translation.Through studying the subtitle in “The Big Bang Theory”,the subtitle should transmit the information,the aesthetic effect and the emotion by using different kinds of translation strategies.The information translation requires that the message the author want to express must be transmitted.The message can include the character,the personality and the limited circumstance.The aesthetic effect demands that the subtitle can give the audience the sense of beauty.The emotion transmission can use the rhetoric to express different emotions.


[1]Peter Newmark.Approaches to Translation[M].上海:上海外語教育出版社,2001.7-183.

[2]Peter Newmark.A Textbook of Translation[M].Englewood Cliffs:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1988.40-98.

[3]谭载喜.新编奈达论翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1999.



[6]林小芹.纽马克论交际翻译与语义翻译[J].中国翻译,1987,01: 50-51.


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