New electrocardiographic criteria to differentiate the Type-2B rugad a pattern from electrocardiogram of healthy athletes with r′-wave in leads V1/V2

2015-06-26 11:39:48童鸿
心电与循环 2015年5期


New electrocardiographic criteria to differentiate the Type-2B rugad a pattern from electrocardiogram of healthy athletes with r′-wave in leads V1/V2

TheType-2Brugada pattern presents characteristically an r′-wave thatmay be confused with other ECG patterns that also present an r′-wave in leads V1~V2including incomplete right bundle branch block(IRBBB), pectus exacavatum,arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia(ARVD),and athletes′ECG.The differential diagnosisstill remains challenging.Majorefforts tohelp the clinician to distinguish these ECG morphologies have been pursued Chevallier et al.and Ohkubo etal. have described that the angle formed between the upslope of the S-wave and the downslope of the r′-wave(βangle)was the bestway to differentiate the Type-2 Brugada pattern from IRBBB.Aβ-angle cut-off of 58°yielded a positive predictive value of 73%and a negative predictive value of 87%in the Chevallier study.However,obtaining the proper β-anglemeasurementmay be difficult and noteasy to perform in clinical practice leading to misdiagnosis. Corrado et al.have also described an index based on the slope of the first80ms of the ST-segment in leads V1~V2that is of ascendant direction in athletes and of descendentdirection in Type-2 Brugada pattern,which may be also useful for differential diagnosis.However, recognition of the end of the QRS in leads V1~V2may not be easy in many cases of Type-2 Brugada pattern, and furthermore,sometimes the J point do not always coincide with the high take-off of the QRS in those leads1.

The aim of the present study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of new ECG criteria to distinguish between the Type-2 Brugada pattern and healthy athletes with an r′-wave pattern in leads V1~V2.


A retrospective study was carried out comparing the surface ECG of 50 patients with confirmed Brugada syndrome(presenting with syncope and positive sodium blocker drug challenge)and Type-2 Brugada pattern vs. 58 healthy athletes with no family history of sudden death and no previous syncope or history of ventricular tachyarrhythmias,presenting with an r′-wave in leads V1~V2.

Surface12-lead electrocardiograms were recorded, placing leads V1~V2in the fourth intercostal space. Electrocardiograms were blindly analyzed by two different investigators.The characteristics of the r′-wave and the isoelectric line were measured in all QRS-T complexes in leads V1~V2in a 10 s ECG recording.We added for each beat with an r′-wave (Figure 1A part A)two segments that followed the up-slope and downslope of the r′-wave(Figure 1A part B)and one segment that followed the isoelectric line (Figure1A partC).

We measured the new three criteria(i)the duration of the base of the triangle between the upslope and the downslope of the r′-wave at 0.5 mV from the high take-off(Figure 1C,part A),(ii)the duration of the base of the triangle at the isoelectric line,and(iii)the ratio ofbase/height of the triangle formed by the upslope and the downslope of the r′-wave at the isoelectric line (Figure 1C,part B).We also measured theβangle,an angle formed between the r′-wave upslope and the downslope coined by Chevallier et al.(Figure1C,partC).

All measurements were calculated from both leads V1and V2.The mean value of the different measurements from the beats was computed for each lead and patient.

To improve the feasibility and reproducibility of the method,combinations of the same parameters in leads V1~V2were analyzed.It was considered that the test was positive for the Brugada pattern when the criterion was met for at least one of the two leads.The absence of r′-wave in a single lead was considered as a negative result in this lead.

Figure 1(A)Segment location performed by the observers.(A)Original signal.(B)Segment location at upslope and downslope of r′-wave.(C)Segment location at the isoelectric line.(B)Segment location for scale measurement from the original grid.(C)Measurements extracted from located segments by the analysts—(A) the duration of the base of the triangle at0.5mV from r′-wave high take-off,(B)Height and duration of the triangle at the isoelectric line,(C)angle from Swave upslope and r′downslope (βangle).

Figure 2 Two examples of healthy athletes ECG.(A)Healthy athlete with ST-T elevation and r′-wave but with a base of the triangle at 0.5mV measuring 40ms(1mm).(B)Electrocardiogram of a healthy athlete with similar ST-T morphology and the base of triangle measuring80ms(2mm).


The duration of the base of the triangle at0.5mV from the high take-off,the duration of the base of the triangle at the isoelectric line,and the ratio of the base/height of the triangle formed by the upslope and the downslope of the r′-wave at the isoelectric line were significantly higher in patients with confirmed Brugada Syndrome and Type-2 Brugada ECG pattern than in the healthy athlete group.Figures 2 and 3 show how the base of the triangle of r′-wave at0.5mV from the high take-off differs between Type-2 Brugada pattern(>160ms,4mm)and healthy athletes(<160 ms,4 mm)even presenting similar ST-T morphology. Receiver-operating characteristic curves showed that the AUC for the duration of the base of the triangle of r′-wave at 0.5 mV from the high take-off for lead V1was 0.955 and for lead V20.944;the duration of the base of the triangle at the isoelectric line for lead V1was 0.907 and for lead V20.938;the triangle base/height ratio for lead V1was 0.940 and for lead V20.944;and theβangle for lead V1was 0.957 and for lead V20.952.


Brugada syndrome is an inherited heart disease produced by inactivation of the sodium channels in the right ventricle,which can present polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation.

Figure 3 Two examples of Type-2 Brugada ECG pattern.(A)Type-2 Brugada pattern with the base of the triangle at0.5mV,measuring 184ms(4.6mm).(B)Type-2 Brugad a pattern with base of the triangle at 0.5mV measuring 188 ms(4.7mm).

The importance of electrocardiogram for the diagnosis of Brugada syndrome

The ECG is the hallmark diagnostic test in Brugada syndrome.Proper interpretation of the r′-wave characteristics in leads V1~V2may be crucial for differentiating benign ECG patterns from Type-2 Brugada pattern.

Other inherited diseases such as arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia have also been considered in the differential diagnosis,but usually the ECG characteristics in leads V1~V2do not depicta clear r′-wave(epsilon wave is usually separated from the QRS), no clear ST-segment elevation and symmetric negative T-waves are usually seen in leads V1~V3.

The differential diagnosis of Type-2 Brugada pattern and electrocardiogram of athletes

It is of utmost importance to distinguish the Type-2 Brugada pattern from r′-wave patterns in healthy athletes.The Type-2 Brugada ECG pattern is characterized by a positive r′-wave deflection at the QRS-ST junction in leads V1~V2with a shallow down slope of descendent arm,with minimal or no reciprocal changes in other leads.On the contrary,the r′-wave seen in incomplete RBBB presents a fast down slope due to early conduction delay in the right bundle.For some authors,the coved QRS-ST pattern in Type-1 or the r′-wave in Type-2 Brugada patterns may not indicate only delayed RV activation,but also early repolarization and J-point elevation.The downsloping ST-segment in the′coved′type is followed by a negative T-wave due to voltage gradient at the end of repolarization,as a consequence of delayed action potential duration that overcomes the duration of the endocardium action potential.On the contrary,an inverted voltage gradient in Type-2 Brugada pattern explains the positivity of the T-wave that is seen frequently in the Type-2 Brugada pattern.

The importance of new electrocardiogram criteria to diagnose Type-2 Brugada pattern

In this study,we described new electrocardiographic criteria to discriminate the Type-2 Brugada pattern from healthy athletes with r′-wave in leads V1~V2.All three new criteria demonstrated high diagnostic yield to identify patients with true Brugada syndrome which are not superior to theβ-angle criterion described by Chevallier et al.,and therefore may be used in addition or as an alternative to it.Furthermore,its real value should be also tested in a prospective study.This author found that theβangle at58°cut-offyielded a positive predictive value of73%and a negative predictive value of 87%.Our findings suggest that theβ-angle best cut-off value is lower than that in the Chevalier series (≥36.8°).One of the reasons for the discrepancy could be related to the fact that obtaining the properβ-angle measurement is not easy and inter-intrapersonal variation may be high.

In our study,the three new electrocardiographic criteria are based on the characteristics of the r′-wave. The duration of the base of the triangle formed by ascendant and descendent arms of r′-wave at0.5mV from the high take-off was the easiest to measure andmay be useful in clinical practice.The duration equal or greater than 160ms(4mm)in V1and/or V2identifies patients with Brugada patterns.The other two parameters,duration of the base of the triangle at the isoelectric line≥60ms and the ratio of duration/height of those triangle at the isoelectric line≥0.8,also demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity,similar to or higher than thatobtained with theβangle.

In this study,we have demonstrated the value of these criteria for the differential diagnosis between Type-2 Brugada pattern and healthy athletes with r′wave in leads V1~V2.This remains a challenge to demonstrate whether these new parameters are useful to distinguish the Type-2 Brugada pattern from other entities depicting r′-wave in leads V1~V2.

It is very important to bear in mind that the surface ECG recording,discovered more than 100 years ago by Einthoven,may still provide such interesting information 20 years after the discovery of the syndrome.It may be useful in the stratification of risk,a very important advantage from a clinical and patient management point of view.


arrhythmogenic n.致心律失常的

dysp lasia n.发育不全,发育不良

pursue v.追,追赶,继续,追求,追随

misdiagnosis n.错误的诊断

feasibility n.可行性

reproducibility n.再生产,重复性

hallmark n.纯度印记,标志

interpretation n.解释,表现,口译,表演,翻译

crucial adj.决定性的,十字形的,严酷的

endocardium n.心内膜

discrim inate adj.&v.有区别的,著名的;区别,区分

depict v.描画,描绘,描写


1.take-off医学文献中多指“起点,起始”,如The take-off of the right coronary artery is quite variable.右冠状动脉的起始变化很大。Tissue isolated from the sinoatrial node center shows spontaneous activity and the action potential has a low take-off potential.从窦房结中心分离的组织显示自发激动,动作电位有一低起始电位。







记录体表12导联心电图,V1~V2电极置于第4肋间。由两位独立的研究者单盲分析心电图。在记录10s的心电图片上测定V1~V2上QRS-T波的r′波和等电位线。在每一r′波(Figure1A partA)上添加两段直线,沿着r′波的上升支和下降支(Figure 1A partB),在等电位线(Figure 1A partC)上添加一段直线。

测定三个新标准(1)高起点下0.5mV处r′波上升支和下降支构成的三角形底边间期(Figure1C,partA),(2)等电位线水平该三角形底边间期,和(3)r′波上升支和下降支构成的三角形基线水平底边与高的比值(Figure 1C,partB)。同时测定Chevallier等提出的由r′波上升支和下降支构成的β夹角(Figure1C,partC)。




高起点下0.5mV处三角形底边间期、等电位线处三角形底边间期及等电位线处r′波上升支和下降支构成的三角形底边与高比值,呈Ⅱ型Brugada心电图图形的Brugada综合征患者均显著高于健康运动员组。图2和图3显示r′波高起点下0.5mV处三角形底边在Ⅱ型Brugada图形(>160ms, 4mm)和健康运动员(<160ms,4mm)之间是如何不同的,即使ST-T形态相似。ROC曲线显示,r′波高起点下0.5mV处三角形底边间期的曲线下面积(AUC)V1为0.955,V2为0.944,而等电位线水平三角形底边间期的AUC V1为0.907,V2为0.938;三角形底边/高比值的AUC V1为0.94,V2为0.944;βangleV1为0.957,V2为0.952。















[1]Serra G,Baranchuk A,Baye′s-De-Luna A,et al.New electrocardio graphic criteria to differentiate the Type-2 Brugada pattern from electrocardiogram of healthy athletes with r′-wave in leads V1/V2[J].Europace,2014,16∶1639-1645.


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