《月亮和六便士》的主人公思特里特兰德原是一位证券经纪人,中年时离家出走,追求自己的“艺术梦”。其作者毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)在小说中探索了个性与天才的关系、艺术家与社会的矛盾等问题。
George Lakoff(1980)的认知语言学理论为隐喻研究开辟了新天地,他指出:隐喻的焦点不在语言,而在于人利用一个概念领域去说明另一个概念领域。
参照莱考夫(1980)的定义,隐喻的实质就是通过另一类事物来理解某一类事物。在他的著作《我们赖以生存的隐喻》中,莱考夫将概念隐喻分为三类:1)空间隐喻(Orientation Metaphor),即参照空间方位而形成一系列隐喻概念;2)实体隐喻(Ontological Metaphor),即将抽象经验、概念看作具体的实体,以便识别其特征及原因等;3)结构隐喻(Structural Metaphor),即通过一个概念来构建另一个概念。隐喻的作用在于:1)将普通事物引入说明新事物;2)可以简洁地表达复杂的思想,增强语言表达力。
1. What the devil does a mentor do when the sinner makes no bones about confessing his sin?
2. If, seized by an intolerable boredom, he had determined to be a painter merely to break with irksome tires.
3.Strickland employed not the rapier of sarcasm but the bludgeon of invective.
4. I don' t disapprove of the boa-constrictor.
5. I longed to pierce his armour of complete indifference.
例1中,What the devil does a mentor do when the sinner makes no bones about confessing his sin为实体隐喻。作者用devil这个概念映射思特里特兰德弃家出逃的隐喻。根据Wikipedia的描述 devil是邪恶的化身,含有贬义成分。作者将思特里特兰德弃家出逃的行为具体化作devil所为,Strickland is a devil这个隐喻点明他并无悔过。
例2中,If, seized by an intolerable boredom, he had determined to be a painter merely to break with irksome tires为实体隐喻,作者将boredom形象化作tires。作者使用tires这一隐喻概念指出旁人把平淡如水的生活视为幸福,但却将思特里特兰德束缚了起来。
例3中,Strickland employed not the rapier of sarcasm but the bludgeon of invective为实体隐喻,作者用思特里特兰德的尖酸刻薄是bludgeon这一隐喻,指出他对待恩人,态度恶劣,且加以谩骂。此处与中文 “刀子嘴”的说法有异曲同工之处,可知思特里特兰德说话的尖酸刻薄。
例4中,I don' t disapprove of the boa-constrictor.根据Wikipedia的描述,boa-constrictor孤僻且攻击性强。Strickland is boa-constrictor这个隐喻点明思特里特兰德是一个具有攻击性且能够容忍孤独的人。
例5中,I longed to pierce his armour of complete indifference,作者将思特里特兰德的冷漠具体化,将indifferent看成一个实体,映射思特里特兰德性格中的冷漠已将他与外部世界隔离开去。
1. I was more at a sea ever.
2. In England and France he was the square peg in the round hole, but here the holes were amiss of shape, and sort of peg was amiss.
3. Can the law get blood out of a stone.
4. I take the conscience is the guardian in the individual of the rules which the community has evolved for its own preservation. Its the policeman in all our hearts, set there to watch that we do not break its laws. It is the spy seated in the central stronghold of the ego.
5.The cuckoo lay its egg in the strange birds nest and when the young one is hatched it shoulder its foster-brothers out and breaks at last the nest that has sheltered it
例1中,I was more at a sea ever为实体隐喻。sea在概念中是漫无边际的,此处以sea来表达“我”对思特里特兰德为了追寻梦想,丢弃幸福家庭这一行为的困惑。此处的隐喻将“我”的不理解进行了具体化。
例2中,In England and France he was the square peg in the round hole, but here the holes were amiss of shape, and sort of peg was amiss为实体隐喻,Strickland is a square peg in the round hole, 指出思特里特兰德不被人理解是因为他没遇到适合自己的环境。作者也借此指出,大众之所以无法理解思特里特兰德的行为是因为他们不理解思特里特兰德的独特。
例3中,Can the law get blood out of a stone为实体隐喻,作者用“从石头里榨油”这一隐喻,指出思特里特兰德的生活境况已经到了山穷水尽的地步。
例4中,I take the conscience is the guardian in the individual of the rules which the community has evolved for its own preservation. Its the policeman in all our hearts, set there to watch that we do not break its laws. It is the spy seated in the central stronghold of the ego为实体隐喻,指出思特里特兰德出走时已经舍弃conscience而选择自己的梦想。Conscience is guardian这个隐喻点明了思特里特兰德性格中的坚毅。
例5中,The cuckoo lay its egg in the strange birds nest and when the young one is hatched it shoulder its foster-brothers out and breaks at last the nest that has sheltered it.此句虽无明显的隐喻痕迹,但结合全文,这是对思特里特兰德一生的总结。思特里特兰德的灵魂被创作的欲望所缠绕,追求画画是天性所趋,最后当欲望破壳而出,他能做的便是顺从。
隐喻巧妙地表达了“我”对思特里特兰德态度的转变。通过以上分析可以看出,思特里特兰德的形象从一个充满争议的角色转变为悲剧性人物。前期eccentricity--poor devil-- boa-constrictor到后期a square peg in a round hole--cuckoo可以看出有明显的转变。如果说前期作者对思特里特兰德是一种厌恶的态度,后期则是一种怜惜的态度。
小说开头用common表明思特里特兰德形象并不出众,初识思特里特兰德的“我”对思他用eccentricity、ridicule来表达了“我”对其弃家出走这一行为的不理解。而随着交往的深入,“我”了解到思特里特兰德是square peg in the round hold,态度由之前的不理解转变为怜悯。在这些推进叙述的进程中,隐喻使人物形象更为鲜明,这便是隐喻在通篇小说中的主要作用。
[1] George Lakoff ,Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Live By [M].University Of Chicago Press,2003.