
2015-05-30 04:57阿琼
新东方英语·中学版 2015年5期


In this article we'll look at four future inventions we've been waiting for all our lives. Which ones are just around the corner, and which ones are mere fantasies?


We humans are often the most dangerous part of an automobile. That's why scientists have been working on automated highway technology for decades. In the 1990s, the U.S. Department of Transportation sponsored the National Automated Highway System Consortium (NAHSC), which successfully demonstrated the potential of radar, magnetic1) and visual sensors that allowed test vehicles to navigate2) a specially prepared length of highway. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) also underwrote3) an autonomous vehicle research and development program, culminating in4) its 2007 Urban Challenge5).

But this is one future invention that we're probably going to see sooner rather than later. Since 2007, Google scientists and engineers have been working to develop autonomous vehicles that use artificial intelligence software and Google Maps to navigate. Testing of driverless cars on public roads actually has been approved in Nevada, Florida and California. In fact, Google says that about a dozen self-driving cars are on the road at any given time, and they've travelled 500,000 miles (804,672 kilometers) in beta tests6).

Google still awaits federal and state regulatory approval to engage in more extensive tests, and it's still unclear when—or rather, if—ordinary folks will be able to buy a car that drives itself. But there's talk that Google is set to build its own driverless car. Electric car company Tesla is also throwing its driving cap into the race, claiming it can have a car that does 90 percent of the work by 2016.





The ocean presented early humans with a vast mystery. What worlds and fabulous7) creatures exist in the deep? Today, our understanding has expanded, but the world's waters still offer us an abundance of mystery and awe8). We dream less about mermaid cities and sunken Atlantis and instead imagine underwater metropolises and seafloor colonies.

This zeal9) was especially strong in the late 1950s and early 1960s, when Jacques Cousteau's Conshelf project10) and the United States Navy's Sealab saw the dream of undersea living realized. Both programs proved that humans can live and work for an extended time underwater. The test subjects11) tended12) underwater gardens, tackled13) underwater construction projects and lived the life of an aquanaut14).

Half a century later, the underwater cities still aren't here. Sure, we have unrealized designs such as Giancarlo Zema's semisubmerged Trilobis 65 dwelling and the proposed underwater Dubai Hydropolis, but very few underwater habitats. The bottom line15) is that while humans can live underwater, it's not an easy or cheap life. It's also not necessary.



半个世纪过去了,水下城市仍未建成。当然,我们有些尚未实现的设计,如贾恩卡洛·泽马(编注:意大利著名设计师)的半潜式居住游艇“Trilobis 65”,还有尚在计划中的迪拜水下酒店Hydropolis,但很少有水下居住地。最重要的是,虽然人类可以在水下生活,但这样的生活既费力也不划算,而且也没必要。


The most obvious answer to a complaint about the lack of robot maids is of course, "Hey, buddy, go buy a Roomba16)." Because while they don't really resemble George Jetson's robotic maid Rosie, modern bots do carry out a host of floor vacuuming17), tile18) scrubbing and pool cleaning chores.

Of course, the vision of the computerized maid goes beyond mere automated dust busting19). What we've been waiting for is a true robotic domestic servant capable of safely navigating a human living environment to carry out everything from cleaning the toilet to cooking pancakes.

But in order to actually move through our kitchens and interact with us, robots will need to be capable of social learning. A truly social bot will need to evaluate environmental stimuli20) with a discriminating eye. In short, a true robotic maid would need to be autonomous. Scientists from Cornell University are on the case, and are slowly creating robots that might be able to anticipate human needs. They predict that in the next few years we might see a robot maid who can do some specific tasks. So far, they've already developed a robo-maid who can open a fridge and pour you a beer. A far greater help than, say, folding laundry.





Since the 1800s, futurists have been dreaming about creating miniaturized, 100-percent synthetic21) food from chemicals, so it could be consumed in tablet or capsule22) form. Some envisioned23) it as a way to free homemakers from the drudgery24) of cooking or spare animals from slaughter, while others saw it as a way to feed the planet's growing population without overtaxing farm soil or other natural resources. A 1936 Popular Science Monthly article predicted that "modern alchemists25)" in food laboratories eventually would create food pills that would contain everything necessary for life—a feat that would render26) man forever independent of natural resources for his nourishment, and banish fear of crop failure and famine.

It's an idea that has persisted over the years in science-fiction fantasies. The problem is that unless someone figures out a way to alter the laws of physics, getting your daily nutrition from a capsule or tablet is pretty much impossible. Think of it this way: the typical human needs to ingest27) about 2,000 calories each day, and a gram28) of fat—the most efficient way to provide them—contains about nine calories. Thus, to meet your daily caloric requirement, you'd have to ingest 450 or so standard-sized capsules of fat, which would weigh roughly half a pound. And you still wouldn't be getting all the other nutrients—protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber—that you need to be healthy. Besides, eating nothing but a pill for breakfast, lunch and dinner wouldn't exactly be living large. People like to eat because food tastes good. Pills generally don't.



沪将建600-800km有轨电车 未来或“无人驾驶”