
2015-05-30 10:48
新东方英语·中学版 2015年5期


My name hasn't been a rarity1) to this world since the Hanoverians2) took over the British some few hundred years ago. Now, I'm nothing more than number twenty-one on the most common names list. I am fabricated3) from decades of repetition and commonality.

My mother thought she was being poetic. Instead, she was being generic4). I am no Emily Dickinson5) and I will not grow up to become an old woman with a rose6). Emily is defined as a rival, one who is up for the challenge and always intimidating7). Perhaps that is what my mother was setting me up for: a life of fighting.

I am the one who always questions authority and puts up the most resistance. I am the one in the family who is bold and brave. No acceptance for defeat, always walking on thin ice8). I have found the rival within but that's not what she wanted.

The irony of it all is that I'm not as generic as the meaning of my name. My name is breaking away before I'm broken, an uncontrollable love in a world of insecurities9). My name is the burst of color hidden in the black and white. It is the fiery10) spirit that melts away the cold. The rock and roll in a sea of silent decay. My name is the independence which sets me free.

I'm the one who's got vibrant11) colored hair and is far too in love with horses for anyone in this world to believe. I am meant to break away from the things that society is conformed to.

It may be the most common name for an American girl but I will not let my name define me. Instead, I will define my name—Emily.







1. rarity [?re?r?ti] n. 罕见的人或物;珍品

2. Hanoverian: (英国)汉诺威王室的。汉诺威王朝(House of Hanover)于1714~1901年统治英国,第一任国王为乔治一世。

3. fabricate [?f?br?ke?t] vt. 制造,制作

4. generic [d???ner?k] adj. 一般的;普通的

5. Emily Dickinson: 埃米莉·狄更生(1830~1886),美国19世纪著名女诗人

6. 指美国著名作家威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner, 1897~1962)的短篇小说《献给埃米莉的一朵玫瑰花》(A Rose for Emily)中的主人公Emily。

7. intimidating [?n?t?m?de?t??] adj. 令人惊恐的,骇人的

8. on thin ice: 如履薄冰;处于危险(或困难)境地

9. 此处作者意在表明自己和小说《献给埃米莉的一朵玫瑰花》中的Emily不同,不会因为社会等因素而束缚自己。小说中Emily的父亲赶走了所有追求她的男子,后来她在父亲去世后爱上了一个铁路工人,却因对方无意与她成家而将其毒死,并与其尸体同床共枕40年直至去世。Emily深受以父亲为代表的传统所束缚,最终为自己的爱情挖下了坟墓。

10. fiery [?fa??ri] adj. 火一般的;燃烧着的

11. vibrant [?va?br?nt] adj. (颜色)鲜明的

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