
2015-05-30 10:48
新东方英语·中学版 2015年5期


Email: teens@xdf.cn


I should have forgotten all about my mother's demand that I bring some fruit home for the evening, ____.

A. if not reminding B. if not reminded

C. although reminded D. although not reminding

所给答案是C,解析说是“我忘记买水果了”,但是“should +完成时态”不是表示“该做的没做”吗?那不是应该理解成“我该忘了,实际上却没忘”吗?求解答,谢谢!

本题可填入although reminded,也可填入if not reminded,但是这两种说法含义不同且都不太常见了。若填入although reminded,说成:I should have forgotten all about my mother's demand that I bring some fruit home for the evening, although reminded. 这句话相当于:Even though I'd been reminded, I completely forgot to bring home the fruit my mother had asked me to buy. 整句话意为:“尽管被提醒了,但我竟然还是把妈妈让我买水果回家的事给忘光了。”这里的should是“竟然”之意,由于是在谈过去的事情,故说成should have done。但这种说法现在并不常用。此外,should表“竟然”的例子还有很多,但通常与表示情绪的词连用,如:How sad that she should have no one to comfort her! (竟然没人安慰她,多可悲啊!)

若填入if not reminded,那最好把should改为would或might,说成:I would/might have forgotten all about my mother's demand that I bring some fruit home for the evening, if not reminded. 其中if not reminded还可以替换为if I had not been reminded或had I not been reminded。这句话意为:“如果没有被提醒,我当时就会把妈妈让我买水果回家的事给忘光的。”此时,句子的核心意思发生了改变,表达的是对过去的虚拟。那为什么要把should改为would呢?其实,英国英语以前是可以用should的,说成:I should have forgotten all about my mother's demand that I bring some fruit home for the evening, if not reminded. 其中的should与would、might一样,用来表示一种可能性,但这种用法现在一般不常见了,尤其是在美国英语中不被人们接受。

此外,should的含义有很多,should have done并不是只有“应该做但实际上没做”这种用法,同学们对should的认识不应该局限于此。

张老师,您好。Biology, sport, domestic science, the cinema—there is bound to be some area that interests you and in which you can find books of about your level of ability. 请问这句话中的in which能否用where代替?如果不行,是为什么呢?

分析句子可知,句中的两个定语从句that interests you和in which you can find books of about your level of ability并列,修饰同一个先行词some area。这两个定语从句还原成简单句分别为:

① The area interests you.

② You can find books of about your level of ability in that area.

也就是说,in which相当于in that area,这里介词in与area构成了语义搭配,表示在具体某个领域的书籍,用in which比where语义更加明确。换句话说,这里用where未尝不可,但用in which更好。

需要注意的是,当which前面的介词与定语从句中的动词有语义搭配关系,尤其涉及动词短语的用法时,最好不要把“介词+ which”换成where。比如:Emily Dickinson's garden was a place from which she drew great inspiration for her poems. 这句话中的定语从句改为简单句为:She drew great inspiration from the place for her poems. 这里的draw inspiration from something是一个语义搭配,表示“从……获取灵感”。此时不宜用where说成:Emily Dickinson's garden was a place where she drew great inspiration for her poems. 因为少了介词from,draw和garden之间的语义关系就变得很模糊了。

综上所述,采用“介词+ which”会比where语义更加明确,因此也更好。
