
2015-05-30 04:57袁瑞
新东方英语·中学版 2015年5期


Trees, the longest-living organisms on Earth, beautify and protect our environment by providing color, shelter and shade. There's nothing more charming than strolling1) under the picturesque2) canopies3) of the beautiful trees. Check out our top seven list of incredibly beautiful tree tunnels from all over the world!


Wisteria4) Tunnel, Japan日本的紫藤隧道

As soon as the cherry blossom season ends, the gorgeous wisteria flowers that hang in grape-like clusters5), take their turn on the Japanese floral6) calendar. The Fuji7) Matsuri8), or Wisteria Festival, is celebrated each spring in Tokyo, Shizuoka and Okazaki.

The Ashikaga Flower Park is one of the best places to admire different varieties of wisteria, including double-petaled wisteria, giant wisteria and yellow, white, light pink or purple variants of wisteria.



1. stroll [str??l] vi. 闲逛;漫步

2. picturesque [?p?kt???resk] adj. 别致的;(风景)如画的

3. canopy [?k?n?pi] n. (枝叶等)天然的荫遮;(顶篷似的)树荫

4. wisteria [w??st??ri?] n. 紫藤

5. cluster [?kl?st?(r)] n. (同类生长物的)串;簇

6. floral [?fl??r?l] adj. 花的

7. fuji: 【植】日本多花紫藤

8. matsuri: 节,节日

9. jacaranda [?d??k??r?nd?] n. 蓝花楹

10. splash [spl??] n. (与周围环境形成强烈对照的)一片颜色

Jacarandas9) Walk, South Africa南非的蓝花楹林荫道

Over 10 million trees keep Johannesburg, South Africa's largest city, green. According to several unofficial sources, Johannesburg is home to the world's largest man-made forest. There are at least 49 species of Jacaranda, most of which are native to South America and the Caribbean basin. The tropical trees were imported to South Africa over one hundred years ago.

October is the month when the flowers of thousands of Jacaranda trees are in full blossom. This spectacular tree tunnel is located either in Johannesburg or Pretoria, the Jacaranda City where over 70,000 Jacarandas add vivid splashes10) of purple-blue to the urban landscape.



Tunnel of Love, Ukraine乌克兰的爱情隧道

The Ukrainian Tunnel of Love is actually a two-mile sector of private railway that serves a woodworking plant near Klevan, a small city located in western Ukraine. I read somewhere that couples pass through this romantic tunnel to make a wish. The myth goes that, if their love is strong and pure, the wish will come true. May all of your wishes come true, but watch out for the train! It runs three times a day through the leafy tunnel.


The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰的黑暗树篱

Tucked away11) in the county of Antrim, these beautiful beech12) trees are thought to be around 300 years old. According to local records, James Stuart planted the 150 beech trees in the 18th century, to impress guests as they approached his splendid property, Gracehill House.

Legend tells that the spirit of a maid, who lived in a neighboring mansion and died in mysterious circumstances hundreds of years ago, haunts13) the country road. "Grey Lady" silently floats along the road and quickly disappears as she reaches the last beech tree.



Yew14) Tree Tunnel, UK英国的紫杉隧道

The medieval Aberglasney House features one of the most beautiful gardens in Wales, UK. Aberglasney Gardens have been an inspiration to poets since 1477. The Yew Tree Tunnel is a popular tourist attraction in this area. It is thought to have been planted by the Dyer family of Aberglasney, during the 18th century. Believe it or not, it took nine years of pruning15) to restore this unique archway16). "Years of neglect had left it unsafe and with a perilous17) future, as the once formally clipped structure had grown even higher than the top of the Mansion itself. It is so nice to see it looking invigorated18) and healthy again. I have every confidence that with careful restoration it would help its future longevity19)," declared Graham Rankin, one of Aberglasney's directors.


Autumn Tree Tunnel, USA美国的秋叶隧道

Photographed in glorious autumn colors by photographer Kevin McNeal, this tree tunnel is simply astonishing! The picture was taken on the way up to Smuggler's Notch, a Vermont state park.

The eye-catching foliage20) starts changing its color in the northern region, in response to many environmental factors, and spreads south as the fall season advances.



Cherry Blossom Tunnel, Germany德国的樱花隧道

Each spring, a peaceful street, located in the German city of Bonn, transforms into an enchanting21) cherry blossom tunnel. Photographer Marcel Bednarz captured this stunning sight of cherry blossoms in full bloom. He explained that there are actually two streets in Bonn where cherry trees are planted, but the one we see in his picture is called Heerstra?e. (As you may know, the average cherry blossom lasts only between seven and ten days, depending on weather conditions.)


11. tuck away: (被)藏入;隐没

12. beech [bi?t?] n. 山毛榉

13. haunt [h??nt] vt. (鬼魂等)常出没于……

14. yew [ju?] n. 紫杉(树)

15. pruning [?pru?n??] n. 修剪,整枝

16. archway [?ɑ?t?we?] n. 拱道;拱门

17. perilous [?per?l?s] adj. 危险的;冒险的

18. invigorated [?n?v?ɡ?re?t?d] adj. 生气勃勃的;精力充沛的

19. longevity [l?n?d?ev?ti] n. 长寿

20. foliage [?f??li?d?] n. 叶;绿叶

21. enchanting [?n?t?ɑ?nt??] adj. 迷人的;令人心醉的
