
2015-05-04 09:32:27李文秀张桂珍
中国循证儿科杂志 2015年2期

李文秀 耿 斌 吴 江 张桂珍



李文秀 耿 斌 吴 江 张桂珍

目的 探讨胎儿单纯性完全型肺静脉异位引流(TAPVC)的产前超声心动图特点,提高对本病的产前诊断准确率。方法 回顾性分析2011年5月至2014年2月经新生儿超声心动图、手术或尸解证实的8例单纯性TAPVC的胎儿期超声心动图检查结果,总结超声心动图特征。结果 8例单纯性TAPVC胎儿中,心下型2例,心内型1例,心上型5例,5例存在垂直静脉或共同肺静脉腔与垂直静脉连接处梗阻;8例胎儿中,引产1例(心下型),余7例均于出生后行手术治疗,其中1例术后死亡(心下型),6例均恢复良好。TAPVC胎儿超声心动图特征为:①正常的左心房形态消失,呈圆形或椭圆形,左心房光滑并多变小,在孕后期较为明显;②降主动脉与左心房间距离明显增大,多数在左心房后方可见一异常的腔隙(即共同肺静脉腔),可显示左、右侧上升(心上型)或下降(心下型)的垂直静脉;③妊娠早期左、右心系统比值早期多正常,但妊娠中、晚期(孕26周后)可出现右心系统轻度扩大;④引流入冠状静脉窦时(心内型),冠状静脉窦可有扩张;引流入上腔静脉时(心上型),上腔静脉扩张;引流入肝内血管时(心下型),肝内血管可有不同程度的扩张;⑤彩色多普勒可显示引流途径及是否合并垂直静脉梗阻。结论 在孕早期左、右心系统比值正常时,TAPVC易被漏诊及误诊,应注意多角度、多切面扫查,孕晚期超声心动图检查可减少漏诊。

完全型肺静脉异位引流; 胎儿超声心动图; 产前诊断

随着胎儿产前检查的广泛开展,胎儿超声心动图检查已成为产前超声诊断胎儿先天性心脏病(CHD)的重要手段,但因国内各级医疗机构对各种CHD的预后了解不足,部分出生后临床治疗效果好的CHD胎儿被过度引产[1,2]。完全型肺静脉异位引流(TAPVC)为CHD的一种,是指4支肺静脉均未与左房相连接,而是通过共同肺静脉腔直接或间接回流入右心房。根据是否合并其他心内畸形,TAPVC可分为单纯性和复合性。复合性TAPVC临床多采用姑息性治疗,预后较差[3,4];而单纯性TAPVC依据分型的不同、诊断和治疗时间的不同,使得出生后手术效果差别较大,心内型和心上型TAPVC患儿手术治疗预后较好,心下型因肺静脉血液回流至右心房行程长,受外界压迫的机会多,容易导致肺静脉引流部位梗阻,产生严重的肺淤血,预后较差[5~7]。国外对单纯性TAPVC报道较少,目前国内尚未见针对单纯性TAPVC的产前超声诊断报道。本研究回顾性分析首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院(我院)诊断单纯性TAPVC胎儿的产前超声心动图特点,以期提高对胎儿期单纯性TAPVC的诊断准确率,为孕妇提供治疗建议 ,降低临床过度引产,并对出生后患儿的超声心动图检查时间及手术前治疗提供建议。

1 方法

1.1 纳入标准 ①2011年5月至2014年2月在我院儿童心血管病中心行胎儿产前超声心动图检查诊断为单纯性TAPVC的连续病例;②经胎儿尸解或出生后经超声心动图或手术证实的病例。

1.2 临床资料截取

1.2.1 孕妇资料 ①在我院行产前超声检查时的孕周(孕周由妊娠末次月经或妊娠早期超声检查确定);②外院胎儿超声诊断和我院胎儿超声诊断。

1.2.2 胎儿资料 ①左、右心室结构是否对称;②是否存在共同肺静脉腔;③共同肺静脉腔是否存在梗阻;④何种类型TAPVC(心上型、心内型、心下型和混合型)[8];⑤是否终止妊娠;⑥是否行手术治疗;⑦手术后治疗效果。

1.3 胎儿产前超声心动图检查 使用Philips IE33彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,选择探头C5-2,探头频率2~5 MHz,选择胎儿心脏模式。首先确定胎儿心脏方位,再获取胎儿上腹部胃泡水平横切面,确定胎儿心脏与内脏的位置关系,依次显示胎儿心脏常规5个标准切面:胎儿四腔心切面、胎儿五腔心切面、心底短轴及肺动脉分叉切面、胎儿左心室流出道及主动脉弓长轴切面、胎儿右心室流出道及动脉导管弓长轴切面;再显示三血管切面、三血管气管切面(3VT)、上下腔静脉切面、膈肌水平矢状切面、膈肌水平冠状切面;在这些切面的基础上,再叠加彩色多普勒和能量多普勒血流成像,以观察各房室腔、瓣膜和大血管的血流情况。

1.4 随访及验证 胎儿超声诊断由我院2名高年资医师共同做出,依据医学伦理学原则,均向孕妇及其家属告知胎儿TAPVC的类型、产后检查时间、治疗时间和预后,胎儿父母自主选择继续妊娠或终止妊娠,所有终止妊娠的胎儿于引产后行尸体解剖病理检查,继续妊娠者于产后行新生儿超声心动图检查 。

2 结果

2.1 一般情况 孕妇8名,年龄24~38岁,平均年龄(28.2±4.7)岁;孕周24~36周,平均(29.5±4.3)周;自然受孕6例,体外受精受孕2例;1例胎儿引产行尸解, 2例早产,其中1例36周因胎膜早破早产,1例于36周因羊水过少早产,5例足月产。仅2例在外院诊断为TAPVC(1例诊断为肝静脉异常和心下型TAPVC,1例诊断为心下型TAPVC合并垂直静脉阻塞),余6例在外院均未诊断为TAPVC(2例诊断为左心发育不全综合征和主动脉狭窄,1例诊断为冠状窦扩大和左上腔静脉,1例诊断为上腔静脉旁异常血管合并狭窄,1例疑诊为左上腔静脉,1例左心系统内径小)。8例胎儿在我院行胎儿超声均诊断为TAPVC,活产的7例均于出生后行手术治疗,其中1例术后1周死亡,其他均恢复良好。8例胎儿及其母亲一般情况见表1。

2.2 胎儿超声心动图检查结果 表1显示,8例胎儿均在左心房后方显示呈卵圆形或狭长的共同肺静脉腔。心上型5例,其中3例共同肺静脉腔通过左侧上行垂直静脉回流入左无名静脉,最终回流入右上腔静脉(2例伴垂直静脉梗阻);2例通过右侧的垂直静脉直接回流入右上腔静脉(1例伴垂直静脉梗阻);心内型1例,共同肺静脉腔回流入冠状静脉窦,后回流入右心房;心下型2例,共同肺静脉腔均通过下行的垂直静脉回流入肝内门静脉,其中1例伴垂直静脉梗阻。表1中例1、2、3和4的超声心动图所见分别见文内图1、2、3和4。

2.3 超声心动图特征 ①正常的左心房形态消失(左、右下肺静脉有棱角的结构消失),左心房光滑,形态呈圆形或椭圆形,左心房多变小,在孕后期较为明显(图1A,2A,3A);②降主动脉与左心房之间的距离明显增大(图1B,2A,3A,4A),多数在脊柱与左心房间可见一异常的腔隙,即共同肺静脉腔(图1A,1B,2A,2B,3A,3B,4A),可显示左、右侧上升(心上型)或下降(心下型)的垂直静脉(三血管及膈肌水平矢状切面)(图1E,图2D);③左、右心系统比值早期多正常(图4A),但妊娠中、晚期(26周后)可出现右心系统轻度扩大,左心室与右心室比值或主动脉与肺动脉比值减小(图1A,2A,3A);④引流入冠状静脉窦时(心内型),冠状静脉窦可有扩张(图1C,E),引流入上腔静脉时(心上型),上腔静脉扩张(图2C,2D,4C),引流入肝内血管时(门静脉、肝静脉或下腔静脉肝内段)(心下型),肝内血管不同程度的扩张(图1E);⑤彩色多普勒可显示引流途径及是否合并梗阻(图1A,1D,2C~E,3D,3F,4A)。

1 29周胎儿心下型TAPVC伴垂直静脉梗阻超声心动图(例1)

Fig 1 Findings of infracardiac TAPVC to portal vein with obstruction of descending vertical vein at GA 29 weeks (case 1)

Notes A:Two-dimensional ultrasound image showed the ′confluence′(red arrow) of pulmonary veins posterior to the left atrium (LA) and anterior to the descending aorta (Dao) on fetal four-chamber view with asymmetry ventricle at GA 29 weeks. B: Fetal four-chamber view showed the pulmonary venous confluence (CPV) (red arrows) and increased distance between LA and Dao. C:Color Doppler imaging showed the CPV which left pulmonary venous (LPV) and right pulmonary venous (RPV) draining blood into it. D:Power Doppler imaging also showed the CPV clearly. E:Two-dimensional ultrasound image showed the CPV connected portal vein (POV) through the descending vertical vein (DVV) on fetal coronal view. F: Color Doppler imaging showed DVV draining blood away from the heart and into the POV. G: Fetal sagittal view showed color flow when the DVV passing through the diaphragm (red arrow). H:Spectral Doppler demonstrated the velocity of obstruction of DVV was 90 cm·s-1

2 31周胎儿心上型TAPVC伴共同肺静脉腔与左侧垂直静脉连接处梗阻超声心动图(例2)

Fig 2 Findings of supracardiac TAPVC to the innominate vein in a fetus with the stenosis at the connection of pulmonary venous confluence to the left aescending vertical vein at GA 31 weeks(case 2)

Notes A:Two-dimensional ultrasound image of fetal four-chamber view showed the pulmonary venous confluence (CPV) (red arrow) between the left atrium (LA) and the descending aorta (Dao), and left atrium (LA) was became narrow at 31 weeks. B: CPV(red arrow) was seen posterior to the LA on the approximate apex long axis view of left ventricle outlet tract (LVOT). C: Color Doppler imaging showed the flow direction of CPV was upward and an accelerated flow (white arrow) at the site of CPV near the pulmonary artery (PA). D: Color Doppler imaging showed CPV connected to the left innominate vein (LIV) by the left ascending vertical vein (L-VV), and a vein arch was made with a stenosis (red arrow) at the connection of CPV to L-VV. E: Power Doppler imaging showed the vein arch clearly. LV: left ventricle; RA: right atrium; RV: right ventricle; LIV: left innominate vein; L-VV: left vertical vein; SVC: superior vena cava

3 31周胎儿心内型TAPVC超声心动图(例3)

Fig 3 Findings of cardiac TAPVC in a fetus at GA 31 weeks (case 3)

Notes A:Two-dimensional ultrasound image showed the suspected pulmonary venous confluence (CPV) (red arrows) posterior to the left atrium (LA) on fetal four-chamber view, and the right heart was bigger and LA was small. B: Color Doppler imaging showed the site of pulmonary veins draining blood flow was close to the posterior wall of LA (red arrows), but the CPV was not very clear. C: Two-dimensional ultrasound image demonstrated a dilated coronary sinus (CS) (red arrow); D: Color Doppler imaging showed the blood flow (white arrow) from CS to right atrium (RA). E: Two-dimensional ultrasound image demonstrated a dilated CS which connected left and right pulmonary vein (red arrows) on the CS sagittal view. F: Color Doppler imaging showed the blood flow of left and right pulmonary vein draining into CS. G: The three vessels and trachea view (3VT) demonstrated the diameter of superior vena cava (SVC) was normal and the linear arrangement of pulmonary artery (PA), aorta (AO) and SVC was normal, and this view did not show left superior vena cava (LSVC). The supracardiac TAPVC was excluded. Dao: descending aorta; LV: left ventricle; RV: right ventricle;PFO: patent foramen; AO: aorta

4 26周胎儿心上型APVC伴垂直静脉梗阻超声心动图(例4)

Fig 4 Findings of supracardiac TAPVC to SVC with obstruction of ascending vertical vein at GA 26 weeks(case 4)

Notes A:Fetal four-chamber view with symmetry ventricle at 26 weeks, showing two signs of TAPVC: the presence of a small pulmonary venous confluence (CPV) posterior to the left atrium (LA), and increased distance between LA and the descending aorta (Dao) (red arrow). B: A short ascending vertical vein (red arrow) was shown between CPV and right superior vena cava (SVC). C: Color Doppler imaging showed flow turbulence at the site of obstruction of ascending vertical vein (white arrow). D: Spectral Doppler demonstrated high-velocity continuous flow at the junction of the vertical vein to the SVC. The velocity was 180 cm·s-1.

3 讨论









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Prenatal diagnosis of isolated total anomalous pulmonary venous connection by fetal echocardiography


GENG Bin,E-mail: geng_bin1@163.com

ObjectiveTo improve the prenatal diagnosis accuracy of isolated total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) by analyzing and accumulating fetal echocardiography features accurately diagnosed by fetal echocardiography.MethodsFetal echocardiographic signs and accumulated fetal echocardiography features were retrospectively analyzed in 8 cases with prenatal diagnosis of isolated TAPVC which was confirmed by neonatal echocardiography, surgery or autopsy from May 2011 to February 2014.ResultsDiagnosis of TAPVC was made in 8 fetuses, including 5 with supracardiac connection, 2 with infracardiac connection and 1 with cardiac connection. Only 2 fetuses were diagnosed TAPVC in other hospitals before, including 1 fetus diagnosed as abnormal vessel in liver and infracardiac TAPVC, 1 fetus diagnosed as infracardiac TAPVC combined with descending vertical vein obstruction. Other 6 fetuses were all misdiagnosed, including 2 with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and coarctation of aorta, 1 with dilated coronary sinus and left superior vena cava, 1 with abnormal vessal nearby superior vena cava combined with stenosis, 1 with left superior vena cava and 1 with small diameter of left heart. Stenosis along the vertical vein pathway or the connection of the vertical vein to pulmonary venous confluence was identified in 5 fetuses. In 1 terminated of pregnancy case with infracardiac connection, autopsy confirmed the prenatal diagnosis. Other 7 fetuses were born and performed surgery after birth, 1 case with infracardiac connection died in 1 week after surgery and other cases recovered well. The echocardiography characters of fetuses diagnosed with TAPVC:① The normal shape of left atrium disappeared and left atrium became round or oral and narrow especially in the latter phase of pregnancy. ② The distance was increased between left atrium and the descending aorta (Dao) and an abnormal pulmonary venous confluence presented posterior to the left atrium in most cases, and the ascending vertical vein or descending vertical vein could be seen. ③ The ventricular proportion was normal at the earliest gestation, but the right heart was dilated after 26 weeks. ④ A dilated coronary sinus could be seen in fetuses with cardiac TAPVC and a dilated superior vena cava in the fetus with supracardiac TAPVC and the dilated hepatic vessel in infracardiac TAPVC fetuses as well. ⑤ Color Doppler imaging could show the draining trace and whether existed vertical vein obstruction.ConclusionThe isolated TAPVC is easy to be misdiagnosed when the ventricular proportion is normal at the earliest gestation. More attention should be paid on more angle and more exam views when performing fetal echocardiography. The fetal echocardiography can reduce misdiagnosis at the latter phase of pregnancy.

Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection; Fetal echocardiography; Prenatal diagnosis

首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院儿童心血管病中心 北京,100029




