
2015-04-26 02:14赵青青
水利经济 2015年6期


(河海大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京 210098)



(河海大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京 210098)





1 设计原则

1.1 过渡性原则



1.2 责任共担原则





1.3 相对生活水平不降低原则


2 方案设计

2.1 参保对象


表1 “失海”渔民年龄分段



2.2 资金筹集


2.3 缴费标准




2.3.1 中青年劳动力


表2 MZW地区“失海”渔民参加城镇职工基本养老保险趸缴费用

2.3.2 “4050”人员




2.3.3 养老年龄段人员


2.4 给付方式及水平




3 可行性分析——以MZW地区为例

2012年MZW地区所在省在岗职工月平均工资为2 338元。根据本文设计的方案,“失海”渔民养老保险缴费基数为全省上年度在岗职工月平均工资的60%,则2012年MZW地区“失海”渔民养老保险的缴费基数为1 403元。根据本文设计的“失海”渔民养老保险方案,MZW地区不同年龄段“失海”渔民的一次性缴费标准如表2、表3所示。

根据收回海域使用权面积、影响人口及当地海域征收补偿办法计算所得,该项目的人均海域补偿费为4 025元,2012年MZW地区农民人均纯收入为9 967元。从上述表格可以看出,笔者设计的养老保险方案缴费标准较低,除“4050”人员中已经实现再就业人员的一次性缴纳费用略超过2012年农民人均纯收入外,其他年龄段的人员一次性缴纳的费用均低于2012年的农民人均纯收入。加之收回海域使用权后获得的海域补偿费,“失海”渔民个人缴费部分资金来源有所保障。

表3 MZW地区“失海”渔民参加城乡居民社会养老保险趸缴费用

根据MZW地区“失海”渔民的人员结构情况,该地区“失海”渔民养老保险费用需要政府出资约5 823.65万元,项目业主出资约3 731.08万元,见表4。

表4 MZW地区“失海”渔民养老保险政府、项目业主出资情况

MZW地区共收回海域面积约518.3 hm2,按照当地的海域使用金征收管理办法中海域使用金的征收规定,经计算可得当地政府海域使用金收入为13 993.2万元,足够支付“失海”渔民养老保险政府出资金额。

4 结 语


[1] 闵建,蔡平. 关于建立“失海”渔民保障机制的探讨[J]. 海洋开发与管理,2009,26(4): 64-67.

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[6] 刘丛丛. 当前我国失地农民养老保险模式比较分析[D]. 天津:天津财经大学,2013.

[7] 陈绍军,章戈武,彭玲玲. 南京市失地农民新型养老保障制度的构建[J]. 南京人口管理干部学院学报,2010,26(4):21-24,33.

Decoupling analysis of water resources and economic development in Jiangsu Province/YOU Haixia, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Based on the statistics of 13 cities in Jiangsu Province from 2000 to 2010, the relationship between water use and economic growth in various cities and the regional differences are described from four aspects of the whole industry, the primary industry, the secondary industry and the tertiary industry respectively bye using the decoupling methods ofIPATequation. The results show that the relationship between economic growth and water use is in a weak decoupling state in most of the years from 2000 to 2010. The development of the primary industry is roughly the same as that of Jiangsu Province. The relationship between economic growth and water use in the second industry has been gradually achieved a stable and strong decoupling state. While the relationship between economic growth and water use in the tertiary industry has been in a weak decoupling state. At the same time, the relationship between economic growth and water use has regional differences in 13 cities to some extent. In this regard, Jiangsu Province should actively adjust the industrial structure, increase efforts to protect water resources, give full play of regional synergy and achieve strong decoupling in the relationship between water use and economic growth steadily so as to promote the establishment of water-saving society.

Key words: water use; economic development; decoupling; Jiangsu Province

Economic critical point of protection and utilization of Gaoyou Lake/MENG Lingfang, et al (College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: The economic critical point of protection and utilization of a lake is the maximum scale of development and utilization without excessive destruction of ecological service function. The standard of development and utilization is that the sum of the economic benefit and the ecological benefit compatible with the development projects must be greater than or equal to that of the ecological benefit incompatible or conditionally compatible with the development projects. The main exploitation mode of Gaoyou Lake is aquaculture. The ecosystem service which is basically incompatible with the aquaculture is water purification. The ecosystem service which is conditionally compatible with the aquaculture is water supply, water storage, flood drainage, maintenance of biodiversity and scientific culture and education. The ecosystem service which is fully compatible with the aquaculture is carbon fixation and oxygen release, and transpiration endothermic. The results show that, in 2009, the economic benefit of the aquaculture of Gaoyou Lake is 35 062 RMB yuan/(hm2·a), and the economic critical point of the aquaculture of Gaoyou Lake is -2 427 RMB yuan/(hm2·a), implying that the development and utilization of Gaoyou Lake exceeds the development and utilization of the economic criteria and is in the state of excessive development.

Key words: lake protection and utilization; ecological service function; economic critical point; Gaoyou Lake

Decision-making of concession period of hydropower station projects under government and social capital cooperation/WEI Xing, et al (Jiangsu Coastal Development and Protection Center, Nanjing 211100, China; Water Resources and Sustainable Development Research Center of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Under the satisfaction of requirements of the social capital investment returns, by setting the handover point as the origin, a new net present value-operating time coordinates for the government departments is established, and the choice range of transfer of the concession period simultaneously satisfies the government departments for the nonnegative net present value. It is applied to hydropower station PPP projects. Considering the influences of characteristics of hydropower projects and risk factors on the concession period, the cash flow statement of the projects is calculated. Under the circumstance of gaining both sides’ satisfaction, the choice range of the concession period is obtained so as to negotiate the concession transfer period of the projects.

Key words: PPP Mode; hydropower station project; concession period

Application of firefly algorithm-projection pursuit model in evaluation of flood disasters in Yunnan Province/DAO Haiya, et al (Yunnan Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute, Kunming 650021, China)

Key words: flood disaster assessment; projection pursuit; firefly algorithm; Yunnan Province

Calculation of profit and loss ad benefit distribution mechanism of optimal scheduling of small cascade hydropower stations/YANG Fan, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Based on the analysis of benefit distribution and historical data of regional small hydropower station groups in Longyan, a model for calculating profit and loss and benefit distribution of hydropower station groups is proposed using the particle swarm optimization, and the partition coefficient is calculated. The results show that the distribution mechanism can drive stations to actively participate in joint scheduling so as to rationally use the water resources.

Key words: small cascade hydropower station; optimal scheduling; benefit distribution; calculation of profit and loss

Choice of development paths of water culture industry in China/LI Dan, et al (School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The “Planning outline for water culture construction (2011-2020)” issued by the Ministry of Water Resources of P. R. China suggests to vigorously promote water cultural undertakings and to actively cultivate the water culture industry, and the water culture industry as an important part of the cultural industry begins to enter people’s vision. On the basis of discussing the connotation of water culture industry, the predicament of the development of water culture industry in China is analyzed as follows: weak industry awareness, single water culture product, imperfect government support system and single industry body. The development path for the water culture industry is proposed from four aspects of strengthening propaganda, mining resources, strengthening government support and improving financing system so as to provide feasible methods for the development of water culture industry in China.

Key words: water culture industry; water culture product; industrial policy; development path

Multi-agent cooperation mechanism of water resource exploitation in Lancang River-Mekong River basin/HU Xingqiu, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; International River Research Centre, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The social and economic situations and the current cooperative foundation of water resource exploitation in Lancang River-Mekong River basin are analyzed. Based on the successful international experience, the multi-agent cooperation mechanism concerning water resource exploitation in Lancang River-Mekong River basin is proposed. It covers four levels: state, locality, society and market. It may provide a new way for the promotion of the cooperation of water resource exploitation in Mekong River basin.

Key words: Lancang River-Mekong River basin; water resource exploitation; multi-agent cooperation; cooperation mechanism

Primary researches on asset management of water scenic resources/XU Zengrang, et al (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: The asset management of water scenic resources is not only the effective adaption by water industry to the severe scarcity of natural resources and the growing demand for the ecological products, but also the positive response to the enhancing of production capability of ecological products initiated by the 18th National Congress of CPC. It aims to highlight the ecological and cultural superiority of water scenic parks and to realize the value of their material products, culture products and ecological products. The difficulty is to identify and display the ecosystem services of water scenic parks and to realize their value. The patterns of asset management of water scenic resources mainly include (1) development of environment-friendly agricultural products both in reservoir-based and irrigation system-based water scenic parks, (2) development of ecological tourism in river and lake-based water scenic parks, (3) ecological compensation in water and soil conservation-based water scenic parks, and (4) market transaction of water ecosystem services in the wetland-based water scenic parks. Different policy measures should be gradually improved with regard to different patterns of asset management of water scenic resources.

Key words: water scenic resource; water scenic park; ecosystem service; eco-compensation; ecological product

Support mechanism of scientific and technological innovation for construction of water ecological civilization/WU Zhaodan, et al (School of Business Administration, Hohai University, Changzhou 213022, China; Jiangsu Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The support mechanism of scientific and technological innovation for the construction of water ecological civilization is analyzed. It is systematically discussed from three aspects, that is, demand, condition and conduction path of the construction of water ecological civilization supported by the scientific and technological innovation. The results show that the support of fundamental science innovation, applied technology and method innovation, and scientific and technological practice innovation is necessary to the construction of water ecological civilization. The play of this support needs the premise of ecological science and technology, the internal motives such as interest driving, entrepreneurs’ innovation spirit and internal system as well as the external motives like demand-driving force, police-driving force, social cooperation, legal safeguard and cultural leading force. The support conduction paths include the soft power improvement of construction of water ecological civilization, the allocation optimization of water resources, the water saving management and the protection of water ecological environment.

Key words: scientific and technological innovation; construction of water ecological civilization; support mechanism; water saving; protection of water ecological environment

Establishment of incentive-constrained-supervised mechanism for industrial water environment regulation based on principal-agent relationship of regulatory subjects/ZHAO Shuang, et al (College of Economics and Management, Zhejiang Radio & Television University, Hangzhou 310030, China)

Abstract: The principal-agent relationship in stakeholders of industrial water environment in China is analyzed, and some principal-agent risks and the relevant reasons are gained. Then, the environmental administrative contract of industrial water environment regulation is proposed. Moreover, three mechanisms are established: the incentive mechanism by environmental subsidies, the constraint mechanism by supervision and law enforcement and administrative penalty, and the supervision mechanism by the central supervision and public participation. Furthermore, a model for the industrial water environment regulation is proposed to get the operating mechanism of the incentive-constrained-supervised mechanism. Finally, a regulatory contract implementation process is designed for promoting the efficient operation of industrial water environment regulation.

Key words: industrial water environment regulation; principal-agent; environmental administrative contract; incentive-constrained-supervised mechanism; implementation process

Dynamic relationship between industrial waste water pollution and process of urbanization China/MA Hailiang, et al (Institute for Low Carbon Economy of Hohai University, Changzhou 213022, China; Collaborative Innovation Center of World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: By selecting five types of pollutants in industrial waste water in China from 2003 to 2012, Kuznets curve fitting for the relationship between the industrial waste water pollution and urbanization rate is conducted. On this basis, the cubic exponential smoothing method is used to forecast the emissions of industrial waste water pollutants. The results show that with the speeding up of urbanization construction, the emissions of petroleum and lead in the industrial waste water pollutants in China first decrease and then increase, but the chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen and volatile phenol do not conform to the shape of typical environmental Kuznets curve. By 2020, it is expected that the emissions of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen will be reduced to negative values, but those of volatile phenol, petroleum and lead will increase sharply.

Key words: industrial waste water pollutant; urbanization; Kuznets curve; exponential smoothing method

Evaluation of sustainable utilization of water resources in China/TONG Jixin, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: By selecting the latest data from 31 provincial units, seven kinds (25 in total) of evaluation indexes of sustainable utilization of water resources are extracted. The principal component analysis and DEA are employed to evaluate the sustainable utilization of water resources in China. The research results show that the sustainable utilization capability of water resources of nearly 74.2% of China’s provinces is poor, and it is distributed like a ladder. The reason is mainly resulted from the non-coordination of sustainable use of water resources and socio-economy, water environment capacity, agricultural irrigation, urban development and ecological protection. However, there is still a large development potential.

Key words: water resource; sustainable utilization; DEA model; principal component analysis

Characteristics and suggestions of regional development of the seawater desalination industry in China/CHEN Aihui, et al (Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, SOA (Tianjin), Tianjin 300192, China)

Abstract: Based on the current development of the desalination industry in China, the characteristics of desalination industry in the coastal regions of Bohai Rim Area, Yangtze River Delta and Pan-Pearl River Delta and the existing problems are analyzed. The factors such as regional distribution and industrial development are considered for the large-scale regional development. The relevant suggestions are put forward for the regional development of the seawater desalination industry in terms of the desalinated seawater to municipal water distribution system, brand establishment and island classification demonstration.

Key words: seawater desalination industry; unconventional water; regional development

Current situation and development trend of reuse of urban waste water in China/LI Yajuan, et al (Beijing Sinoriver Groundwater Protection and Utilization Institute, Beijing 100053, China)

Abstract: The current situation of reuse of waste water in China is summarized from the following aspects of reuse amount, policies and regulations and technology. The existing problems in the process of recycled water are put forward: immature institutional mechanism, deficient policies and regulations, short investment, difficult operation of enterprises, inadequate pipe networks, inadequate recognition of government, low public participation. The development trend of reuse of waste water in China are analyzed from five aspects, that is, market demand, price system, water quality before treatment, water quality after treatment, technical innovation and technological advance.

Key words: urban waste water; reuse; unconventional water; current situation; trend

Livelihood security assessment of rural reservoir resettlement in D County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region/CHEN Mingyu, et al (National Research Center for Resettlement (NRCR), Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Based on the sustainable livelihood analytical framework and the reference pressure-state-response (PRS) model, an evaluation index system for the livelihood security of rural reservoir resettlement is established by taking D County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The comprehensive fuzzy hierarchy analysis method is employed to evaluate the livelihood security of resettlements in D County. The results show that the livelihood security of reservoir resettlements in D County is in a critical state. The reservoir construction has great impact on the resettlements. The implementation progress of regional resettlement development policy is very slow. The resettlements lack of their own ability, and the social forces on their livelihood recovery are short. Some suggestions are put forward: strengthening of resettlement agencies, improvement of social security system of landless resettlements and specification of livelihood recovery management operation.

Key words: rural reservoir resettlement; livelihood security; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Cohesion scheme for “sea-lost” fishermen’s endowment insurance/ZHAO Qingqing (School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Based on the previous researches, the existing endowment insurance system and the gradually perfect policies of endowment insurance for landless farmers, the cohesion scheme for the “sea-lost” fishermen’s endowment insurance in accordance with the exiting endowment insurance system is designed referring to the principles of transition, shared responsibility and non-reduction of relative life. According to their different ages and genders, the insured “sea-lost” fishermen are divided. The government, the project owner, the collective and the individual jointly raise funds. The collecting standard is determined from the measures for landless farmers’ endowment insurance and the demands for different insured fishermen’ endowment. The payment mode and level are defined with reference to the existing policies for social endowment insurance. Accordingly, the “sea-lost” fishermen are included into the existing endowment insurance system so as to protect their basic living standards.

Key words: “sea-lost” fisherman; endowment insurance; policy cohesion

Based on the target of investment subjects (government, market investors and farmers) of rural drinking water safety projects, the relevant indexes are set, and a weighted multi-attribute grey target decision model is established. An example of the rural drinking water safety project in Huai’an is analyzed. The proposed model is used to evaluate whether the project is suitable for investment by a single subject. The results show that the project is not suitable for a single investor but for the joint investment by the government, market investors and farmers. Finally, some inspirations and suggestions are put forward for the investment of rural drinking water safety projects.

rural drinking water safety project; investment; subject selection







2015-06-17 编辑:方宇彤)

Journal of Economics of Water Resources

Selection of investment subjects of rural drinking water safety projects/FENG Jingchun, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; Jiangsu Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization, Nanjing 211100, China)
