
2015-04-23 00:31郭振辉董家辉熊日成杨明常
中华老年多器官疾病杂志 2015年10期

杨 健,郭振辉,董家辉,孙 杰,陈 蕊,肖 飞,熊日成,刘 坚,杨明常,俞 宙*


杨 健1,郭振辉2,3,董家辉2,3,孙 杰2,3,陈 蕊2,3,肖 飞2,3,熊日成2,3,刘 坚2,3,杨明常1,俞 宙2,3*

(1广州军区广州总医院:1保健办,2老年重症医学科,3广东省老年感染与器官功能支持重点实验室,广州市老年感染与脏器功能支持重点实验室,广州 510010)




1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 方法


1.3 统计学处理

2 结 果

2.1 年收容量、年龄与病情严重程度

老年重症医学科在建科的2007年,收容病例数为295例。其后,收容患者例数呈逐年增加的趋势。至2014年收容总数增加了近30%,达到347例。性别结构男性所占比例基本维持在(93±0.6)%。建科初年,军队老年重症患者平均年龄为80.3岁。其后,患者平均年龄逐年增加,2014年入住我科的老年重症患者平均已达87.4岁。老年重症患者病情严重程度呈逐年加重趋势,2007年患者的急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分Ⅱ(acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ,APACHEⅡ)为(14.8±4.3)分,其中,APACHEⅡ≥15分的患者仅占25.2%,而2014年入住我科的高龄重症患者APACHEⅡ已达(20.6±3.9)分、APACHEⅡ≥15分的患者升至43.5%(均<0.001;表1)。

2.2 各项专科技术应用情况


2.3 专科救治成效

自2007年建科以来,患者抢救成功率从52.2%提高到72.3%。此外,平均住院天数由42.5d逐年缩短到16.3d,医疗经费由建科前两年的1 890万元和2 033万元下降至2014年的1 546万元(均<0.001;表3)。

3 讨 论

随着年龄的增长,老年人易于出现病情危重化、多器官功能衰竭,需要更多的重症监护与器官功能支持。有证据显示,老年重症患者在所有ICU患者中所占比例大、占床天数多。在2005年的一项包括19 000例重症患者的关于简化急性生理评分3(the simplified acute physiology score 3,SAPS3)评分系统的多中心研究中显示,≥65岁的重症患者所占比例高达45%[2];而在美国、大洋洲等地区的多中心重症患者研究中,老年重症患者的比例分别为56%和50%,高龄老年重症患者更高达9.2%和13.0%[4−6]。因老年重症患者在重症医学科的比例大,使用资源也多。肺和危重病护理协会人力资源委员会(Committee on Manpower for Pulmonary and Critical Care Societies,COMPACCS)研究显示≥65岁的患者ICU住院天数所占百分比达到56%[5]。实际上,每1 000人占用ICU的平均天数随年龄而改变,<65岁组约37d,65~74岁组约178d,>75岁组约>230d[7−9]。老年重症患者的住院时间长、死亡率高。

表1 2007~2014年我院老年重症患者基本情况

表2 2007~2014老年重症医学科专业技术应用情况

CVVH: continuous veno-venous hemofiltration

表3 2007~2014年老年重症患者救治成效





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(编辑: 刘子琪)

Application of professional rescue techniques in rescue of critically ill elderly patients

YANG Jian1, GUO Zhen-Hui2,3, DONG Jia-Hui2,3, SUN Jie2,3, CHEN Rui2,3, XIAO Fei2,3, XIONG Ri-Cheng2,3, LIU Jian2,3, YANG Ming-Chang1, YU Zhou2,3*

(1Office of Health Care,2Department of Geriatric Critical Care Medicine,3Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Geriatric Infection and Organ Function Support, Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Geriatric Infection and Organ Function Support, Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command, Guangzhou 510010, China)

To investigate the application of professional rescue techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill elderly.A retrospective analysis was performed on the critically ill elderly patients from Department of Geriatric Critical Care Medicine from June 2007 to June 2014. Total number of residents in geriatric critical care medicine, severity of illness, application of rescue techniques, success rate, annual mortality, average length of hospital stay and medical expenses were observed and analyzed.The total number of residents rose from 295 in the year of 2007 to 347 in the year of 2014. Their age was increased from (80.3±6.9) years to (87.4±7.6) years (<0.001), and APACHEⅡ was elevated from (13.6±3.9) to (20.6±3.9) (<0.001). What’ more, the percentage of patients with APACHEⅡ score over 15 were increased from 25.2% to 40.6% (<0.05). During 2007 to 2014, the employment of professional rescue techniques as fiberbronchoscopy, mechanical ventilation and continuous veno-venous hemofiltration were dramatically decreased, while the success rate of rescue was remarkably elevated from 52.2% to 72.3%. The average length of hospital stay was also shortened from 42.5d to 16.3d, and thus the medical expenses were declined by more than 25%.Though the age, amount and severity of the critically ill elderly are increased, specialized professional treatment greatly decreases the employment of professional rescue techniques, increases the success rate, and significantly reduces the ICU stay time and medical expenses. All these indicate that professional rescue techniques are of great helpfulness for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the elderly in geriatric critical care medicine.

elderly; critically ill patients; professional rescue technique


R459.7; R592






俞 宙,E-mail: yuzhou1606@gmail.com
