Family Education

2015-03-17 22:33:59内蒙古通辽市扎鲁特旗嘎亥图学校敖敦花
卫星电视与宽带多媒体 2015年2期

内蒙古通辽市扎鲁特旗嘎亥图学校 敖敦花

Ⅰ Introduction

With the development of economy and culture in the twenty-first century, many things in our society are changing and competing more and more seriously among different countries. This kind of pressure helps family education to be more important,as it is the first step for a country to educate a prominent person who would have ability to make a contribution to his country. Just as the saying goes "Science is the first productivity". Education is the source of science. In education system, family education is of great importance. Family, as the cell of society, is the first place where children receive education and the first unit where children get in touch with the society. That's to say, in a person's life, family is the first school and parents are children's first teacher who would influence them for their whole life. Children are the hopes of a nation and family education is the indispensable one for children. So it is necessary to spare no efforts to improve the family education.

Ⅱ The definition of family education

Education is the development and training of the human being in all his capacities, intellectual,spiritual and physical life. In the dictionary, the definition of family education explained in this way: Parents or elder generation educate the child or teenage in family. Qilong Zheng,in his work family education,explained that education is a society use to educate a new generation with aims and systems, in other words it means that because of the different background, different society needs different family education.Family education is parents educate their children. It is an important part of the whole education system. For the sake of the changing situation, the definition of family education should be extended: “(i) Family education is not only the action of a family as well as concerns the whole society. (ii) Family education's aims are not only studying the family relation and living skills, but also the physiology and psychology of every family member and family members all-round development.(iii) Family education is not only the education of the preschool education, but also whole life education.”

Ⅲ The methods of family education

In American families,"parents mainly educate their children equally. They respect children's personality and rights. Children, in the family,are treated as independent individuals. Parents and children are equal." By contrast, the methods of Chinese family education lack of equality.Chinese parents don't treat their children on the same level as themselves.

Ⅳ Reasons for the differences

China with a long history has a sort of conservative sense of worth, which is lack of spirit of adventure and creative consciousness. There is a shortage of an environment in which people can accept new ideas. By contraries, America is a nation of immigrants with a short history, they remain so little traditional culture. With the influence of multiple culture and sense of worth, it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture,so American children are better at expanding their horizons.

China has a long history with a large population. Therefore there are so fewer opportunities to find a job. And getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future. The condition of the economy in America is better than that of China, so there are more hired opportunities in America.American parents think the profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or not only can they survive in society.


Every child grows up under his parents' family education.What kind of a person will be depends on what kind of family education he received. Children's character and future are connected closely to family education. For the family, for the children, for the parents, we should change the wrong conception of family education and correct it at once and improve it. We, Chinese,should change supreme expectation of children's education. Give up the harmful types of family education. Absorb good aspects of American family education.To turn "talent" education into"human" education. To turn "onesided" family education into comprehensive family education.To turn "restrained" education into liberal education. If we can follow these changing, Chinese family education will become brilliant. American people also can get something they lack off from Chinese family education.Apparently, the paper doesn't aim at denying American family education or Chinese family education. Through the comparison,this paper puts forward some suggestions that suit for Chinese family education.

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