朱姝颖,苏 娴,杜 丽,张宏伟※
(1.四川省肿瘤医院麻醉科,成都 610041; 2.成都市第三人民医院呼吸科,成都 610041)
(1.四川省肿瘤医院麻醉科,成都 610041; 2.成都市第三人民医院呼吸科,成都 610041)
摘要:目的探讨异氟烷麻醉对颅脑外伤手术患者血糖、血脂和肾功能的影响。方法选择2011年6月至2013年6月四川省肿瘤医院收治的颅脑外伤手术患者60例,根据麻醉方法不同分为异氟烷组及丙泊酚/芬太尼组,各30例,比较两组患者手术前后血糖及肾功能情况。结果异氟烷组术中3 h出现血糖高峰而后下降,丙泊酚/芬太尼组术后2 h出现血糖高峰,两组不同时点间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);异氟烷组手术前后三酰甘油水平较平稳,丙泊酚/芬太尼组术中1 h、3 h三酰甘油水平显著升高,不同时点间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且异氟烷组三酰甘油水平低于丙泊酚/芬太尼组(P<0.05)。两组患者术后第1日和第3日的尿量、血肌酐增加,术后第7日下降,不同时点间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且异氟烷组患者血肌酐升高水平小于丙泊酚/芬太尼组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论颅脑外伤手术患者采用异氟烷麻醉时对三酰甘油的改变不大,术中患者血糖可大幅升高,当患者合并糖尿病等基础疾病时需予以注意,异氟烷麻醉对患者肾功能的保护作用主要体现在对肌酐的较好控制,而对尿素氮及尿酸影响不大。
1.2麻醉方法所有患者术前30 min肌内注射阿托品 (江苏涟水制药有限公司生产,批号:110215)0.5 mg,开放静脉通路,另予股静脉穿刺置管(抽血用)。异氟烷组:咪唑安定(徐州恩华药业集团有限责任公司生产,批号:110505)0.1 mg/kg,丙泊酚(西安力邦制药有限公司生产,批号:110312)1.5 mg/kg,芬太尼(宜昌人福药业股份有限责任公司生产,批号:110513)3 μg/kg,罗库溴铵(浙江仙琚制药股份有限公司生产,批号:110223)0.6 mg/kg静脉注射诱导,维持采用1%~3%异氟烷(河北省药物研究所生产,批号:110506)吸入麻醉,间断给予芬太尼1~2 μg/kg及罗库溴铵0.4 mg/kg静脉注射。丙泊酚组:诱导同上,维持用丙泊酚(西安力邦制药有限公司生产,批号:0711192)泵入,6~8 mg/(kg·h),间断给予芬太尼1~2 μg/kg,罗库溴铵0.4 mg/kg静脉注射。所有患者麻醉诱导后均行气管内插管并连接机械通气。
1.3观察指标分别于麻醉诱导前、术中1 h、术中3 h及术后2 h抽取股静脉血检测三酰甘油、血糖;分别于术前及术后第1、3、7日检测患者血清肌酐、尿素氮、尿酸,患者术前常规插导尿管,记录24 h尿量。血糖及三酰甘油的检测采用奥林巴斯血生化检测仪(AU 2700),其中血糖采用氧化酶法测定,三酰甘油采用甘油磷酸氧化酶法测定。
2.1一般情况比较60例患者均较好地耐受手术过程,平均住院时间为(12.5±3.2) d,住院期间无吸入性肺炎、医院内感染、急性肾损伤发生。两组患者手术麻醉时间、呼吸环路紧闭时间、麻醉药暴露量及芬太尼用量的比较,差异均无统计学意义,见表1。
2.2两组患者手术前后血糖及三酰甘油比较两组血糖、三酰甘油水平组间和不同时点间的交互作用差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);异氟烷组术中3 h出现血糖高峰而后下降,丙泊酚/芬太尼组术后2 h出现血糖高峰,两组不同时点间的血糖水平比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);异氟烷组手术前后三酰甘油水平较平稳,丙泊酚/芬太尼组术中1 h、3 h三酰甘油水平显著升高,不同时点间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且异氟烷组三酰甘油水平低于丙泊酚/芬太尼组(P<0.05)。见表2。
表1 两组颅脑外伤患者一般情况的比较 ±s)
表2 两组颅脑外伤患者手术前后血糖及三酰甘油比较 ±s,mmol/L)
表3 两组颅脑外伤患者手术前后肾功能比较 ±s)
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The Effects of Isoflurane Anesthesia on Blood Glucose,Blood Lipid and Renal Function of Brain Trauma PatientsZHUShu-ying1,SUXian2,DULi1,ZHANGHong-wei1.(1.DepartmentofAnesthesia,SichuanProvincialTumorHospital,Chengdu610041,China; 2.DepartmentofRespiratoryDiseases,ChengduThirdPeople′sHospital,Chengdu610041,China)
Abstract:ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of isoflurane anesthesia on blood glucose and renal function of brain trauma patients.MethodsA total of 60 cases of traumatic brain injury undergoing surgery anesthesia admitted to Sichuan Provincial Tumor Hospital from Jun. 2011 to Jun. 2013 were included in the study. According to their different use of narcotic drugs, the patients were divided into the isoflurane group and propofol/fentanyl group,30 cases in each group.Blood glucose and renal function in patients before and after surgery were analyzed.ResultsThe blood glucose peak appeared at 3rd hour during operation and then decline in the isoflurane group,while in the propofol/fentanyl group the blood glucose peak appeared at 2nd hour after operation, the difference at different time points between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05);triglyceride(TG) levels before and after operation of isoflurane group was relatively stable,of propofol/fentanyl group was significantly increased at 1 h,3 h,there were statistically significant differences among the different time points(P<0.05), and TG level of the isoflurane group was lower than the propofol/fentanyl group(P<0.05).The urine volume and serum creatinine of both groups at the first and third day after operation were increased ,at the seventh day were declined,there were statistically significant differences among the different time points(P<0.05),and serum creatinine level increase of isoflurane group was less than propofol/fentanyl group, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).ConclusionIsoflurane anesthesia has little effect on TG,but blood glucose is increased significantly during surgery,which calls for attention to patients complicated with primary diseases such as diabetes. Isoflurane anesthesia′s protective role on renal function is mainly reflected in better control of creatinine,while it has little influence on Bun and uric acid.
Key words:Isoflurane; Craniocerebral surgery; Blood glucose; Renal function