
2015-01-05 05:50:30李淑平严兴洪
海洋学报 2015年10期


(1. 上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院,上海 201306;2. 上海海洋大学 省部共建水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室,上海 201306)



(1. 上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院,上海 201306;2. 上海海洋大学 省部共建水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室,上海 201306)

长紫菜野生型品系(PD-WT)的叶状体经60Co-γ射线辐照处理后再培养4周,出现了枣红、浅桔红、黄绿、浅桔黄等颜色的色素变异细胞块,其百分率随着辐照剂量的增加而增加;同时,从基部到梢部,其变异率也呈现上升趋势。利用酶解法获得的单个色素变异细胞经离体培养后再生成叶状体,从再生体中筛选出具有明显生长优势的新品系(PD-5)。培养30~70 d,PD-5品系的叶状体最大绝对生长率和平均绝对生长率分别为3.76 cm/d和2.71 cm/d,分别是PD-WT品系的3.60倍和4.22倍。日龄70 d时,PD-5品系的叶状体平均体长为117.42 cm,是PD-WT品系的4.32倍。日龄45 d的叶状体,PD-5品系的叶绿素a和总藻胆蛋白含量分别为8.41 mg/g和97.07 mg/g,分别比PD-WT品系增加了25.71%和104.44%;PD-5品系的叶状体平均厚度为26.79 μm,比PD-WT品系降低了35.04%。PD-5品系的壳孢子放散总量高达421.16 万个/贝壳,是PD-WT品系的2.19倍。综上所述,与PD-WT品系相比,PD-5品系在叶状体的生长、3种主要光合色素和色素蛋白含量以及壳孢子放散量等方面,均表现出很明显的优势,有望被培养成可大规模栽培的新品种。


1 引言





2 材料与方法

2.1 实验材料


2.2 野生型长紫菜叶状体的培养

取少量的长紫菜自由丝状体,用消毒刀片将其切碎,随后被配成丝状体切断的悬浮液,后者被均匀地铺洒于培养皿(Ф=9 cm)内,培养条件:温度(19±1)℃,光照密度20 μmol/(m2·s),光周期10L∶14D,每隔5 d更换一半的新鲜培养液。培养2周后,将光照强度增加至40 μmol/(m2·s),其他培养条件不变。待丝状体铺满培养皿后,将培养条件调整为:温度(23±1)℃,光照密度10 μmol/(m2·s),光周期8L∶16D。数周后,挑选已发育成熟的膨大藻丝,放入培养瓶内(250 mL)进行充气培养,并放入4~6根尼龙单丝供壳孢子附着。待尼龙丝上附着一定量的壳孢子后,将它们转移到新的培养瓶(250 mL)内充气培养,培养条件:温度(19±1)℃,光照密度50 μmol/(m2·s),光周期10L∶14D。当壳孢子萌发体的长度长至1 cm左右,将它们从尼龙单丝上刮下,继续充气培养。培养30 d后,随机取20棵叶状体进行培养,每隔5 d测量一次它们的长度和鲜质量,同时进行拍照记录,并更换一半的培养液。

2.3 叶状体的诱变处理与色素变异体分离

选择健康的长紫菜壳孢子萌发体(体长3~4 cm)作为诱变材料,以60Co-γ射线为诱变源,辐照剂量分设1 000、1 400和1 800 Gy 3组。辐照后的萌发体先在黑暗下培养24 h,再恢复光照进行培养,培养条件:温度(19±1)℃,光照密度50 μmol/(m2·s),光周期10L∶14D。培养3~4周后,从每个辐照组中随机取3棵叶状体,从基部到梢部每隔1 cm统计10个视野(×20)内的色素变异细胞块数;同时,用荧光倒置显微镜(Nikon Eclipse 90i,日本尼康公司)拍照并记录色素变异细胞块的类型。培养一段时间后,将含色素变异细胞块的叶状体酶解,分离出单个变异细胞,进行体外植株再生培养,方法同文献[19]。培养4周后,从中挑选具有明显生长优势的单颜色变异体,进行单株充气培养,培养条件同上。


2.4 优良品系的纯系分离与F1叶状体的生长特性分析

当单色变异体成熟时,利用它的单性生殖获得其丝状体[20],即为新品系的遗传纯合丝状体。当新品系的自由丝状体藻落长到一定大小时,将其用家用粉碎机粉碎后接种于文蛤壳表面上,培养成贝壳丝状体,方法同文献[21]。待贝壳表面的丝状体长满后,培养液更换为含氮磷比例为1∶10的灭菌海水,同时,培养条件调整为:温度(29±1)℃,光照密度50 μmol/(m2·s),光周期8L∶16D。当贝壳丝状体成熟后,再将成熟的单个贝壳丝状体置于(19±1)℃下进行充气刺激培养,并放入尼龙单丝供壳孢子附着,让壳孢子萌发成F1叶状体。当叶状体日龄达30 d时,随机取20棵叶状体,每隔5 d测量一次它们的长度和鲜质量,同时拍照记录藻体的形态和更换一半的培养液。叶状体的绝对生长率和相对生长率计算公式同文献[22],分别如下式(1)和(2)所示:






2.5 F1叶状体的活体吸收光谱和主要色素蛋白含量测定

取培养45 d的F1叶状体,用分光光度计(UV-2600,日本岛津公司)分别测定叶状体在350~750 nm波长下的活体吸收光谱曲线和主要光合色素含量。叶状体在不同波长下的吸光值测定方法同文献[23],根据吸光值用Origin8.5软件再绘制出吸收光谱曲线;叶绿素a含量的测定方法同文献[24],藻红蛋白和藻蓝蛋白含量的测定方法同文献[25]。

2.6 叶状体的厚度测量

2.7 壳孢子放散量统计

将各品系成熟的贝壳丝状体,单个放入含50 mL培养液的一次性塑料杯子中进行充气培养,培养条件:温度(19±1)℃,光照密度50 μmol/(m2·s),光周期10L∶14D。每个品系设置3个平行组。每天中午12点后将杯中的孢子水搅拌均匀后倒入培养皿(Φ=9 cm)中,静置培养24 h待壳孢子附着后,在光学显微镜下统计20个视野(10倍)内的壳孢子数量。当壳孢子开始放散后连续计数20 d以获得单个贝壳的壳孢子放散总量。壳孢子的日放散量计算公式:




式中,π为圆周率,取值为3.14;10×10倍显微镜的视野直径为22 mm。

3 结果

3.1 叶状体诱变效果与色素突变体分离



表1 长紫菜野生型品系(PD-WT)的叶状体经不同剂量的60Co-γ射线辐照后再培养25 d时出现的色素变异细胞块的种类和数量Tab.1 The types and numbers of the color-mutated cell-clusters appeared in the blades of the wild-type strain (PD-WT) in Pyropia dentata after being irradiated by 60Co-γ ray in different doses and cultured for 25 days

表2 经不同剂量的60Co-γ射线辐照处理的长紫菜野生型品系(PD-WT)叶状体再培养25 d后在不同部位处出现的色素变异细胞块数量Tab.2 Numbers of color-mutated cell-clusters appeared at different parts of Pyropia dentata blades of the wide-type strain(PD-WT) after being irradiated by 60Co-γ ray in different doses and cultured for 25 days


3.2 选育品系F1叶状体的生长特性分析


如图1所示,相同日龄的F1叶状体,PD-5品系的平均体长远大于PD-WT品系。日龄30 d的叶状体,PD-5品系的平均体长达8.95 cm,是PD-WT品系的5.93倍。日龄60 d后,PD-WT品系的叶状体就进入了缓慢生长期,而PD-5品系仍处于快速生长期。日龄70 d的叶状体,PD-5品系的平均体长已达117.42 cm,是PD-WT品系的4.32倍。由表3可知,PD-5品系的叶状体绝对生长率在日龄45~50 d时出现最大值,为3.76 cm/d,而PD-WT品系的最大绝对生长率却出现在35~40 d,仅为

1.045 cm/d。培养的第30~45 d期间,PD-5品系的叶状体特定生长率没有比PD-WT品系显示出优势,但是,培养45 d之后,PD-5品系的相对生长率就逐渐超过PD-WT品系,尤其是在60 d之后两者的差异就更加明显。

图1 长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)与野生型品系(PD-WT)F1叶状体的生长曲线Fig.1 The growth curves of F1 gametophytic blade of the improved strain (PD-5) and the wide-type strain (PD-WT) in Pyropia dentata

表3 长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)与野生型品系(PD-WT)F1叶状体的生长率Tab.3 Growth rates of the F1 gametophytic blades of the improved strain (PD-5) and the wide-type strain (PD-WT) in Pyropia dentata

由图2可知,在生长前期(30 d之前),PD-5品系的叶状体平均鲜质量并未表现出明显生长优势;35 d后,PD-5品系的叶状体平均鲜质量进入快速生长期,而PD-WT品系仍处于缓慢增长期。日龄70 d时,PD-5品系的单棵叶状体平均鲜质量为1.98 g,是PD-WT品系的9.81倍。

图2 长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)与野生型(PD-WT)F1叶状体的平均单棵鲜质量Fig.2 The fresh weight of per F1 gametophytic blades of the improved strain (PD-5) and the wide-type strain (PD-WT) in Pyropia dentata

图3 日龄45 d的长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)和野生型品系(PD-WT)F1叶状体的活体吸收光谱曲线Fig.3 In vivo absorption spectra of F1 gametophytic blades of the improved strain (PD-5) and the wide-type strain (PD-WT) after being cultured for 45 days in Pyr-opia dentata

3.3 选育品系及野生型品系F1叶状体的活体吸收光谱特性和主要色素蛋白含量

在350~750 nm之间,D-5与PD-WT品系的叶状体活体吸收光谱曲线均出现5个明显的吸收峰,分别被标为P1、P2、P3、P4和P5,但PD-5品系的各吸收峰的峰值均显著高于PD-WT品系(图3)。

由表4可知,日龄45 d的PD-5品系叶状体的叶绿素a(Chla)含量为8.41 mg/g,比PD-WT品系增加了25.71%;PD-5品系的藻红蛋白(PE)和藻蓝蛋白(PC)含量分别是PD-WT品系的2.87倍和1.29倍,其总藻胆蛋白(PE+PC)含量比PD-WT品系增加了104.44%。

表4 日龄为45 d的长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)和野生型品系(PD-WT)F1叶状体的Chl a、PE、PC以及总藻胆蛋白(PE+PC)的含量(n=3)Tab.4 Contents of Chl a, PE, PC, Phycobiliprotein in F1 gametophytic blades of the improved strain (PD-5) and the wide-type strain(PD-WT) after being cultured for 45 days in Pyropia dentata (n=3)

注:**表示差异极其显著,(P<0.01,t-test),* 表示差异显著(P<0.05,t-test),下同。

3.4 F1叶状体的厚度

日龄45 d的叶状体得横切面观察发现,从叶状体的梢部到基部,其藻体厚度逐渐增加。PD-5品系叶状体的平均厚度为26.79 μm,比野生型品系薄了35.04%,独立样本T检验显示其差异极显著(见表5)。

表5 日龄为45 d的长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)和野生型品系(PD-WT)的F1叶状体厚度(n=3)Fig.5 Thickness of different parts of F1 gametophytic blades of the improved strain (PD-5) and the wide-type strain (PD-WT) after being cultured for 45 days in Pyropia dentata (n=3)

3.5 选育品系的壳孢子放散量

自壳孢子放散开始连续统计20 d的壳孢子放散量后发现,在20 d 中,PD-5品系出现了3个大的放散高峰,放散量分别为86.70万、46.28万、65.16 万个/贝壳,均出现在前7天内;而PD-WT品系在前7天仅出现了一个大的放散高峰,放散量仅为56.69 万个/贝壳(图4)。由表6知,PD-5品系连续20 d的壳孢子放散总量为421.16 万个/贝壳,是野生型品系的2.19倍。

图4 长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)和野生型品系(PD-WT)在19℃下连续放散20 d的壳孢子日放散量Fig.4 Numbers of conchospores daily resealed from the improved strains (PD-5) and the wide-type strain (PD-WT) at 19oC during 20 days in Pyropia dentata

表6 长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)和野生型品系(PD-WT)在19℃下连续放散20 d的壳孢子放散总量Tab.6 Total numbers of conchospores released from the improved strains (PD-5) and the wide-type strain (PD-WT) at 19℃ during 20 days of conchospore-releasing in Pyropia dentata

4 讨论


本试验选用60Co-γ射线辐照处理长紫菜叶状体,也获得了良好的变异效果。在60Co-γ射线辐照剂量方面,条斑紫菜的最适剂量为500 Gy[34],坛紫菜的为1 100 Gy[35],但本实验的结果表明,1 800 Gy组出现的变异细胞块最多。在变异细胞块的种类上,60Co-γ射线对野生型坛紫菜、条斑紫菜及长紫菜的变异效果差异不大,均是以红色型的变异细胞块偏多。

在生产中,衡量一种紫菜栽培品系的优劣主要取决于其叶状体的生长、主要色素和色素蛋白含量以及壳孢子放散量等。与长紫菜野生型品系相比,PD-5品系具有生长快、成熟晚和藻体薄等优势。另外,3种主要光合色素和色素蛋白含量的高低对商品紫菜饼的质量好坏起决定作用[36],因此,主要光合色素较高的PD-5品系比PD-WT的品质更好。生产上,进行壳孢子附网采苗时,放散量的大小和是否集中放散将直接影响采苗效果的好坏。与PD-WT品系相比,PD-5品系不仅总放散量增加了二倍,而且放散量集中,3个主要放散高峰均出现在头7 d,如果在生产中应用此品系,它能更早更多地采足壳孢子,早日下海栽培。由此可见,本文分离出来的PD-5品系有望被培育成具有优质高产且适应大规模生产应用的长紫菜新品种。

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Isolation and characterization of an improved strain of Pyropia dentata (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) after being irradiated by60Co-γ ray

Li Shuping1, Yan Xinghong1,2

(1.CollegeofFisheriesandLifeSciences,ShanghaiOceanUniversity,Shanghai201306,China; 2.KeyLaboratoryofExplorationandUtilizationofAquaticGeneticResources,ShanghaiOceanUniversity,MinistryofEducation,Shanghai201306,China)

The young gametophytic blades ofPyropiadentata, developed from conchospores of the wild-type strain (PD-WT), were treated with60Co-γ ray to induce mutation in the experiment. After being cultured for 4 weeks, there were many color-mutated cell clusters showing bright red, red brown, red orange and yellow green in the treated blades. The results showed that the percentage of the colored-mutated cell-clusters increased as increasing of the irradiation dose and from the base to the tip of the blades. Single color-mutated cells were isolated enzymatically from the color-mutated blades and were regenerated into blades. An improved strain named asPD-5 strain with the growth advantages was selected from the regenerated blades. In the growth of the blades, the maximum and average absolute growth rates of this improved strain were 3.76 cm/d and 2.71 cm/d, which were 3.60 and 4.22 times that of thePD-WTstrain, respectively, during culture from 30 to 70 days. The mean length of F1gametophytic blades ofPD-5 strain was 117.42 cm which was 4.32 times that of thePD-WTstrain after being cultured for 70 days. The contents of Chlaand phycobiliprotein of thePD-5 strain were 8.41 mg/g and 97.07 mg/g, respectively, increasing by 25.71% and 104.44% in contrast with that of thePD-WT,respectively. The mean thickness of the 45-day-old blades of thePD-5 was 26.79 μm,decreasing by 35.04% in contrast with that of thePD-WT. The total numbers of the conchospores released from thePD-5 strain was 421.16×104per shell,which was 2.19 times that of thePD-WTstrain. The aboved results confirmed that thePD-5 strain was characterized by faster growth,higher contents of photosynthetic pigments,larger amount of releasing conchospores than the wild-type strain. Therefore,the improved strainPD-5 had great potential to be applied in commercial cultivation as a new strain.

Pyropiadentata; blades;60Co-γray; pigmentation mutation; regenerated blades; improved strain

图版Ⅰ 经60Co-γ射线辐照后在长紫菜野生型品系(PD-WT)叶状体上形成的不同颜色变异色块显微照片PlateⅠ Micrographs of the color-mutated cell-clusters appeared in the gametophytic blades of the wild-type strain (PD-WT) in Pyropia dentata after being irradiated with 60Co-γ ray1~9分别为枣红色、砖红色、紫红色、暗红紫色、黄褐色、灰褐色、草绿色、浅桔黄色和浅桔红色的色素变异细胞块。箭头所指处为上述命名的色素变异细胞块 (图中标尺为50 μm)1-9. Reddish orange,bright red,red purple,light purple red,yellow brown,grey brown,bright green,yellow orange and light red orange color-mutated cell-clusters (arrowheads),respectively (Bar=50 μm)

图版Ⅱ 长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)和野生型品系(PD-WT)的F1叶状体生长比较Plate Ⅱ Comparison of the growth of F1 gametophytic blades of the improved strain (PD-5) and the wide-type (PD-WT) strain in Pyropia dentate 1~3.分别培养35、45和55d的长紫菜野生型品系(PD-WT)的F1叶状体;4~6. 分别培养35、45、55d的长紫菜选育品系(PD-5)的F1叶状体(图中标尺为5 cm)1-3. The F1 gametophytic blades of the PD-WT strain,after being cultured for 35,45 and 55 days,respectively; 4-6. The F1 gametophytic blades of the PD-5 strain,after being cultured for 35,45 and 55 days,respectively(Bar=5 cm)



国家高科技研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2012AA10A411);国家自然科学基金资助项目(31072208);农业部公益性专项(200903030);国家农业科技成果转化资金项目(2013GB2C220537); 上海市科委重点科技攻关项目(10391901100);国家海洋局公益专项(201105008, 201105023);上海高校水产学一流学科建设项目资助;福建省省长专项基金(2014S1477-10)。

李淑平(1989—), 女, 山东省滨州市人,从事海藻遗传育种研究。E-mail:lishuping29@126.com

*通信作者:严兴洪, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事海藻遗传育种, 海藻生理生态与分子生物学。E-mail:xhyan@shou.edu.cn






Li Shuping, Yan Xinghong. Isolation and characterization of an improved strain ofPyropiadentata(Bangiales, Rhodophyta) after being irradiated by60Co-γ ray[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2015,37(10):69—79, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.10.007

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