Cross cultural training

2014-11-24 09:30王容
环球人文地理·评论版 2014年9期



Under the background of economic globalization, the globalization of human resources management determines the success of enterprise success or failure, in a sense, human resource is the first resource of the enterprise. Cross-cultural training is the core problems in global human resource management, it can let employees quickly familiar with the company's business and job content, understand the enterprise culture and core idea, to play a huge role in promoting enterprise development. Therefore, strengthen enterprise staff training, improve the comprehensive quality of enterprise personnel has become the urgent problems now in the process of enterprise development. Articles in samsung electronics of South Korea, for example, introduces the samsung especially cross-cultural training content, training method and training effect. And analysis of cross-cultural training impact in the global business team and establish business relationship.

Keyword: Talent; Training; Cross-cultural; Samsung; Impact

Chapter 1: outline

1. The reason of cross-cultural training

At present many enterprises in the world, the vast majority of enterprises are lay particular stress on the technical aspects of training employees, but often ignored the cross-cultural training, although won the short-term effect, but is not conducive to long-term development, many nationalities, customs, cultural conflict will emerge in endlessly, affect the long-term development of the enterprise

Cross-cultural training is mainly focus on the training of consciousness is the foundation of the enterprise cross-cultural training, is the understanding of culture, including customs, language learning, the cultural conflict processing and environmental simulation training.

2. The content of the cross-cultural training

(1) The cultural background of employees and a knowledge and understanding of the original corporate culture.

(2) Cultural adaptability of the training.

(3) Cultural awareness training.

(4) Language training.

(5) Setting up good relations training.

(6) Effective communication and ability to cope with emergent problems of training.

3.The measures of Cross-cultural training

(1)Clearing the definition of local culture

Human itself has the ability of certain language and behavior, and bound by a certain cultural background and customs. But can this one be any things or any other culture can impact off or change, so all other behavior and cultural cognitive is built on the basis of their native culture.

(2)The right attitude towards the second culture

Local culture is sacred, but also can't be ignored and the bias of other culture. As a professional multinational managers, in particular, should be more reasonable view of culture, the difference between right to deal with each other between the culture problem, should learn to use neutral to describe related affairs and culture, with its more practical development and application of the enterprise.

(3)On the depth of the other culture cognition

Employees on the basis of adhere to their own culture, to other foreign culture also want to have a tolerant attitude, respect for the protection and study other cultures, especially for professionals in a multinational company, it is not enough to respect tolerance, but also to make a more profound understanding of foreign culture, to further improve their professional qualities and requirements, efforts to improve the ability of adapt to the foreign culture.

Chapter 2 : Cross-cultural training proposal

1. Enterprise managers in the process of cross-cultural training, first they must realize the importance of cross-cultural training, ability within the scope of the implementation process and the staff have good popularity.

2. Cross-cultural training, including training, after training before going abroad. Foreign personnel in the process of cross-cultural training, not only to the assignment before the training of foreign culture, also cannot ignore returned after training at the same time, foreign workers returned after the reverse culture shock may cause, and abroad office with the same damage caused by culture shock.

3. Cross-cultural training at that time, a one-time training from time to time. But a long-term process, and will constantly changing place, to attach importance to and insist for a long time, enterprises will get great development and ascend.


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