
2014-11-11 14:23赵道致原白云徐春秋
预测 2014年5期

赵道致 原白云 徐春秋



中图分类号:F274文献标识码:A文章编号:10035192(2014)05007605doi:10.11847/fj.33.5.76Abstract:In this paper, we study the coordination mechanism design of the supply chain which consists of one supplier and one retailer with the constraint of product carbon emissions. Based on the hypothesis that demand is affected by emission reduction rate, we develop a retailerdriven revenuesharing contract to coordinate the supply chain. Under the Cap and Trade regulation, we first analyze the optimal decision of supplier and retailer without the revenuesharing contract and then establish a Stackelberg game model where the retailer act as the leader and the manufacturer as the follower to obtain the optimal emission reduction rate and sharing ratio. By contrasting different situations, we show that revenuesharing contract can encourage the manufacturer to improve the emission reduction rate, increase the profit of the supply chain and realize the Pareto improvement.

Key words:lowcarbon; cap and trade; supply chain; revenuesharing contract; retailerdriven


近年来,各国政府、企业和学者已经形成共识,人类在经济活动中产生的碳排放是导致温室效应的主要根源。在低碳背景下,各国政府都在讨论减少温室气体排放的解决方案,欧盟于2005年制定的“排放交易方案”(EmissionsTrading Scheme, ETS)是碳交易机制的一种尝试[1]。目前中国已启动了包括上海在内的7个省市的碳排放交易试点,鼓励试点地区探索建立区域碳排放交易体系,因此探讨受碳排放约束的供应链协调问题具有重要的现实意义。

目前已有学者研究了减排对供应链企业运营的影响,Benjaafar等[2]在不同的碳排放限制政策下,探究了供应链内企业间联合减排对他们运营成本和碳排放的影响,提出了一些激励供应链上下游企业寻求合作减排的策略。Jaber等[3]研究了两阶段供应链中制造商和零售商联合减排的问题。陈剑[4]在对当前供应链管理研究现状综述的基础上,指出低碳时代供应链管理值得重点关注的几个重要方向,其中包括引入碳交易市场的供应链运作优化以及低碳供应链上不同利益主体间运作的协调与优化等,但这类文献没有考虑减排对产品需求的影响。实践中企业的减排行为一定程度上会影响产品的市场需求,Laroche等[5]研究表明,越来越多的消费者愿意为环保产品支付更高的价格。Brécarda 等[6]研究显示2008年75%的欧洲人打算购买昂贵的绿色产品,这表明了产品的环境因素会一定程度影响产品的需求。Liu等[7]研究发现随着消费者环境意识的增加,零售商和生产较高环境友好产品的制造商将从中获益。







[1]Pizer W A. Choosing price or quantity controls for greenhouse gases[A]. The RFF Guide to Climate Change Economics and Policy[C]. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2003. 4654.

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[5]Laroche M, Bergeron J, BarbaroForleo G. Targeting consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentallyfriendly products[J]. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2001, 18(6): 503520.

[6]Brécarda D, Hlaimib B, Lucasa S. Determinants of demand for green products: an application to ecolabel demand for fish in Europe[J]. Ecological Economics, 2009, 69(1): 115125.

[7]Liu Z, Anderson T D, Cruz J M. Consumer environmental awareness and competition in twostage supply chains[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 218(3): 602613.

[8]Cachon G P, Lariviere M A. Turning the supply chain into a revenue chain[J]. Harvard Business Review, 2001, 79(3): 2021.

[9]Jeuland A P, Shugan S M. Managing channel profits[J]. Marketing Science, 1983, 2(3): 239272.

[10]Wang Y, Li J, Shen Z. Channel performance under consignment contract with revenue sharing[J]. Management Science, 2004, 50(1): 3447.

[11]Xiao T, Yang D. Price and service competition of supply chains with riskaverse retailers under demand uncertainty[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 114(1): 187200.

[12]Mortimer J H. Vertical contracts in the video rental industry[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2008, 75(1): 165199.

[13]Cachon G P, Lariviere M A. Supply chain coordination with revenuesharing contracts: strengths and limitations[J]. Management Science, 2005, 51(1): 3044.

[14]Li S, Zhu Z, Huang L. Supply chain coordination and decision making under consignment contract with revenue sharing[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2009, 120(1): 8899.







[1]Pizer W A. Choosing price or quantity controls for greenhouse gases[A]. The RFF Guide to Climate Change Economics and Policy[C]. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2003. 4654.

[2]Benjaafar S, Li Y, Daskin M. Carbon footprint and the management of supply chains: insights from simple models[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2013, 10(1): 99116.[3]Jaber M Y, Glock C H, Saadany A. Supply chain coordination with emissions reduction incentives[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51(1): 6982.


[5]Laroche M, Bergeron J, BarbaroForleo G. Targeting consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentallyfriendly products[J]. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2001, 18(6): 503520.

[6]Brécarda D, Hlaimib B, Lucasa S. Determinants of demand for green products: an application to ecolabel demand for fish in Europe[J]. Ecological Economics, 2009, 69(1): 115125.

[7]Liu Z, Anderson T D, Cruz J M. Consumer environmental awareness and competition in twostage supply chains[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 218(3): 602613.

[8]Cachon G P, Lariviere M A. Turning the supply chain into a revenue chain[J]. Harvard Business Review, 2001, 79(3): 2021.

[9]Jeuland A P, Shugan S M. Managing channel profits[J]. Marketing Science, 1983, 2(3): 239272.

[10]Wang Y, Li J, Shen Z. Channel performance under consignment contract with revenue sharing[J]. Management Science, 2004, 50(1): 3447.

[11]Xiao T, Yang D. Price and service competition of supply chains with riskaverse retailers under demand uncertainty[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 114(1): 187200.

[12]Mortimer J H. Vertical contracts in the video rental industry[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2008, 75(1): 165199.

[13]Cachon G P, Lariviere M A. Supply chain coordination with revenuesharing contracts: strengths and limitations[J]. Management Science, 2005, 51(1): 3044.

[14]Li S, Zhu Z, Huang L. Supply chain coordination and decision making under consignment contract with revenue sharing[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2009, 120(1): 8899.







[1]Pizer W A. Choosing price or quantity controls for greenhouse gases[A]. The RFF Guide to Climate Change Economics and Policy[C]. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2003. 4654.

[2]Benjaafar S, Li Y, Daskin M. Carbon footprint and the management of supply chains: insights from simple models[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2013, 10(1): 99116.[3]Jaber M Y, Glock C H, Saadany A. Supply chain coordination with emissions reduction incentives[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51(1): 6982.


[5]Laroche M, Bergeron J, BarbaroForleo G. Targeting consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentallyfriendly products[J]. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2001, 18(6): 503520.

[6]Brécarda D, Hlaimib B, Lucasa S. Determinants of demand for green products: an application to ecolabel demand for fish in Europe[J]. Ecological Economics, 2009, 69(1): 115125.

[7]Liu Z, Anderson T D, Cruz J M. Consumer environmental awareness and competition in twostage supply chains[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 218(3): 602613.

[8]Cachon G P, Lariviere M A. Turning the supply chain into a revenue chain[J]. Harvard Business Review, 2001, 79(3): 2021.

[9]Jeuland A P, Shugan S M. Managing channel profits[J]. Marketing Science, 1983, 2(3): 239272.

[10]Wang Y, Li J, Shen Z. Channel performance under consignment contract with revenue sharing[J]. Management Science, 2004, 50(1): 3447.

[11]Xiao T, Yang D. Price and service competition of supply chains with riskaverse retailers under demand uncertainty[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 114(1): 187200.

[12]Mortimer J H. Vertical contracts in the video rental industry[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2008, 75(1): 165199.

[13]Cachon G P, Lariviere M A. Supply chain coordination with revenuesharing contracts: strengths and limitations[J]. Management Science, 2005, 51(1): 3044.

[14]Li S, Zhu Z, Huang L. Supply chain coordination and decision making under consignment contract with revenue sharing[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2009, 120(1): 8899.


