
2014-09-19 03:31梁阔刘爽崔叶青孙海晨罗斌万岁桂孙雪静李非
中国医药导报 2014年23期


[摘要] 目的 探讨雷公藤内酯醇(Triptolide,Tri)在小鼠同种异体皮肤移植中的免疫抑制作用及其可能的作用机制。 方法 采用BALB/c小鼠作为供体,C57BL/6小鼠作为受体,建立皮肤移植模型。随机分为3组,每组8只。移植术后前6天(0~5 d)分别予腹腔注射1%吐温80溶剂(对照组)、Tri 100 μg/kg(L-Tri组)和Tri 200 μg/kg(H-Tri组)。术后观察移植皮片存活情况。并于术后第7天每组随机选取3只,切取脾脏以流式细胞术检测脾淋巴细胞中CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T细胞比例。 结果 对照组、L-Tri组和H-Tri组移植皮片平均存活时间分别为(8.3±1.2)、(12.4±1.9)、(14.9±2.2)d;脾淋巴细胞中CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+调节性T细胞比例分别为(5.6±0.8)%、(12.6±1.5)%和(16.1±2.1)%;L-Tri组及H-Tri组与对照组比较,H-Tri组与L-Tri组比较,小鼠移植皮肤平均存活时间均明显延长(P < 0.05),CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T细胞数量也明显增加(P < 0.05)。 结论 Tri能够抑制移植后排斥反应,延长小鼠同种异体皮肤移植的存活时间,其免疫作用机制可能与上调移植受体CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T细胞的比例有关,并且其免疫抑制作用具有一定的剂量依赖性。

[关键词] 皮肤移植;免疫抑制;雷公藤内酯醇;作用机制

[中图分类号] R657.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)08(b)-0012-04

Immunosuppressive effect and mechanism of Triptolide on skin allografts in mice

LIANG Kuo1 LIU Shuang1 CUI Yeqing1 SUN Haichen1 LUO Bin1 WAN Suigui2 SUN Xuejing2 LI Fei1▲

1.Department of General Surgery, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China; 2.Department of Hematology, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the immunosuppressive effect and the possible mechanism of Triptolide on skin allografts in murine model. Methods BALB/c mice to C57BL/6 mice skin allografting models were created. The recipients were divided into three groups. The mice in the treatment groups were injected intraperitoneally with Triptolide at 100 μg/kg (low-dose Triptolide group, L-Tri group) or 200 μg/kg (high-dose Triptolide group, H-Tri group) daily in the first 6 days (0-5 days); while the mice in control group were given vehicles (1% Tween 80). The median survival time of skin allografts in each group was monitored. The proportion of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in spleen tissue were tested by flow cytometry. Results The median survival time of skin allografts in the control group, L-Tri group and H-Tri group were (8.3±1.2), (12.4±1.9) d and (14.9±2.2) d respectively. The percentage of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in spleen tissues of three groups were (5.6±0.8) %, (12.6±1.5)% and (16.1±2.1)% respectively. Compared with control group, the L-Tri group and H-Tri group show significantly prolonged skin allograft survival time (P < 0.05), increased percentage of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (P < 0.05). Conclusion Tri can inhibit immune rejection, prolong the skin allograft survival time in mice. The anti-rejection effect of Tri may be attributed to the upregulation of regulatory T cells. In addition, the immunosuppressive effect of triptolide shows dose-dependent.endprint

[Key words] Skin transplantation; Immunosuppression; Triptolide; Mechanism


1 材料与方法

1.1 实验动物

近交系雄性BALB/c小鼠(H-2d)8只为供体,雄性C57BL/6(H-2b)24只为受体,均为8~12周龄,体重22~25 g,购自北京维通利华公司。饲养于恒温(25~27℃)、恒定湿度(45%~55%)、无特定病原体(SPF级)环境中。

1.2 主要试剂

Tri购自中国药品生物制品检定所,吐温80购自北京思语伟业生物公司,链脲佐菌素(streptozotocin,STZ)、胶原酶Ⅴ购自Sigma公司,Ficoll 400购自瑞典Pharmacia公司,胎牛血清购自Gibco公司,免疫组化试剂购自迈新公司。藻红蛋白(PE)标记的抗小鼠Foxp3单克隆抗体(mAb)、异硫氰酸荧光素( FITC)标记的抗小鼠CD4单克隆抗体(mAb)、别藻青蛋白(APC)标记的抗小鼠CD25单克隆抗体(mAb)等免疫荧光染料均购自eBioscience公司。

1.3 皮肤移植与分组

供体(BALB/c)脱椎法处死后,取尾部皮肤,剪成0.8 cm×0.8 cm大小的皮片置于无菌PBS中备用。C57BL/6受鼠给予4%水合氯醛腹腔注射(10 μL/g)麻醉。制备受鼠背部移植床,将供体皮片置于移植床,6-0丝线缝合固定,皮片表面敷盖凡士林油纱并用无菌纱布包扎覆盖,创可贴包扎固定,单笼饲养。3 d后去掉凡士林油纱和无菌纱布,逐日观察移植物排斥状况。以皮片结痂、变硬、坏死、缩小到初始测量尺寸的50%时,定义为移植皮肤被排斥标准[13]。术后分成对照组和治疗组[包括L-Tri组(100 μg/kg)和H-Tri组(200 μg/kg)]。治疗组术后连续6 d腹腔注射Tri,对照组给予等体积溶剂(1%吐温80)。

1.4 流式细胞术

移植术后第7天,分别制备各组小鼠的脾淋巴细胞悬液,将浓度调制5×106/mL。然后取1 mL细胞悬液加入FITC-抗CD4单抗(0.25 μg/106个细胞)和APC-抗CD25单抗(0.125 μg/106个细胞),室温共孵育15 min,Foxp3-PE标记参照试剂盒操作指南进行破膜标记。标记后的细胞用冷PBS缓冲液(pH 7.4)洗2次。1%多聚甲醛300 μL重悬固定,调整细胞浓度为1×106个/mL,取400 μL上FACScan流式细胞仪进行分析。每份标本均设同型对照,取2次检测结果均值进行统计学处理。以流式细胞仪双色、三色分析法分别分析CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+调节性T细胞的比例。

1.5 统计学方法

采用SPSS 17.0统计软件及Graphpad Prism 5.0软件进行数据处理,计量资料数据用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,组间两两比较采用LSD-t检验,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 Tri对移植皮肤存活时间的影响

对照组移植皮肤平均存活时间为(8.3±1.2)d,L-Tri组为(12.4±1.9)d,H-Tri组为(14.9±2.2)d;与对照组相比,L-Tri组和H-Tri组移植皮肤平均存活时间明显延长,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);与L-Tri组相比,H-Tri组移植皮肤平均存活时间明显延长,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。见图1。


A:三组移植皮肤的生存曲线;B:三组移植皮肤的平均生存时间,*P < 0.05,**P < 0.01

图1 Tri对小鼠同种异体移植皮肤生存时间的影响

2.2 流式细胞检测结果

皮肤移植术后第7天,Tri处理组脾细胞CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T reg的比例明显增加,H-Tri组为(16.1±2.1)%,明显高于L-Tri组[(12.6±1.5)%](P=0.00),且两组均明显高于对照组[(5.6±0.8)%](P=0.01)。见图2。

3 讨论



近年来研究显示,作为一种新的免疫抑制剂,Tri可抑制T细胞增殖,诱导T细胞和树突状细胞(DC)的凋亡,抑制抗原递呈细胞的抗原递呈,抑制DC表达主要组织相容性复合体Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类分子[15],抑制IL-2、IL-6、IL-8、IFN-γ、TNF-α等细胞因子的产生[16]。CD4+ CD25+调节性T细胞是Sakaguchi 等于1995 年首先发现,存在于外周血及脾脏组织的CD4+ T细胞中的一类具有独特抑制功能的T细胞亚群。在小鼠体内占CD4+ T细胞的5%~10%,而在人体内只占2%~3%。近年来研究发现,CD4+ CD25+调节性T细胞作为一群具有免疫负调控功能的T细胞亚群,通过抑制其他免疫效应细胞的激活和增殖,对抑制移植排斥反应和诱导移植免疫耐受起重要作用[17-18],而输注CD4+ CD25+调节性T细胞可以促进移植物存活[19]。在同种移植中,有研究证实,CD4+ CD25+调节性T细胞对于预防或纠正慢性移植物抗宿主反应(GVHD)有重要作用[20]。许多研究表明,CD4+ CD25+调节性T细胞亦可以影响巨噬细胞、树突状细胞、NK细胞、B细胞等的功能[6,21]。Foxp3(forkhead/winged helix transciption factor)作为叉头状转录因子,为CD4+CD25+ T细胞的发育和功能所必需[22]。Tri能够促进Foxp3+调节性T细胞的产生[23-24]。

本实验结果显示,给予皮肤移植小鼠应用不同剂量Tri,能够提高受体小鼠脾脏CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T细胞的数量,延长移植皮肤的存活时间,并具有一定剂量依赖效应。由此推断,Tri可能通过增加移植受体CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T细胞的数量,诱导免疫耐受,从而发挥延长移植物存活时间的作用。但Tri诱导CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T细胞上调的分子机制目前尚不清楚,还需进一步研究。


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(收稿日期:2014-04-08 本文编辑:程 铭)endprint

[12] Wang Y,Jia L,Wu CY. Triptolide inhibits the diferentiation of Th17 cells and suppresses collagen-induced arthritis[J]. Scand J Immunol,2008,68(4):383-390.

[13] 张进生,管德林,许建军,等.1,25-(OH)2D3对小鼠皮肤移植后脾T细胞亚群、MLR及NK细胞活性的影响[J].中华器官移植杂志,2003,24(4):226-229.

[14] Han R,Rostami-Yazdi M,Gerdes S,et al. Triptolide in the treatment of psoriasis and other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases [J]. Br J Clin Pharmacol,2012,74:424-436.

[15] Zhu K,Shen Q,Chang H,et al. Triptolide affects the differentiation,maturation and function of human dendritic cells [J]. Int Immunopharmaco1,2005,5(9):1415-1426.

[16] Liu Q. Triptolide and its expanding multiple pharmacological functions [J]. Int Immunopharmacol,2011,11(3):377-383.

[17] Oliver K,Lisa M,Ebert,et al. Flt3 ligand expands CD4+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human subjects [J]. European Journal of Immunology,2013,43(2):533-539.

[18] Jiang X,Sun W,Guo D,et al. Cardiac allograft acceptance induced by blockade of CD40-CD40L costimulation is dependent on CD4(+)CD25(+)regulatory T cells [J]. Surgery,2011,149(3):336-346.

[19] Joffre O,Santolaria T,Calise D,et al. Prevention of acute and chronic allograft rejection with CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T lymphocytes [J]. Nat Med,2008,14(1):88-92.

[20] Piotr T,Anna DM,Maria B,et al. Treatment of Graft-versus-Host Disease with Naturally Occurring T Regulatory Cells [J]. BioDrugs,2013,27(6):605-614.

[21] Trzonkowski P,Szarynska M,Mysliwska J,et al. Ex vivo expansion of CD4(+)CD25(+)T regulatory cells for immune-suppressive therapy [J]. Cytometry,2009,75(3):175-188.

[22] Hori S,Nomura T,Sakaguchi S. Control of regulatory T cell development by the transcription factor FoxP3 [J]. Science,2003,299:1057-1061.

[23] Zhang G,Liu Y,Guo H,et al. Triptolide promotes generation of FoxP3+ T regulatory cells in rats [J]. J Ethnophar macol,2009,125(1):41-46.

[24] Li G,Ren J,Wang G,et al. T2 enhances in situ level of Foxp3(+) regulatory cells and modulates inflammatory cytokines in Crohn's disease [J]. Int Immunopharmacol,2014, 18(2):244-248.

(收稿日期:2014-04-08 本文编辑:程 铭)endprint

[12] Wang Y,Jia L,Wu CY. Triptolide inhibits the diferentiation of Th17 cells and suppresses collagen-induced arthritis[J]. Scand J Immunol,2008,68(4):383-390.

[13] 张进生,管德林,许建军,等.1,25-(OH)2D3对小鼠皮肤移植后脾T细胞亚群、MLR及NK细胞活性的影响[J].中华器官移植杂志,2003,24(4):226-229.

[14] Han R,Rostami-Yazdi M,Gerdes S,et al. Triptolide in the treatment of psoriasis and other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases [J]. Br J Clin Pharmacol,2012,74:424-436.

[15] Zhu K,Shen Q,Chang H,et al. Triptolide affects the differentiation,maturation and function of human dendritic cells [J]. Int Immunopharmaco1,2005,5(9):1415-1426.

[16] Liu Q. Triptolide and its expanding multiple pharmacological functions [J]. Int Immunopharmacol,2011,11(3):377-383.

[17] Oliver K,Lisa M,Ebert,et al. Flt3 ligand expands CD4+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human subjects [J]. European Journal of Immunology,2013,43(2):533-539.

[18] Jiang X,Sun W,Guo D,et al. Cardiac allograft acceptance induced by blockade of CD40-CD40L costimulation is dependent on CD4(+)CD25(+)regulatory T cells [J]. Surgery,2011,149(3):336-346.

[19] Joffre O,Santolaria T,Calise D,et al. Prevention of acute and chronic allograft rejection with CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T lymphocytes [J]. Nat Med,2008,14(1):88-92.

[20] Piotr T,Anna DM,Maria B,et al. Treatment of Graft-versus-Host Disease with Naturally Occurring T Regulatory Cells [J]. BioDrugs,2013,27(6):605-614.

[21] Trzonkowski P,Szarynska M,Mysliwska J,et al. Ex vivo expansion of CD4(+)CD25(+)T regulatory cells for immune-suppressive therapy [J]. Cytometry,2009,75(3):175-188.

[22] Hori S,Nomura T,Sakaguchi S. Control of regulatory T cell development by the transcription factor FoxP3 [J]. Science,2003,299:1057-1061.

[23] Zhang G,Liu Y,Guo H,et al. Triptolide promotes generation of FoxP3+ T regulatory cells in rats [J]. J Ethnophar macol,2009,125(1):41-46.

[24] Li G,Ren J,Wang G,et al. T2 enhances in situ level of Foxp3(+) regulatory cells and modulates inflammatory cytokines in Crohn's disease [J]. Int Immunopharmacol,2014, 18(2):244-248.

(收稿日期:2014-04-08 本文编辑:程 铭)endprint
