1. 影视教学法与语音语调的学习
口语包括语音语调和口头表达。课堂上,教师可以通过引导学生注意电影和电视剧里的人物旁白对白纠正语音语调。平时若是不看音标,学生喜欢根据一般的发音规则读单词。通常情况下,辅音字母的读音变化较小:辅音字母的音标跟其字母相同或由固定的字母表示或搭配,比如p/p/、b/b/、k/k/、c/k/、th/θ/、ph/f/等; s在清辅音前,清辅音要浊化,比如western/'west?n/、schedule/'skedul/等;元音字母的读音变化较大:a的发音可以是/ei//a://///,比如cafeteria中a发//,而around中a发//;一些拼起来的读音由固定的字母搭配,比如tion//、sion//、ter//、ly/li/等。但并不是所有的单词都按照发音规则发音的,比如singer很多学生读/singer/,Coco Chanel这部电影其中一句对白是“-what do you do? –actually Im a singer. –oh, youre a singer.”如果注意听,singer的发音应该是//.
2. 影视教学法与英语口头表达的学习
提高英语口头表达就要不断地积累短语和固定搭配,掌握语法规则,反复地练习。电影或电视剧里的对白有大量的短语和固定搭配,初学者或低年级的学生可以通过学习英文字幕积累,英语基础较好的学生可以通过听对白积累。除了积累大量短语和固定搭配外,还要有一定的英语语法基础才能脱口而出。因为我们说的话是由短语、一个句子或多个句子组成的,而英文句子又遵循着一定的语法规则。如果我们按照自己的思维习惯说一口Chinglish,交流时对方会听得一头雾水,不知所云,甚至造成误会。比如一个学生期末口试时这么描述上街“I and mother up street”.
when i was lying there in the VA hospital, with a big hole blown through the middle of my life, i started having these dreams of flying. I was free. Sooner or later, though, you always have to wake up. They can fix a spinal, if you got the money, but not on vet benefits, not in this economy. A VA check and 12 bucks will get you a cup of coffee. I'm what they call waitlisted. The Bengal Tiger, extinct for over a century is making a comeback. This cloned tiger cubs at the Beijing Zoo are the latest of a number of species that have cloned back into existence in the past five years. I became a marine for the hardship. To be hammered on the anvil of life. I told myself i can pass any test a man can pass.
Let's get it straight, upfront. I don't want your pity. If you want a fair deal, you're on the wrong planet. The strong prey on the weak. That's just the way things are. And nobody does a damn thing.
-"Get off! Get off of him!"
All i ever wanted in my life was a single thing worth fighting for.
-"I hope you realized you just lost yourself a customer. If it ain't raining, we ain't training."endprint
-"It doesn't look like him."
-"It's him."
-"You Jake Sully?"
-"Step off. You are ruining my good mood."
-"It's about your brother.
-"We're looking for Sully. T."
-"In there"
-"Jesus, Tommy. "
The strong prey on the weak. A guy with a knife took all Tommy would ever be for the paper in his wallet. The concern of the suits was touching. -"Your brother represented a significant investment. We would like to talk to you about taking over his contract. And since your genome is identical to his, you could step into his shoes, so to speak."
-"It would be a fresh start on a new world. You could do something important. You can make a difference."
-"And the pay is good."
-"Very good."
Tommy was the scientist, not me. He was the one who wanted to get shot light-years out in space to find the answers. Me, i was just another dumb grunt getting sent someplace he was gonna regret.
电影的旁白对白出现了大量的短语blow through、sooner or later、clone back into existence、hammer on、anvil of life、get sth. straight、prey on、worth doing sth.、get off of sb.、lost oneself sth.、take over、identical to、step into one's shoes、so to speak、make a difference等;状语从句when i was lying there in the VA hospital, i started having this dream of flying、you can fix a spinal, if you got the money、if you want a fair deal, you are on the wrong planet等;主谓或主谓宾结构的简单句Sooner or later, though, you always have to wake up、I became a marine for the hardship、I don't want your pity等,还有定语从句、宾语从句等等。通过旁白对白掌握基本的语法规则,包括词性及其用法和各种句型,积累一定的单词量和短语,平时反复练习,学生就能摆脱哑巴英语,脱口而出了。
3. 影视教学法与英语听力的学习
4. 影视教学法与英语思维能力的训练
一部电影或一部电视剧有许多悬念或疑问让人思考,课堂上,教师可以用英语提出跟剧情相关的问题或一些开放性问题,让学生小组讨论并用英语回答出来。电影AVANTA,放到5'25''的时候停下来问学生,“What happened to Jake's brother? Why do the two people want to find Jake? Who are the two people?”;也可以问一些开放性的问题,“Do you believe that there are aliens like Avanta from outer space? Are they friendly, or hostile to us?”训练学生用英语思考问题并展开讨论或辩论。
教师也可以要求学生把电影的内容用讲故事的形式讲出来或把某一个人说的话复述出来,意思大致相同就行了。电影AVANTA,放到5'25''时问学生,“what is the part mainly about?”训练学生用英语总结的思维能力或让学生复数“what did the two man say to Jake?”课堂上也可以设置情境表演,让学生投入到角色中。例如让学生表演电影AVANTA 37'40''到54'50''的片段。也可以将电影分成几个片段,例如电影Avanta片段一the one two strangers come to visit Jake,片段二the one Jake survives when he stays alone in the Avanta forest,片段三the first time Jake sees the Omaticaya and the people in Avanta,片段四the one Jake conquers Toruk Macto, 片段五the one Jake learns to fly,让一组学生选其中一个片段表演出来,其他学生猜是哪一个片段。表演时,老师鼓励即兴发挥。
5. 影视教学法与课堂活动的设置
6. 影视教学法与文化的习得
电视剧Ugly Betty讲的就是一个带着钢牙和黑框眼镜,看上去笨手笨脚的丑女孩,通过自己的聪明才智和坚持不懈的努力,最后赢得了别人的尊重和欣赏。电视剧Friends里6个主角的性格迥异,对话中的美式幽默无处不在。通过影视欣赏,学生可以直观地观察英美国家各阶层人们的日常生活情况,了解他们如何与朋友交谈,进行什么娱乐活动,有什么节日,如何庆祝节日,以及他们说话的方式、表情、手势等。同时,通过剖析各色人物及其思想,了解西方人的情感世界、道德观和生活观,认识英美国家人们的思维方式、生活方式、价值观念。