
2014-07-31 00:52孙蕊等
中国人口·资源与环境 2014年3期








首先,从政策执行情况来看,1998年全国共有17个省(区、市)实现了耕地占补平衡;1999年增加到24个;2000年底增加到29个;2001年和2002年全国31个省(区、市)总体上全部实现建设占用耕地当年占补平衡[1-2]。据《中国环境状况公报》和《国土资源公报》数据统计,1997-2003年我国非农建设占用耕地132.63万hm2,通过土地整理、复垦、开发补充耕地210.62万hm2。其次,从我国耕地总量上看,虽然各省(区、市)的耕地占补平衡政策执行情况良好,但1997-2003年我国耕地总量却持续下降。根据《中国环境状况公报》和《国土资源公报》数据,我国耕地总量从1997年的19.49亿亩下降到2003年的18.51亿亩(如图2所示)。据历年《国土资源公报》计算所得,1997-2003年我国每年耕地净减少面积分别为13.25万hm2、26.14万hm2、43.67万hm2、127.51万hm2、62.74万hm2、176.66万hm2和257.02万hm2。由此可见,2000年、2002年和2003年的耕地减少问题尤为突出。而且,除了占用耕地面积巨大外,圈占的大多是区位好、土壤肥沃的耕地资源。最后,从粮食产量上看,1997-1999年我国粮食产量基本保持在50 000万t水平。据《中国统计年鉴》数据,从2000年到2003年出现严重的粮食减产,由1998年51 230万t粮食最高产量,下降为2003年43 070万t的粮食最低产量[3](如图2所示)。粮食产量下降的主要原因除了干旱等自然因素外,跟非农建设占用耕地导致全国粮食播种面积减少有着直接的关联。






2011年至今,耕地占补平衡政策进入相对成熟发展的阶段,并在新形势下呈现许多新的特征,如:全国主体功能区初步形成、逐步制定差别化的土地政策、耕地开发逐步向土地整理与复垦转化等。在此期间,我国耕地数量变化相对平稳,2011年底耕地保有量为18.247 6亿亩[6现阶段,我国耕地占补平衡政策已进入“数量-质量-生态”多重平衡的崭新阶段,相应的政策调整主要体现在以下几个方面:第一,在政策目标上,由单一的经济效益目标调整为经济效益、社会效益和生态效益等综合效益的多重目标;第二,在政策内容设计上,在加强“补充耕地”质量建设、管理与监督的基础上,由鼓励耕地开发逐步向土地整理、复垦与综合整治转化;第三,在政策执行上,基于主体功能区的初步形成,逐步改变目前国土空间开发秩序混乱和结构不合理的状况,逐步制定差别化、区域化的土地政策;第四,在政策考核上,将经济效益、社会效益和生态效益一并列入政策考核要求。






2.3耕地占补平衡政策调整土地利用方式,相应地带来社会结构的逐步变化耕地占补平衡政策的直接效果是土地类型的改变,即耕地转化为建设用地,或是增加有效耕地面积的“双向变化过程”;而政策则要求这个动态过程是在保持耕地数量-质量平衡状态下实现。与此同时,耕地占补平衡政策实施也会给土地使用者的生产方式和生活方式带来相应的转变。在此过程中,被征地农民由传统农业生产向第二、三产业转变,进而生活方式、价值观念和行为习惯等都会随之逐渐发生变化。相应的,土地城镇化和人口城镇化会在潜移默化中逐渐改变着原有的社会结构,这是耕地占补平衡政策产生的连带效应。我国正处于快速的土地城镇化和人口城镇化的发展时期。据统计,1997年我国总人口为39 449万人,其中城镇人口比重为31.91%[8];2012年底我国总人口为135 404万人,城镇人口比重为52.57%[7],我国已成为发展中国家城镇化速度提升较快的国家。有专家估计中国未来20年还有3亿农民进城,因此,耕地占补平衡政策将在我国未来的社会关系和社会结构转变中继续发挥作用。





















[1]国土资源部. 国土资源公报[EB/OL]., 2002. [Ministry of Land and Resources. Land and Resources Bulletin [EB/OL]., 2002.]

[2]谭永忠, 吴次芳, 王庆天, 等. “耕地总量动态平衡”政策驱动下中国的耕地变化及其生态环境效应[J]. 自然资源学报, 2005, 20(5): 727-733. [Tan Yongzhong, Wu Cifang, Wang Qingtian, et al. The Change of Cultivated Land and Ecological Environment Effects Driven by The Policy of Dynamic Equilibrium of the Total Cultivated Land [J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2005, 20(5): 727-733.]

[3]张晶, 杨艳昭, 王景平. 中国粮食生产变化类型研究[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2007, 28(3): 11-16. [Zhang Jing, Yang Yanzhao, Wang Jingping. Studies on The Types of Grain Production Changes in China [J]. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2007, 28(3): 11-16.]

[4]徐蕾, 孟繁敏. 美国粮食安全管理经验及启示[J]. 黑龙江工程学院学报:自然科学版, 2010, 24(4): 71-73. [Xu Lei, Meng Fanmin. The Experience and Enlightenment of U.S. Food Safety Management [J]. Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology:Natural Science, 2010, 24(4): 71-73.]

[5]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2011. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2011.]

[6]国土资源部. 2011年度全国土地变更调查数据发布[EB/OL].(2012-12-13)[2012-12-13]. [The Ministry of Land and Resources. The 2011 National Land Survey Released [EB/OL]. (2012-12-13)[2012-12-13].]

[7]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2012. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2012.]

[8]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2010. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2010.]

[9]孙蕊, 张景奇. 治理理论对于违法用地遥感监查系统的改进研究[J]. 资源科学, 2013, 35(3):561-567. [Sun Rui, Zhang Jingqi. Study on the Improvement of Governance Theory for Remote Sensing Monitoring System for Illegal Land Use [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(3):561-567.]

[10]黄继辉. 耕地总量动态平衡的公共政策分析[J]. 资源与产业, 2007,9(1): 40-43. [Huang Jihui. Analysis on the Public Policy about Dynamic Equilibrium of Total Cultivated Land in China [J]. Resources Industries, 2007,9(1): 40-43.]

[11]唐菊华, 吕昌河. 我国城市化过程中实施耕地占补平衡的问题与对策[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2008,36(9): 3837-3839,3902. [Tang Juhua, Lv Changhe. Challenge and Choice for the Farmland OccupationCompensation Balance in the Urbanization Process in China [J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2008,36(9): 3837-3839,3902.]AbstractIt has been more than ten years since Cultivated Land Requisitioncompensation Balance Policy was implemented in China in 1997. Its targets also underwent the changes from quantity to quality balance, and finally to ecological equilibrium. This paper evaluates the policy effectiveness from three indicators: the policy implementation, the total amount of cultivated land and the grain output in China. On the whole, the goal of ‘quantity balance has been achieved in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities since 2001. But the total amount of cultivated land in China continues to decline and the quality of supplementary cultivated land can not be guaranteed. Moreover, the changes in the quantity and quality of cultivated land directly affect grain output in China. Although the policy plays a positive role in the domestic production and social life, in fact, there are still a lot of problems unsolved in the requisition and compensation of cultivated land, which exposed its limitations. For example, such illegal use of land as occupying cultivated land with less or no compensation has not been fundamentally curbed; occupying fertile land and replenishing it with poor one will further lead to ecological deterioration; besides, delayed supplement will continue to cause social injustice. From the perspective of public policy, the further research shows that as far as the policy targets are concerned, the policy overemphasized the ‘quantity balance in occupation and compensation of farmland, ignoring the multiple targets such as ‘quality balance and ‘ecological balance. As for policy formulation, this policy puts more emphasis on the occupation of cultivated land and the requirement of compensation for the occupied land, but lacks a specification of how to supplement arable land, resulting in the decrease in the overall quality of cultivated land in China. In the implementation, the policy has objectively increased the difficulty of land supply. Meanwhile the inconsistency and conflict between the local governments and the central government targets caused deviation in the administrative roles. Finally, based on public policy targets, policy content, the transformation of the role of local governments and the mechanism of public participation, some suggestions are put forward to improve the policy.

Key wordscultivated land requisitioncompensation balance policy; policy analysis; policy evolution; policy targets; policy effectiveness

[2]谭永忠, 吴次芳, 王庆天, 等. “耕地总量动态平衡”政策驱动下中国的耕地变化及其生态环境效应[J]. 自然资源学报, 2005, 20(5): 727-733. [Tan Yongzhong, Wu Cifang, Wang Qingtian, et al. The Change of Cultivated Land and Ecological Environment Effects Driven by The Policy of Dynamic Equilibrium of the Total Cultivated Land [J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2005, 20(5): 727-733.]

[3]张晶, 杨艳昭, 王景平. 中国粮食生产变化类型研究[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2007, 28(3): 11-16. [Zhang Jing, Yang Yanzhao, Wang Jingping. Studies on The Types of Grain Production Changes in China [J]. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2007, 28(3): 11-16.]

[4]徐蕾, 孟繁敏. 美国粮食安全管理经验及启示[J]. 黑龙江工程学院学报:自然科学版, 2010, 24(4): 71-73. [Xu Lei, Meng Fanmin. The Experience and Enlightenment of U.S. Food Safety Management [J]. Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology:Natural Science, 2010, 24(4): 71-73.]

[5]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2011. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2011.]

[6]国土资源部. 2011年度全国土地变更调查数据发布[EB/OL].(2012-12-13)[2012-12-13]. [The Ministry of Land and Resources. The 2011 National Land Survey Released [EB/OL]. (2012-12-13)[2012-12-13].]

[7]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2012. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2012.]

[8]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2010. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2010.]

[9]孙蕊, 张景奇. 治理理论对于违法用地遥感监查系统的改进研究[J]. 资源科学, 2013, 35(3):561-567. [Sun Rui, Zhang Jingqi. Study on the Improvement of Governance Theory for Remote Sensing Monitoring System for Illegal Land Use [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(3):561-567.]

[10]黄继辉. 耕地总量动态平衡的公共政策分析[J]. 资源与产业, 2007,9(1): 40-43. [Huang Jihui. Analysis on the Public Policy about Dynamic Equilibrium of Total Cultivated Land in China [J]. Resources Industries, 2007,9(1): 40-43.]

[11]唐菊华, 吕昌河. 我国城市化过程中实施耕地占补平衡的问题与对策[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2008,36(9): 3837-3839,3902. [Tang Juhua, Lv Changhe. Challenge and Choice for the Farmland OccupationCompensation Balance in the Urbanization Process in China [J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2008,36(9): 3837-3839,3902.]AbstractIt has been more than ten years since Cultivated Land Requisitioncompensation Balance Policy was implemented in China in 1997. Its targets also underwent the changes from quantity to quality balance, and finally to ecological equilibrium. This paper evaluates the policy effectiveness from three indicators: the policy implementation, the total amount of cultivated land and the grain output in China. On the whole, the goal of ‘quantity balance has been achieved in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities since 2001. But the total amount of cultivated land in China continues to decline and the quality of supplementary cultivated land can not be guaranteed. Moreover, the changes in the quantity and quality of cultivated land directly affect grain output in China. Although the policy plays a positive role in the domestic production and social life, in fact, there are still a lot of problems unsolved in the requisition and compensation of cultivated land, which exposed its limitations. For example, such illegal use of land as occupying cultivated land with less or no compensation has not been fundamentally curbed; occupying fertile land and replenishing it with poor one will further lead to ecological deterioration; besides, delayed supplement will continue to cause social injustice. From the perspective of public policy, the further research shows that as far as the policy targets are concerned, the policy overemphasized the ‘quantity balance in occupation and compensation of farmland, ignoring the multiple targets such as ‘quality balance and ‘ecological balance. As for policy formulation, this policy puts more emphasis on the occupation of cultivated land and the requirement of compensation for the occupied land, but lacks a specification of how to supplement arable land, resulting in the decrease in the overall quality of cultivated land in China. In the implementation, the policy has objectively increased the difficulty of land supply. Meanwhile the inconsistency and conflict between the local governments and the central government targets caused deviation in the administrative roles. Finally, based on public policy targets, policy content, the transformation of the role of local governments and the mechanism of public participation, some suggestions are put forward to improve the policy.

Key wordscultivated land requisitioncompensation balance policy; policy analysis; policy evolution; policy targets; policy effectiveness

[2]谭永忠, 吴次芳, 王庆天, 等. “耕地总量动态平衡”政策驱动下中国的耕地变化及其生态环境效应[J]. 自然资源学报, 2005, 20(5): 727-733. [Tan Yongzhong, Wu Cifang, Wang Qingtian, et al. The Change of Cultivated Land and Ecological Environment Effects Driven by The Policy of Dynamic Equilibrium of the Total Cultivated Land [J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2005, 20(5): 727-733.]

[3]张晶, 杨艳昭, 王景平. 中国粮食生产变化类型研究[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2007, 28(3): 11-16. [Zhang Jing, Yang Yanzhao, Wang Jingping. Studies on The Types of Grain Production Changes in China [J]. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2007, 28(3): 11-16.]

[4]徐蕾, 孟繁敏. 美国粮食安全管理经验及启示[J]. 黑龙江工程学院学报:自然科学版, 2010, 24(4): 71-73. [Xu Lei, Meng Fanmin. The Experience and Enlightenment of U.S. Food Safety Management [J]. Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology:Natural Science, 2010, 24(4): 71-73.]

[5]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2011. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2011.]

[6]国土资源部. 2011年度全国土地变更调查数据发布[EB/OL].(2012-12-13)[2012-12-13]. [The Ministry of Land and Resources. The 2011 National Land Survey Released [EB/OL]. (2012-12-13)[2012-12-13].]

[7]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2012. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2012.]

[8]国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2010. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2010.]

[9]孙蕊, 张景奇. 治理理论对于违法用地遥感监查系统的改进研究[J]. 资源科学, 2013, 35(3):561-567. [Sun Rui, Zhang Jingqi. Study on the Improvement of Governance Theory for Remote Sensing Monitoring System for Illegal Land Use [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(3):561-567.]

[10]黄继辉. 耕地总量动态平衡的公共政策分析[J]. 资源与产业, 2007,9(1): 40-43. [Huang Jihui. Analysis on the Public Policy about Dynamic Equilibrium of Total Cultivated Land in China [J]. Resources Industries, 2007,9(1): 40-43.]

[11]唐菊华, 吕昌河. 我国城市化过程中实施耕地占补平衡的问题与对策[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2008,36(9): 3837-3839,3902. [Tang Juhua, Lv Changhe. Challenge and Choice for the Farmland OccupationCompensation Balance in the Urbanization Process in China [J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2008,36(9): 3837-3839,3902.]AbstractIt has been more than ten years since Cultivated Land Requisitioncompensation Balance Policy was implemented in China in 1997. Its targets also underwent the changes from quantity to quality balance, and finally to ecological equilibrium. This paper evaluates the policy effectiveness from three indicators: the policy implementation, the total amount of cultivated land and the grain output in China. On the whole, the goal of ‘quantity balance has been achieved in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities since 2001. But the total amount of cultivated land in China continues to decline and the quality of supplementary cultivated land can not be guaranteed. Moreover, the changes in the quantity and quality of cultivated land directly affect grain output in China. Although the policy plays a positive role in the domestic production and social life, in fact, there are still a lot of problems unsolved in the requisition and compensation of cultivated land, which exposed its limitations. For example, such illegal use of land as occupying cultivated land with less or no compensation has not been fundamentally curbed; occupying fertile land and replenishing it with poor one will further lead to ecological deterioration; besides, delayed supplement will continue to cause social injustice. From the perspective of public policy, the further research shows that as far as the policy targets are concerned, the policy overemphasized the ‘quantity balance in occupation and compensation of farmland, ignoring the multiple targets such as ‘quality balance and ‘ecological balance. As for policy formulation, this policy puts more emphasis on the occupation of cultivated land and the requirement of compensation for the occupied land, but lacks a specification of how to supplement arable land, resulting in the decrease in the overall quality of cultivated land in China. In the implementation, the policy has objectively increased the difficulty of land supply. Meanwhile the inconsistency and conflict between the local governments and the central government targets caused deviation in the administrative roles. Finally, based on public policy targets, policy content, the transformation of the role of local governments and the mechanism of public participation, some suggestions are put forward to improve the policy.

Key wordscultivated land requisitioncompensation balance policy; policy analysis; policy evolution; policy targets; policy effectiveness
