
2014-07-05 15:29:06韩立强江汉肖联平杨国跃江毅张殿英
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2014年4期

韩立强 江汉 肖联平 杨国跃 江毅 张殿英


韩立强 江汉 肖联平 杨国跃 江毅 张殿英

目的回顾性分析T形切口下微创锁定钢板治疗肱骨近端骨折的疗效。方法自2011年1月至2013年8月,我院收治肱骨近端骨折患者35例,分类方法采用AO分型,其中11-A2型7例,11-A3型12例,11-B1型8例,11-B2型6例,11-C1型2例,均采用T型切口下锁定钢板手术治疗,术后2~3 d开始肩关节被动活动锻炼,逐渐增加活动范围,术后2周开始肩关节摆动锻炼,术后3周开始肩关节锻炼,并采用Neer肩关节功能评分。结果本组35例患者手术切口均一期愈合,所有患者均得到随访,随访时间5~16个月,平均13.1个月,骨折均骨性愈合,术后未发现腋神经损害表现,未发现退钉、钢板松动。Neer肩关节功能评分:优19例,良10例,可6例。结论T形切口下微创锁定钢板治疗肱骨近端骨折具有创伤小、功能恢复快、临床疗效佳的优点,尤其适于AO分型的A2、A3型和B型骨折的治疗。









患者麻醉后采取沙滩椅位,术前于体表标注手术切口、肩峰及腋神经大致位置,于肩关节外侧肩峰下约一横指处行长约6 cm横行切口,切开皮下组织后纵行切开深筋膜,通过辨认肌腹之间的脂肪纤维纹,找到三角肌前部和中间部肌肉之间的间隙,纵行钝性劈开,劈开距离不宜超过6 cm,以免损伤腋神经。将劈开的三角肌牵向两侧,暴露三角肌下滑囊,将其纵行切开暴露肱骨大结节及骨折端。在肩关节外展牵引下通过撬拨及手法推压骨折块的方法完成复位,以结节间沟、大结节作为复位指标,复位满意后维持肘关节屈曲外展,保证30°~40°后倾角,以克氏针临时固定,选用长度合适的钢板(均选用AO辛迪斯公司的PHILOS钢板),另于骨折远端行长约3 cm纵行切口(图3),将钢板沿骨膜上植入,钢板放置于距离肱骨大结节上缘5~8 mm、结节间沟外侧2~4 mm,C臂X线机透视位置满意后,近端植入5~9枚锁定螺钉,远端植入3枚双皮质锁定螺钉(图4,5),常规植入引流管。术后以三角巾悬吊固定3~4周。

结 果

本组35例患者手术切口均一期愈合。术后2~3 d开始肩关节被动活动锻炼,逐渐增加活动范围,术后2周开始肩关节摆动锻炼,术后3周开始肩关节上举、外展、后伸及前屈锻炼。所有患者均获得随访,随访时间5~16个月,平均13.1个月,骨折均骨性愈合,未发现腋神经损伤表现,未发现退钉、钢板松动。采用Neer肩关节功能评分[3]:优19例,良10例,可6例。

讨 论


图1~5 患者,女,62岁,自行摔伤,骨折分型为11-C1型。图1肱骨近端骨折术前正位X线片;图2肱骨近端骨折术前CT三维重建片;图3术中手术切口示意图;图4~5肱骨近端骨折术后正位及穿胸位X线片






肩峰前外侧入路相对于胸大肌-三角肌入路来说,钢板的放置相对更容易,T型切口优越性显著,但文献报道不多,普及率不高,究其原因主要是解剖不熟悉,难以保证腋神经不受损。解剖学研究显示腋神经自四边孔穿出后绕行于肱骨外科颈后方,位于三角肌后缘中点,其解剖位置位于上肢中立位时肩峰下缘大约6.5 cm处,由三角肌后缘横行直至其前缘,沿途分出众多细支至肌纤维,由腋神经主干发出的分支走向两个肌束毗邻处,然后发出分支走向每一肌束,三角肌中部包含有极稠密的神经网。根据腋神经的分布情况可以看到,理论上三角肌任何部位的纵行劈开,一定会引起腋神经损伤。但根据我们的经验,术前仔细规划,将腋神经的水平位置在皮肤上进行标识,术中经三角肌前、中肌间隙纵行劈开三角肌,从此间进入可很好地避开了腋神经在三角肌各肌束的入肌点,不会损伤腋神经分支,同时只要劈开距离不超过6 cm,就不会损伤腋神经主干,而且术中可在接近6 cm处以手指去感受腋神经,但并不需要彻底游离暴露腋神经,以免不必要的损伤。许文胜等[5]认为腋神经前支经外科颈水平前行时,与肱骨骨膜关系并不密切,而是紧贴三角肌底面走形,表面有三角肌束膜包裹,可以经此间隙将其连同三角肌一起从骨面推开。本组病例采用的即是沿骨膜外剥离肌肉,且6 cm的纵行暴露区间对于钢板置入及显露骨折端已相当充足,若术野不充分,可在肩峰上切断部分三角肌扩大显露范围,在这些措施下腋神经损伤的风险极低。








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Operative treatment of proximal humeral fractures with T incision and MIPPO locking compression plate

Han Liqiang,Jiang Han,Xiao Lianping,Yang Guoyue,Jiang Yi.Department of Orthopedics,Tianjin Third Central Hospital,Tianjing 300170,China

BackgroundWith the aging of population,the proximal humerus fractures are becoming more and more common.The displaced proximal humeral fractures often result in long-term disability.For the instability and displacement of the fracture,the operation treatment is of the best effect so far.At present,the locking plate has been widely used in the treatment of proximal humerus fractures,and has already achieved good clinical results.This paper retrospectively analysis the functional effect of minimally invasive locking plate in the treatment of proximal humeral fractures in our hospital with T shape incision.MethodsThirty-five cases in our hospital suffered from proximal humeral fractures were included in this study(16 males,19 females,aged 31-72 years old)during the past years.The average age was 56.3 years old.Fifteen cases were injured on the left side,20 cases were injured on the right side.All the fractures were fresh.The cause of injury:20 cases were living accident,6 cases were of high falling injury,9 cases were of traffic accident.All the Patients had undergone X-ray examinations and three-dimensional CT reconstruction before receiving surgery.According to the AO classification,there were 7 cases of type 11-A2,12 cases of type 11-A3,8 cases of type 11-B1,6 cases of type 11-B2 and type 11-C1 in 2 cases.All were treated with locking plates through the type T incision.Patients were in the beach chair position after anesthesia to get operation.Then mark the operating incision,the axillary nerve and the acromion on the surface before surgery.A 6 cm transverse incision was made one finger subacromially in the lateral side of shoulder.The subcutaneous tissue was incised before a longitudinal dissection of the deep fascia.Find the anteriorand middle part of the deltoid muscle by identifying the fat fiber lines between the gap and the muscle belly.Bluntly split it longitudinally,not exceeding 6 cm of the distance in order to avoid the injury of axillary nerve.Stretch the splitted deltoid to the sides,expose deltoid bursa,incise it longitudinally to expose the greater tuberosity of humerus and the fracture.Make the reduction by poking and manual pressing the fracture with the traction of the shoulder in the abduction position.Take the intertubercular sulcus and greater tuberosity as the reduction index,then flex and abduct the elbow after a satisfactory reduction to guarantee the 30-40 degree retroverted angle,fix it with the Kirschner wire temporarily and then select a steel plate with an appropriate length(select AO Synthes,PHILOS steel plate).Then make a 3 cm longitudinal incision on the distal part of the fracture,implant the steel plate along the periosteum,place the plate 5-8 mm upper the greater tuberosity,2-4 mm laterally of the intertubercular sulcus.After an satisfactory position of the C-arm fluoroscopy,implant 5-9 locking screws proximally and 3 bicortical locking screws distally,place a drainage tube conventionally.Sling the arm with a triangular scarf for immobilization for 3 to 4 weeks postoperatively.ResultsThe operation incision of the 35 patients of this group got healed in the first period.They were required to exercise the shoulder joint passively after 2-3 days postoperatively.Increase the range of motion gradually.Then start to do the shoulder swing exercise 2 weeks after operation,try the lift,abduction,posterior extension and flexion exercise 3 weeks after operation.All the patients were followed up from 5 to 16 months,averagely 13.1 months.All the fractures got healed,there was no sign of damage of the axillary nerve.No loosening of the nails and plate were found.For the Neer score:there are 19 cases of excellence,10 cases of good,6 cases of fair.ConclusionsMinimal invasion refers to an operation or a check with less invasion and less physiological disturbance to achieve the best operation effect,the main feature is the micro trauma.Accidental trauma does great harm to the human body,and it is really hard to avoid.But as a planned trauma of surgical operation,surgeons have to try all they can to minimize the trauma,that is to say,to achieve the goal of minimal invasion.This concept has achieved great development now in various fields of orthopedics,it commits to the protection of soft tissue and obtaining better prognosis function,which has gradually become a consensus and been confirmed by clinical effect.When we comes to the fracture of the proximal humerus,in strict confidence condition operation indications,the minimally invasive locking plate treatment under T shaped incision has the advantage of less trauma,quicker recovery and perfect clinical curative effect,which is especially suitable for AO type A2,type A3 and type B fractures.But this group of patients lack the related supportive study for the degree of deltoid muscle damage and the comparison of traditional pectoralis major-deltoid muscle approach,if we can take a detection of deltoid muscle electromyography in the postoperative follow-up to ensure the degree of injury,and then establish a control group of the pectoralis major-deltoid muscle approach,then it would be more clinically convincing.

Humeral fracture,proximal;Minimally invasion;Locking compression plate;Incision

Han Liqiang,Email:liqianghan9809@163.com





300170 天津市第三中心医院骨科(韩立强、江汉、肖联平、杨国跃、江毅);300450 天津市第五中心医院骨科(张殿英)



儿童三角肌挛缩症:3.0 T高场强MRI特征分析
磁共振成像(2015年6期)2015-12-13 05:44:06