
2014-07-02 22:57:53傅德良
上海医药 2014年8期


摘 要 淋巴结转移是胰腺癌转移的主要方式,也是影响预后的重要因素。本文回顾胰头癌淋巴结转移发生的可能途径和转移特性,着重讨论胰头癌淋巴结手术清扫的范围和利弊,目前有关淋巴结清扫的争议、详尽的淋巴结获取分析和准确度肿瘤分期以及更积极的多学科肿瘤治疗是将来胰腺外科努力的发展方向。

关键词 胰腺癌 淋巴结转移 扩大的淋巴结清扫 手术治疗

中图分类号:R735.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2014)08-0003-05

The characteristics of lymph node metastasis and its surgical procedure

FU Deliang

(Department of Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary Surgery of Huashan Hosptial Affiliated

to Fudan University, Pancreatic Cancer institute of Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China)

ABSTRACT Lymph node metastasis is a common phenomenon with the positive lymph nodes being distributed over a wide range via a complex pathway, and the lymph node status is one of the most important independent factor influencing the long-time survival in patients with resectable tumors. The detailed pattern and characteristic of lymph node metastasis in patients with pancreatic head cancer were reviewed. There is still a lot of debate about the benefit of extended lymphadenectomy, because pancreatic cancer frequently metastasizes to distant LNs via a complex pathway and develops into systemic disease. Accurate localization and detailed examination of the resected specimen are required for better staging and mode of lymph node metastasis. Aggressive multimodality therapy, including neoadjuvant therapy, is essential to improve the long-term survival of patients at substantial risk of distant.

KEY WORDS pancreatic cancer; lymph node metastasis; extended lymphadenectomy; surgical procedure


1 胰腺癌淋巴结转移的可能途径


1.1 胰头前表面


1.2 胰头后表面


1.3 钩突


1.4 胰颈


1.5 胰体尾



限于对胰腺癌淋巴结转移特性的认识,迄今为止,胰周淋巴结分组分站标准还没有得到统一,较常用的有国际抗癌联盟(UICC)和日本胰腺学会(JPS)的分组标准。UICC(第6版,2002)将胰周区域淋巴结分为12组,包括胰头上(组1)、胰体上(组2)、胰头下(组3)、胰体下(组4)、胰十二指肠前(组5)、幽门(组6)、肠系膜血管根部(组7)、胰十二指肠后(组8)、胆总管(组9)、脾门(组10)、胰尾(组11)和腹腔干(组12),较为笼统。而JPS将其分为三站18组,组1~6,胃周;组7,胃左动脉周围;组8,肝固有动脉周围(组8a,前上方;组8p,后方);组9,腹腔干周周;组10,脾门;组11,脾动脉周围;组12,肝十二指肠韧带中(组12 h,肝门;组12a1,肝动脉上半部分;组12a2,肝动脉下半部分;组12b1,胆管上端;组12b2,胆管下端;组12p1,门静脉后上;组12p2,门静脉后下; 组12c,胆囊管);组13,胰十二指肠后(组13a,壶腹部以上;组13b,壶腹部以下);组14,肠系膜上动脉周围(组14a,肠系膜上动脉根部;组14b,胰十二指肠下动脉根部;组14c,结肠中动脉根部;组14d,空肠动脉的第一条分支处);组15,结肠中动脉;组16,主动脉旁(组16a1,膈肌的主动脉裂孔周围;组16a2,从腹腔干上缘到左肾静脉下缘;组16b1,从左肾静脉下缘到肠系膜下动脉上缘;组16b2,肠系膜下动脉上缘至髂总动脉分叉处);组17,胰十二指肠前(组17a,壶腹部以上;组17b,壶腹部以下);组18,胰体尾下缘。主要按手术后淋巴结廓清分组及其阳性淋巴结的情况分期,能精确界定肿瘤部位及转移情况[5],因此需切除足够的范围和行广泛的淋巴结廓清,并作详细的分组记录和术后病理检查,因而可准确地反映胰腺癌扩散和淋巴结转移的实际情况。胰腺各组淋巴间及其与周围器官间有着直接或间接联系,胰头癌可通过此途径转移至周围邻近器官。

2 胰腺癌淋巴结转移特性

胰腺癌淋巴结转移发生的途径和特性目前还不清楚,只能通过术后各组淋巴结的检测反映其淋巴结转移的发生状态。文献报道60.0%~90.0%的胰腺癌患者手术时已有淋巴结转移[6], JPS报道的822例小胰癌(肿瘤直径<2 cm)中,37.2%的病例已发生淋巴结转移,并在7.7%的病例已转移至第三站淋巴结,表明胰腺癌淋巴结早期都发生转移,且范围较广[7];即使<1 cm的胰腺癌,胰周软组织内已可发现微转移灶,其中30%有淋巴结转移[8]。Kanda等[9]总结429例胰腺癌根治扩大淋巴结清扫(78例全胰切除、278例胰十二指肠切除和73例胰体尾切除)的淋巴结转移结果,发现67.4%已有淋巴结转移,发布广泛,从第4组到第18组都有转移发生,有转移者的中位生存时间明显低于无转移者(11个月比16个月);11.4%有16组淋巴结转移,与肿瘤的血管神经侵犯密切相关,尤其与12组淋巴结转移者关联(图1、2)。

复旦大学附属华山医院胰腺外科应用新型手术显微镜法对150例胰头癌根治性手术(胰十二指肠切除联合区域性淋巴结清扫)标本,根据JPS方法进行淋巴结检出,每例找到淋巴结数平均为38.2枚,其中101例有淋巴结转移(淋巴结转移发生率为67.3%)。转移频率较高的淋巴结组有组13 (64.5%)、组14(51.7%)、组17(38.6%)、组12(25.8%)和组16(20.8%)(图3),尤其发现组16阳性的淋巴结均属组16b1,主要分布于腹主动脉、下腔静脉和左肾静脉围成的三角形区域内,与组12、13、14和17淋巴结的转移密切相关[10]。此外,许多学者认为,胰腺癌淋巴回流为顺行性,肿瘤细胞很可能是通过组14,从组13转移至组16(组13→组14→组16)。这些研究都提示淋巴转移是胰腺癌首要的转移方式,在进行胰腺癌手术治疗时应予以足够的重视和高度的关注。

同时,胰腺癌的淋巴结转移也是影响预后的重要因素之一。统计资料显示,根治性手术后病理检查淋巴结阴性胰腺癌患者的5年生存率为14.0%~57.0%,而在阳性患者仅为0.0%~7.7%[11]。Schwarz等[12]统计1 666例胰腺癌根治标本中淋巴结总数、淋巴结转移阳性数和阴性数,结果发现,标本检出的淋巴结总数及阴性淋巴结数与患者的中位生存期密切相关,尤其当淋巴结转移阴性数为10~15时,生存期显著延长。Pawlik等[13]分析905例行胰十二指肠切除术后标本中已发生转移淋巴结占淋巴结总数比例(LNR),随访患者十年余,中位生存期为17.4个月,但发现LNR分别为0、0~0.2、0.2~0.4、>0.4时,患者的中位生存期有显著不同,分别为25.3、21.7、15.3、12.2个月,推测LNR是更有临床意义的肿瘤分期和判断预后的指标。

3 胰腺癌手术淋巴结清扫



图4 胰腺癌淋巴结清扫范围

4 胰腺癌淋巴结清扫的争议


Nagakawa等[18]分析了25年间肉眼下达到根治性切除的66例胰头十二指肠切除术患者资料,认为由于胰腺癌70.0%有胰后侵犯,要想达到治愈性根治必需行包括肠系膜上静脉和胰后筋膜在内的广泛切除和淋巴清扫。而另有学者对此持反对态度,认为广泛的腹膜后淋巴结清扫和腹腔干动脉、肝动脉及肠系膜上动脉完全骨骼化可增加手术并发症和死亡率,尤其是产生的顽固性腹泻严重影响患者的生活质量[19],但区域性淋巴结清扫确可提高部分淋巴结转移患者的疗效[20]。因此,对胰腺癌淋巴转移特性认识的不足引发了对根治手术淋巴清扫范围的争议,尤其是对腹主动脉周围淋巴结清扫的关注。Doi等[21]研究发现,84.0%的腹主动脉旁淋巴结阳性胰腺癌患者死于根治术后1年内,腹主动脉旁淋巴结有无转移与胰腺癌患者的预后独立相关,手术清扫价值值得商榷。Yamada等[22]认为对于特定的年龄小于60岁、肿瘤小于4 cm、没有血管侵犯、估计腹主动脉淋巴结转移只有1个的患者,仍然可以从扩大淋巴结清扫术中获益。所以,根治性手术切除目前仍是胰腺癌患者获得长期生存的唯一有效方法,但仍需得到临床实践的证实[23]。




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[16] Pedrazzoli S, Beger HG, Obertop H, et al. A surgical and pathological based classification of resective treatment of pancreatic cancer. Summary of an international workshop on surgical procedures in pancreatic cancer[J]. Dig Surg, 1999, 16(4): 337-345.

[17] Shrikhande SV, Barreto SG. Extended pancreatic resections and lymphadenectomy: An appraisal of the current evidence[J]. World J Gastrointest Surg, 2010, 2(2): 39-46.

[18] Nagakawa T, Nagamori M, Futakami F, et al. Results of extensive surgery for pancreatic carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 1996, 77(4): 640-645.

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[20] Farnell MB, Aranha GV, Nimura Y, et al. The role of extended lymphadenectomy for adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: strength of the evidence[J]. J Gastrointest Surg, 2008, 12(4): 651-656.

[21] Doi R, Kami K, Ito D, et al. Prognostic implication of para-aortic lymph node metastasis in resectable pancreatic cancer[J]. World J Surg, 2007, 31(1): 147-154.

[22] Yamada S, Nakao A, Fujii T, et al. Pancreatic cancer with paraaortic lymph node metastasis: a contraindication for radical surgery?[J]. Pancreas, 2009, 38(1): e13-17.

[23] Schnelldorfer T, Ware AL, Sarr MG, et al. Long-term survival after pancreatoduodenectomy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: is cure possible?[J]. Ann Surg, 2008, 247(3): 456-462.


[8] Bogoevski D, Yekebas EF, Schurr P, et al. Mode of spread in the early phase of lymphatic metastasis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: prognostic significance of nodal microinvolvement[J]. Ann Surg, 2004, 240(6): 993-1001.

[9] Kanda M, Fujii T, Nagai S, et al. Pattern of lymph node metastasis spread in pancreatic cancer[J]. Pancreas, 2011, 40(6): 951-955.

[10] 蒋永剑, 阎九亮, 金忱, 等. 150例根治性切除胰头癌淋巴结转移的分布和特点[J]. 中华肝胆外科杂志, 2012, 18(7): 494-498

[11] Carr JA1, Ajlouni M, Wollner I, et al. Adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: effects of surgical and nonsurgical therapy[J]. Am Surg, 1999, 65(12): 1143-1149.

[12] Schwarz RE, Smith DD. Extent of lymph node retrieval and pancreatic cancer survival: information from a large US population database[J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2006, 13(9): 1189-1200.

[13] Pawlik TM, Gleisner AL, Cameron JL, et al. Prognostic relevance of lymph node ratio following pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic cancer[J]. Surgery, 2007, 141(5): 610-618.

[14] Kurahara H, Takao S, Maemura K, et al. Impact of lymph node micrometastasis in patients with pancreatic head cancer[J]. World J Surg, 2007, 31(3): 483-490.

[15] Hellan M, Sun CL, Artinyan A, et al. The impact of lymph node number on survival in patients with lymph node-negative pancreatic cancer[J]. Pancreas, 2008, 37(1): 19-24

[16] Pedrazzoli S, Beger HG, Obertop H, et al. A surgical and pathological based classification of resective treatment of pancreatic cancer. Summary of an international workshop on surgical procedures in pancreatic cancer[J]. Dig Surg, 1999, 16(4): 337-345.

[17] Shrikhande SV, Barreto SG. Extended pancreatic resections and lymphadenectomy: An appraisal of the current evidence[J]. World J Gastrointest Surg, 2010, 2(2): 39-46.

[18] Nagakawa T, Nagamori M, Futakami F, et al. Results of extensive surgery for pancreatic carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 1996, 77(4): 640-645.

[19] Pedrazzoli S, Michelassi F. Extent of lymphedencomy in the surgical treatment of adenocarinoma of the head of the pancreas[J]. J Gastointestinal Surg, 2000, 4(3): 229-230.

[20] Farnell MB, Aranha GV, Nimura Y, et al. The role of extended lymphadenectomy for adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: strength of the evidence[J]. J Gastrointest Surg, 2008, 12(4): 651-656.

[21] Doi R, Kami K, Ito D, et al. Prognostic implication of para-aortic lymph node metastasis in resectable pancreatic cancer[J]. World J Surg, 2007, 31(1): 147-154.

[22] Yamada S, Nakao A, Fujii T, et al. Pancreatic cancer with paraaortic lymph node metastasis: a contraindication for radical surgery?[J]. Pancreas, 2009, 38(1): e13-17.

[23] Schnelldorfer T, Ware AL, Sarr MG, et al. Long-term survival after pancreatoduodenectomy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: is cure possible?[J]. Ann Surg, 2008, 247(3): 456-462.


[8] Bogoevski D, Yekebas EF, Schurr P, et al. Mode of spread in the early phase of lymphatic metastasis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: prognostic significance of nodal microinvolvement[J]. Ann Surg, 2004, 240(6): 993-1001.

[9] Kanda M, Fujii T, Nagai S, et al. Pattern of lymph node metastasis spread in pancreatic cancer[J]. Pancreas, 2011, 40(6): 951-955.

[10] 蒋永剑, 阎九亮, 金忱, 等. 150例根治性切除胰头癌淋巴结转移的分布和特点[J]. 中华肝胆外科杂志, 2012, 18(7): 494-498

[11] Carr JA1, Ajlouni M, Wollner I, et al. Adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: effects of surgical and nonsurgical therapy[J]. Am Surg, 1999, 65(12): 1143-1149.

[12] Schwarz RE, Smith DD. Extent of lymph node retrieval and pancreatic cancer survival: information from a large US population database[J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2006, 13(9): 1189-1200.

[13] Pawlik TM, Gleisner AL, Cameron JL, et al. Prognostic relevance of lymph node ratio following pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic cancer[J]. Surgery, 2007, 141(5): 610-618.

[14] Kurahara H, Takao S, Maemura K, et al. Impact of lymph node micrometastasis in patients with pancreatic head cancer[J]. World J Surg, 2007, 31(3): 483-490.

[15] Hellan M, Sun CL, Artinyan A, et al. The impact of lymph node number on survival in patients with lymph node-negative pancreatic cancer[J]. Pancreas, 2008, 37(1): 19-24

[16] Pedrazzoli S, Beger HG, Obertop H, et al. A surgical and pathological based classification of resective treatment of pancreatic cancer. Summary of an international workshop on surgical procedures in pancreatic cancer[J]. Dig Surg, 1999, 16(4): 337-345.

[17] Shrikhande SV, Barreto SG. Extended pancreatic resections and lymphadenectomy: An appraisal of the current evidence[J]. World J Gastrointest Surg, 2010, 2(2): 39-46.

[18] Nagakawa T, Nagamori M, Futakami F, et al. Results of extensive surgery for pancreatic carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 1996, 77(4): 640-645.

[19] Pedrazzoli S, Michelassi F. Extent of lymphedencomy in the surgical treatment of adenocarinoma of the head of the pancreas[J]. J Gastointestinal Surg, 2000, 4(3): 229-230.

[20] Farnell MB, Aranha GV, Nimura Y, et al. The role of extended lymphadenectomy for adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: strength of the evidence[J]. J Gastrointest Surg, 2008, 12(4): 651-656.

[21] Doi R, Kami K, Ito D, et al. Prognostic implication of para-aortic lymph node metastasis in resectable pancreatic cancer[J]. World J Surg, 2007, 31(1): 147-154.

[22] Yamada S, Nakao A, Fujii T, et al. Pancreatic cancer with paraaortic lymph node metastasis: a contraindication for radical surgery?[J]. Pancreas, 2009, 38(1): e13-17.

[23] Schnelldorfer T, Ware AL, Sarr MG, et al. Long-term survival after pancreatoduodenectomy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: is cure possible?[J]. Ann Surg, 2008, 247(3): 456-462.


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