
2014-06-23 19:00
纺织导报 2014年6期

中国市场对于瑞士纺机行业的大多数企业来说是非常重要的。这体现在他们积极踊跃地参加即将举办的ITMA ASIA + CITME。28家瑞士企业将参加该展会,与2012年的规模相同。我们的会员企业提供涵盖整个纺织链的产品和技术解决方案,从纺纱到织造、绣花、印花和质量控制。来自所有这些行业的企业将在上海参展。若想了解关于这些参展商的详细信息,请光临位于T1展馆A04展台的瑞士纺机协会的展台。另外,我们还将为光临我们展台的观众照相,使他们拥有“身临瑞士”的照片。这个活动与我们的媒体推广计划紧密相连,旨在宣传瑞士纺机行业提供的产品体现出的:质量+持久的价值;实力+合作;创造性+成功;高科技+可靠性;效益+可持续性。

从瑞士纺机行业2014年一季度的出口数字上可以看出,对中国的出口额达3 260万欧元,同比增加18.5%。但这展示的只是一个侧面。我们的许多成员企业在中国设立了销售或维修中心及工厂。2014年一季度,瑞士纺机行业最重要的出口市场是土耳其,其次是中国、印度和德国。

对我个人来说,这次是首次参加ITMA ASIA + CITME。所以我将以好奇的心情看一看13个展馆内全球纺机制造商将展出的是什么。如上所述,我们协会本身在协会村也有一个展台,向您提供个性化的信息和礼品。好机会不容错过!

The Chinese market is crucial for the vast majority of the Swiss companies in the textile machinery industry. This is also highlighted in their presence at the upcoming ITMA ASIA. There are 28 Swiss companies participating at ITMA ASIA, which is about the same presence as in 2012. Our members offer products and solutions along the whole textile chain, from spinning to weaving, embroidery, printing to quality control systems for the textile industry. Companies from all these sectors will be present in Shanghai. To get detailed information about these Swiss exhibitors, visit the booth of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association(Hall T1, A04). Additionally we offer to the visitors on our booth a photo shooting - get your own photo “in Switzerland”. This activity is strongly linked to our Factor+ media campaign, which highlights the advantages of the solutions and products that this Swiss industry offers: Quality + Lasting Value; Strength + Partnership, Creativity + Success, High Tech + Reliability, Performance+ Sustainability.

When looking at the exports of Swiss Textile machinery from Switzerland in the first quarter of 2014, textile machines with a value of 32.6 Million EUR were exported to China. This is a plus of 18.5% compared to the first quarter of 2013. But this is just part of the picture. Many of our members have a local presence in China, be it with sales or service centres of full production sites. The most important export countries for the Swiss Textile Machinery industry in Q1 2014 were Turkey, followed by China, India and Germany.

For me personally it will be my first ITMA ASIA. So I am very curious to see what the global textile machinery manufacturers are showing in the 13 halls. As mentioned before, we ourselves will have a booth in the association village and provide you with your own, personalised Factor+ souvenir. This is a good reason to visit us!

2022纺机联合展: 行业关注持续高涨,报名已创同期高点