(1.国家海洋局南海环境监测中心,广东广州 510300;2.中国海监南海区检验鉴定中心,广东广州 510300)
(1.国家海洋局南海环境监测中心,广东广州 510300;2.中国海监南海区检验鉴定中心,广东广州 510300)
溢油鉴别研究是近些年应实际需要而兴起的一个环境法医学(Environment Forensics)研究方向[7—8],涵盖了环境科学、化学和地球化学等多个学科的相关内容。指纹是刑侦部门查找和认定犯罪人的最直接可靠的途径,与之类似,不同原油及炼制品中的正构烷烃、多环芳烃以及类异戊二烯类化合物等组成各具特征,即所谓“油指纹”。海面溢油主要为船舶燃料油和石油勘探开发中所开采的原油。原油的组成特征取决于其生烃母质、运移路径和圈闭储存等各种天然因素,主要反映的是地质特性;而船舶燃料油是原油经过调和以及蒸馏、裂化等各种炼制工艺加工后而成,引入了人类干预的特征。与原油相比,燃料油的化学组成虽然继承了部分初始原油的油指纹信息,但根据各种生产实际需求作了大规模调整。二者在组成性质上是明显不同的,其差异决定了鉴别方法也相应不同,因此,寻求适合于船舶溢油的鉴别方法具有重要意义。目前,国内外较常见将生物标志化合物应用于原油泄漏的鉴别研究[9—16],而涉及到的有关船用燃料油泄漏的鉴别研究则鲜有报道[17—18]。
2.1 样品采集与预处理
表1 采样地点及样品描述Tab.1 Sampling sites and sample descriptions
2.2 族组成分离与测试
称取约0.1 g油样,使用氧化铝-硅胶混合柱(3∶7)将油样分为饱和烃(使用15 mL正己烷洗脱)、芳烃(使用15 m L二氯甲烷:正己烷为3∶7的混合液洗脱)和非烃组分[19](使用乙醇20 m L)。
油样各组分的色谱/质谱分析由瓦里安4000GC -MS来完成。色谱条件:HP-5MS色谱质谱柱(30 m×0.25 mm×0.25μm),固定相涂层由5%苯基和95%二甲基聚硅氧烷组成;载气为高纯氦气,恒流模式:1.0 m L/min;进样口温度为290℃,接口温度280℃;进样模式:无分流进样;始温60℃,保持2 min,6℃/min升至300℃,保持18 min。质谱条件:EI模式,电离电压70 e V,离子源温度230℃。扫描方式:全扫描,选择离子扫描。
3.1 饱和烃特征
图1 溢油样品与各可疑溢油源样品链烷烃对比Fig.1 The contrast chromatographic figure of alkanes between the spilled oils and the suspected oils
3.2 多环芳烃特征
图2 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的甾类化合物分布Fig.2 Distribution of steroids from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
图3 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的萜类化合物分布Fig.3 Distribution of terpenoids from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
3.2.1 芴(F)系列
图4 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的芴类化合物分布Fig.4 Distribution of fluorenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
表2 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的芴类参数Tab.2 Parameters of fluorenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
3.2.2 二苯并噻吩(DBT)系列
图5 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的二苯并噻吩类化合物分布Fig.5 Distribution of dibenzothiophenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
表3 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的二苯并噻吩类参数Tab.3 Parameters of dibenzothiophenes from the spilled oils and thesuspected oils
3.2.3 菲(P)系列
图6 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的菲类化合物分布Fig.6 Distribution of phenanthrenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
表4 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的菲类参数Tab.4 Parameters of phenanthrenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
图7 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的类化合物分布Fig.7 Distribution of chrysenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
表5 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的类参数Tab.5 Parameters of chrysenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
表5 溢油样品与可疑溢油源样品的类参数Tab.5 Parameters of chrysenes from the spilled oils and the suspected oils
CH 0.76 0.78 1.73 0.83 0.78 0.75 3-MCH/1-MCH 4.61 4.65 3.61 5.28 5.27 4.70(3+2)MCH/(4+1)MCH 2.97 3.15 3.05 3.76 3.88 3.13 CH/%0.13 0.13 0.19 0.12 0.11 0.13 MCH/%0.30 0.29 0.32 0.31 0.33 0.30 DMCH/% NHYY01 NHYY02 NHYY03 NHYY04 NHYY05 NHYY06苯并[a]蒽/0.57 0.59 0.49 0.57 0.56 0.57
3.2.5 基于芳烃指纹参数的相关分析
不同类型的原油由于地质演化条件的不同使各自具备不同的芳烃分布特征,而芳烃类化合物在色谱图中具有同系列不同取代基数的异构体成簇分布的特征,从而可以比较准确地计算不同取代基数芳烃的相对含量百分比,用芳烃内组成三角图可以直观的反映研究对象的特征,三芴(芴、氧芴和硫芴)系列三角图就是其中一个广为应用的典范。包建平等应用菲、、芴等系列三角图研究海相原油中芳香烃系列内组成的变化规律[32],Chakhmakhchev A等用二苯并噻吩系列三角图研究海、陆相不同沉积环境中原油的有机地球化学特征[33]。本研究尝试通过引入不同取代基烷基化芳烃化合物内组成特征的三角图进行船舶燃料油溢油鉴别。
图8 多环芳烃芴、二苯并噻吩、菲和系列内组成三角图Fig.8 The inner component triangular diagram of fluorenes,dibenzothiophenes,phenanthrenes and chrysenes from aromatic hydrocarbon
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Oil fingerprinting of polyaromatic hydrocarbons applied to the identification study of oil spill from ship
Zhou Peiyu1,2,Chen Changshu1,2,Hu Ping1,2,Ye Jianjun1,2,Shangguan Maosen1,2,Liu Jingqin1,2,Wu Lingling1,2,Fang Hongda1,2,Huang Chuguang1,2
(1.South China Sea Environmental Monitoring Center,State Oceanic Administration,Guangzhou 510300,China;2.South China Sea Examination Center,China Marine Surveillance,Guangzhou 510300,China)
Differences in the nature of fuel oil and crude oil which are main oil types in marine oil spill determine the different identification methods,so it is significative to seek a suitable method for oil spill identification from the ship.The comparative oil fingerprinting characteristic analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons between the spilled oil samples and the suspected oils from ships had been carried on using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS)as a primary analysis method after the samples were separated by the column chromatography method,and the oil source was traced successfully in the oil spill from the ship took place in Pearl River estuary by inner component triangular diagram and cluster analysis based on aromatic hydrocarbon parameters.The results showed that the aromatic oil fingerprinting of the sample from the fourth ship was the most similar with the spilled oil sample,so the oil spill was caused by the fourth ship.The characteristic of aromatic compounds is the main evidence of these weathered oil spill identification because the aromatics were of higher levels and richer variety than saturated hydrocarbons.The key was that the different behavior performed by the organic molecules in oils after undergoing weathering should be fully considered when using oil fingerprinting parameters for the oil spill identification.So,the oil fingerprinting of polyaromatic hydrocarbons are effective for identification of oil spill from the ship.
polyaromatic hydrocarbon;oil fingerprinting;oil spill from the ship;identification of oil spill
10.3969/j.issn. 0253-4193.2014.12.009
Zhou Peiyu,Chen Changshu,Hu Ping,et al.Oil fingerprinting of polyaromatic hydrocarbons applied to the identification study of oil spill from ship[J].Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese),2014,36(12):91—102,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2014.12.009