崔现东 刘 江 黄 韬 陈建亚 刘韵洁
崔现东*①刘 江①黄 韬①陈建亚②刘韵洁①③
①(北京邮电大学泛网无线通信教育部重点实验室 北京 100876)②(北京邮电大学北京市网络体系构建与融合重点实验室 北京 100876)③(南京(中国)未来网络产业创新中心 南京 211100)
图1 ALWAYS, Betw和BetwRep缓存策略实例
为验证本文提出的BetwRep缓存策略对于CCN网络性能的提升,本文通过ndnSIM[15,16]仿真器实现了对Betw, ALWAYS和BetwRep 3种缓存策略的仿真,并对它们的性能进行了定量的比较和分析,仿真结果验证了BetwRep缓存策略的有效性。
Pseudocode I 兴趣包处理伪代码:Initialize (serialsB(v)=[0,,0],Re(v)=[0,,0]))Initialize (serials Betw(v)=[0,,0],Repl(v)=[0,,0])for each (vkfrom i to j )If data in cache || entry in PIT Get B(v),Re(v)Calculate Betw(v), Repl(v)Calculate vk= arg max{M(v)}B=B(vk)If data in cachethen send(data)else create () discard interest_packetelse Get B(vk), Re(vk)B(v)k=B(vk),Re(v)k=Re(vk)forward request to the next hop towards jPseudocode II 数据包处理伪代码:Record Betw from corresponding content requestfor each (vkfrom j to i )Get B(vk), if B== B(vk) &&0==Dthen cache(data)else if !=NULLin face = send(data)elseforward data packet to the next hop toward
图2 网络缓存性能与节点缓存大小关系图
图3 网络即时缓存性能图
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崔现东: 男,1980年生,博士生,研究方向为未来网络关键技术、内容中心网络.
刘 江: 男,1983年生,讲师,研究方向为网络虚拟化、内容中心网络.
黄 韬: 男,1980年生,副教授,研究方向为路由与交换、内容中心网络.
陈建亚: 男,1951年生,教授,研究方向为下一代网络、路由与交换.
刘韵洁: 男,1943年生,中国工程院院士,博士生导师,主要研究领域为未来网络、网络融合等.
A Novel In-network Caching Scheme Based on Betweenness and Replacement Rate in Content Centric Networking
Cui Xian-dong①Liu Jiang①Huang Tao①Chen Jian-ya②Liu Yun-jie①③
In-network caching is one of the key aspects of Content Centric Networking (CCN), which is widely concerned recently. However, the ALWAYS caching scheme (caching everywhere on the delivery path) in CCN produces a great of redundancy, while the Betw scheme leads to that the node has the more frequent replacement with the larger betweenness centrality, which will decrease the availability of the content. In this paper, a novel in-network caching scheme named BetwRep is proposed based on a metric including the betweenness centrality and the replacement rate of one node to address the problem-where to cache along the delivery path. Simulation experiment based on ndnSIM demonstrates that the BetwRep caching scheme achieves the lower loading in the source server and less average hops than that of Betw scheme and ALWAYS scheme.
Content Centric Networking (CCN); In-network caching; BetwRep caching scheme; Betweenness centrality; Replacement rate
国家973计划项目(2012CB315801, 2011CB302901)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2013RC0113)资助课题
崔现东 cuixdbupt@gmail.com