(1.昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院,云南 昆明 650500;2.中国科学院云南天文台,云南 昆明 650011;3.中国科学院天体结构与演化重点实验室,云南 昆明 650011)
(1.昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院,云南 昆明 650500;2.中国科学院云南天文台,云南 昆明 650011;3.中国科学院天体结构与演化重点实验室,云南 昆明 650011)
CN53-1189/P ISSN1672-7673
云南天文台研制的多功能天文经纬仪是一种新型的天体测量仪器,它是一台小型反射望远镜,可以用来测量大气折射改正[18-19]、铅垂线校正[20]和测定时间和纬度的残差[21]。在试观测期间,该仪器一个晴夜观测约200颗恒星;对于1颗恒星的观测,需要采集200幅1 392×1 040 pixel恒星图像、100幅1 392×1 040 pixel人造星图像、200幅768×621 pixel的轴准直光路图像和200幅768×621 pixel的电水准光路图像。如此巨量的CCD图像,必须采用高效的自动图像处理系统才能完成这200颗恒星观测数据的前期处理工作。本文介绍目前用于多功能天文经纬仪的图像处理系统,重点介绍自动星像搜索算法、定心算法及其结果。
图1 图像处理系统框图Fig.1 Block diagram of the image processing system
图2 主光路定心算法流程图Fig.2 Program flowchart of the object-centering method through the main optical path
图3 图像处理系统软件界面Fig.3 A screenshot of the software interface of the image processing system
恒星像的定心结果如图4。图中列出了一颗恒星在连续100幅图像中的中心坐标在x、y方向的分布情况。通过直线拟合,得到x方向实际坐标值与拟合直线的标准偏差为0.523 4,y方向实际坐标值与拟合直线的标准偏差为0.380 4。
表1 人造星像定心结果与标准偏差Table 1 Coordinates of an artificial stellar profile resulting from the object-centering method and their standard deviations
图4 恒星像定心结果Fig.4 A plot of the coordinates of a star in 100 images resulting from the object-centering method
表2 准直光孔像定心结果与标准偏差Table 2 Coordinate errors of an aperture profile through the axis collimator resulting from the object-centering method and their standard deviations
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An Image Processing System for a Multi-Function Astronomical Theodolite
Zhang Yigong1,Li Binhua1,Yang Lei2,3,Cheng Xiangming2,3
(1.College of Information Engineering and Automation,University of Science and Technology of Kunming,Kunming 650500,China,Email:lbh@bao.ac.cn;2.Yunnan Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming 650011,China;3.Key Laboratory for the Structure and Evolution of Celestial Objects,Chinese Academy of Science,Kunming 650011,China)
A new Multi-Function Astronomical Theodolite has been built in the Yunnan Observatory.Its main imaging device is a digital CCD camera without cooling.This paper presents an image processing system for the Multi-Function Astronomical Theodolite.The system is used to determine the centers of the stellar profiles in images obtained by the theodolite.The algorithm of the image-processing system includes two main parts,for searching the star and centering the star(object-centering),respectively.An image obtained with this instrument is unusual as it includes only one star.This makes it possible to adopt an efficient searching algorithm for the system.This is to smooth the image with a suitable method,then find the maximum-value pixel as the initial location of the center of the star.After comparing commonly used centering methods in astrometry for the adaptability,accuracy,calculation amount,and programming difficulty,we decide to use the method of two-dimensional modified moments as the object-centering method.The paper shows a block diagram of the image processing system and a program flowchart of the corresponding software written in the VC++.The paper also shows the main design of the program,a screenshot of the user interface of the software,and results of using the object-centering method to a star,an artificial stellar profile,and an aperture profile(which is through the axis collimator on the instrument).The paper finally presents a brief analysis of these results.
Multi-Function Astronomical Theodolite;Image processing system;Programming;Algorithm;Object-centering