摘要:以地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis)WX-02为研究对象,以提高其发酵产生的聚γ-谷氨酸的产量为研究目的,经摇瓶发酵得到优化的硝酸钠补料方案,即初始硝酸钠浓度为10 g/L,发酵至12 h时补加5 g/L硝酸钠时聚γ-谷氨酸产量最大。将此补料方案在3 L发酵罐上进行验证。结果表明,发酵得到的菌体生物量和聚γ-谷氨酸产量最大值分别为4.5 g/L和38.7 g/L,与对照相比分别提高55.2%和14.8%。通过补硝酸钠可以提高菌体生物量和对谷氨酸的利用率,从而提高聚γ-谷氨酸的发酵水平。
关键词:地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis);聚γ-谷氨酸;硝酸钠;补料发酵;生物量
中图分类号:TQ920.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)04-0903-04
Optimizing Sodium Nitrate Fed-batch Culture on Poly(γ-glutamic acid) Fermentation by Bacillus licheniformis WX-02
XU Shang-hua,HU Li-fang,CHEN Shou-wen
(Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University , Wuhan 430070,China)
Abstract: Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 was used to study the ways of improving poly(γ-glutamic acid)(γ-PGA) yield. The optimal conditions of sodium nitrate feeding for γ-PGA fermentation by Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 by flask-shaking fed-batch fermentation were the initial sodium nitrate concentration 10 g/L, and 5 g/L of sodium nitrate added when fermentation to 12 h. The fermentation was carried out in a 3 L fermentor, showing that the maximum of biomass and γ-PGA yield was 4.5 g/L and 38.7 g/L with increase of 55.2% and 14.8%, compared with the control. It is indicated that adding sodium nitrate can increase biomass, enhance the utilization of glutamate, and improve the γ-PGA fermentation.
Key words: Bacillus licheniformis; poly-gamma-glutamic acid; sodium nitrate; feeding fermentation; biomass
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
1.1.1 菌株 地衣芽孢杆菌WX-02,由华中农业大学农业微生物学国家重点实验室筛选和保藏,保藏号为CCTCC M208065。
1.2 方法
[1] 陈咏竹,孙启玲.γ-多聚谷氨酸的性质、发酵生产及其应用[J].微生物学通报,2004,31(1): 122-126.
[2] BAJAJ I, SINGHAL R. Poly(glutamic acid)- an emerging biopolymer of commercial interest[J]. Bioresour Technol,2011, 102(10):5551-5561.
[3] 曹名锋,金映虹,解 慧,等.γ-聚谷氨酸的微生物合成、相关基因及应用展望[J].微生物学通报,2011,38(3):388-395.
[4] 蔡 谨,孙章辉,王 隽,等.补料发酵工艺的应用及其研究进展[J].工业微生物,2005,35(1):42-48.
[5] 吕 萌,梁金钟,王风青.补料发酵枯草芽孢杆菌合成γ-聚谷氨酸的研究[J].食品科学,2011, 32(23):225-228.
[6] 胡丽芳,李 欣,冀志霞,等.地衣芽胞杆菌WX-02补糖发酵聚γ-谷氨酸的工艺优化[J]. 华中农业大学学报,2012,31(3):287-292.
[7] YOON S H, DO J H, LEE S Y, et al. Production of poly-γ-glutamic acid by fed-batch culture of Bacillus licheniformis[J]. Biotechnology Letters,2000,22(7):585-588.
[8] KRAFTA B, STROUSA M, TEGETMEYER H E. Microbial nitrate respiration -Genes, enzymes and environmental distribution[J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 2011,155(1):104-117.
[9] CHENG C, ASADA Y, AIDA T. Production of γ-polyglutamic acid by Bacillus licheniformis A35 under denitrifying conditions[J]. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry,1989,53(9):2369-2375.
[10] XU K D, STEWART P S, XIA F, et al. Spatial physiological heterogeneity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm is determined by oxygen availability[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 1998,64(10):4035-4039.
[11] WEI X T, JI Z X, CHEN S W. Isolation of halotolerant Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 and regulatory effects of sodium chloride on yield and molecular sizes of poly-γ-glutamic acid[J]. Appl Biochem Biotechnol,2010,160(5):1332-1340.
摘要:以地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis)WX-02为研究对象,以提高其发酵产生的聚γ-谷氨酸的产量为研究目的,经摇瓶发酵得到优化的硝酸钠补料方案,即初始硝酸钠浓度为10 g/L,发酵至12 h时补加5 g/L硝酸钠时聚γ-谷氨酸产量最大。将此补料方案在3 L发酵罐上进行验证。结果表明,发酵得到的菌体生物量和聚γ-谷氨酸产量最大值分别为4.5 g/L和38.7 g/L,与对照相比分别提高55.2%和14.8%。通过补硝酸钠可以提高菌体生物量和对谷氨酸的利用率,从而提高聚γ-谷氨酸的发酵水平。
关键词:地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis);聚γ-谷氨酸;硝酸钠;补料发酵;生物量
中图分类号:TQ920.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)04-0903-04
Optimizing Sodium Nitrate Fed-batch Culture on Poly(γ-glutamic acid) Fermentation by Bacillus licheniformis WX-02
XU Shang-hua,HU Li-fang,CHEN Shou-wen
(Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University , Wuhan 430070,China)
Abstract: Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 was used to study the ways of improving poly(γ-glutamic acid)(γ-PGA) yield. The optimal conditions of sodium nitrate feeding for γ-PGA fermentation by Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 by flask-shaking fed-batch fermentation were the initial sodium nitrate concentration 10 g/L, and 5 g/L of sodium nitrate added when fermentation to 12 h. The fermentation was carried out in a 3 L fermentor, showing that the maximum of biomass and γ-PGA yield was 4.5 g/L and 38.7 g/L with increase of 55.2% and 14.8%, compared with the control. It is indicated that adding sodium nitrate can increase biomass, enhance the utilization of glutamate, and improve the γ-PGA fermentation.
Key words: Bacillus licheniformis; poly-gamma-glutamic acid; sodium nitrate; feeding fermentation; biomass
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
1.1.1 菌株 地衣芽孢杆菌WX-02,由华中农业大学农业微生物学国家重点实验室筛选和保藏,保藏号为CCTCC M208065。
1.2 方法
[1] 陈咏竹,孙启玲.γ-多聚谷氨酸的性质、发酵生产及其应用[J].微生物学通报,2004,31(1): 122-126.
[2] BAJAJ I, SINGHAL R. Poly(glutamic acid)- an emerging biopolymer of commercial interest[J]. Bioresour Technol,2011, 102(10):5551-5561.
[3] 曹名锋,金映虹,解 慧,等.γ-聚谷氨酸的微生物合成、相关基因及应用展望[J].微生物学通报,2011,38(3):388-395.
[4] 蔡 谨,孙章辉,王 隽,等.补料发酵工艺的应用及其研究进展[J].工业微生物,2005,35(1):42-48.
[5] 吕 萌,梁金钟,王风青.补料发酵枯草芽孢杆菌合成γ-聚谷氨酸的研究[J].食品科学,2011, 32(23):225-228.
[6] 胡丽芳,李 欣,冀志霞,等.地衣芽胞杆菌WX-02补糖发酵聚γ-谷氨酸的工艺优化[J]. 华中农业大学学报,2012,31(3):287-292.
[7] YOON S H, DO J H, LEE S Y, et al. Production of poly-γ-glutamic acid by fed-batch culture of Bacillus licheniformis[J]. Biotechnology Letters,2000,22(7):585-588.
[8] KRAFTA B, STROUSA M, TEGETMEYER H E. Microbial nitrate respiration -Genes, enzymes and environmental distribution[J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 2011,155(1):104-117.
[9] CHENG C, ASADA Y, AIDA T. Production of γ-polyglutamic acid by Bacillus licheniformis A35 under denitrifying conditions[J]. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry,1989,53(9):2369-2375.
[10] XU K D, STEWART P S, XIA F, et al. Spatial physiological heterogeneity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm is determined by oxygen availability[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 1998,64(10):4035-4039.
[11] WEI X T, JI Z X, CHEN S W. Isolation of halotolerant Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 and regulatory effects of sodium chloride on yield and molecular sizes of poly-γ-glutamic acid[J]. Appl Biochem Biotechnol,2010,160(5):1332-1340.
摘要:以地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis)WX-02为研究对象,以提高其发酵产生的聚γ-谷氨酸的产量为研究目的,经摇瓶发酵得到优化的硝酸钠补料方案,即初始硝酸钠浓度为10 g/L,发酵至12 h时补加5 g/L硝酸钠时聚γ-谷氨酸产量最大。将此补料方案在3 L发酵罐上进行验证。结果表明,发酵得到的菌体生物量和聚γ-谷氨酸产量最大值分别为4.5 g/L和38.7 g/L,与对照相比分别提高55.2%和14.8%。通过补硝酸钠可以提高菌体生物量和对谷氨酸的利用率,从而提高聚γ-谷氨酸的发酵水平。
关键词:地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis);聚γ-谷氨酸;硝酸钠;补料发酵;生物量
中图分类号:TQ920.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)04-0903-04
Optimizing Sodium Nitrate Fed-batch Culture on Poly(γ-glutamic acid) Fermentation by Bacillus licheniformis WX-02
XU Shang-hua,HU Li-fang,CHEN Shou-wen
(Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University , Wuhan 430070,China)
Abstract: Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 was used to study the ways of improving poly(γ-glutamic acid)(γ-PGA) yield. The optimal conditions of sodium nitrate feeding for γ-PGA fermentation by Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 by flask-shaking fed-batch fermentation were the initial sodium nitrate concentration 10 g/L, and 5 g/L of sodium nitrate added when fermentation to 12 h. The fermentation was carried out in a 3 L fermentor, showing that the maximum of biomass and γ-PGA yield was 4.5 g/L and 38.7 g/L with increase of 55.2% and 14.8%, compared with the control. It is indicated that adding sodium nitrate can increase biomass, enhance the utilization of glutamate, and improve the γ-PGA fermentation.
Key words: Bacillus licheniformis; poly-gamma-glutamic acid; sodium nitrate; feeding fermentation; biomass
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
1.1.1 菌株 地衣芽孢杆菌WX-02,由华中农业大学农业微生物学国家重点实验室筛选和保藏,保藏号为CCTCC M208065。
1.2 方法
[1] 陈咏竹,孙启玲.γ-多聚谷氨酸的性质、发酵生产及其应用[J].微生物学通报,2004,31(1): 122-126.
[2] BAJAJ I, SINGHAL R. Poly(glutamic acid)- an emerging biopolymer of commercial interest[J]. Bioresour Technol,2011, 102(10):5551-5561.
[3] 曹名锋,金映虹,解 慧,等.γ-聚谷氨酸的微生物合成、相关基因及应用展望[J].微生物学通报,2011,38(3):388-395.
[4] 蔡 谨,孙章辉,王 隽,等.补料发酵工艺的应用及其研究进展[J].工业微生物,2005,35(1):42-48.
[5] 吕 萌,梁金钟,王风青.补料发酵枯草芽孢杆菌合成γ-聚谷氨酸的研究[J].食品科学,2011, 32(23):225-228.
[6] 胡丽芳,李 欣,冀志霞,等.地衣芽胞杆菌WX-02补糖发酵聚γ-谷氨酸的工艺优化[J]. 华中农业大学学报,2012,31(3):287-292.
[7] YOON S H, DO J H, LEE S Y, et al. Production of poly-γ-glutamic acid by fed-batch culture of Bacillus licheniformis[J]. Biotechnology Letters,2000,22(7):585-588.
[8] KRAFTA B, STROUSA M, TEGETMEYER H E. Microbial nitrate respiration -Genes, enzymes and environmental distribution[J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 2011,155(1):104-117.
[9] CHENG C, ASADA Y, AIDA T. Production of γ-polyglutamic acid by Bacillus licheniformis A35 under denitrifying conditions[J]. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry,1989,53(9):2369-2375.
[10] XU K D, STEWART P S, XIA F, et al. Spatial physiological heterogeneity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm is determined by oxygen availability[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 1998,64(10):4035-4039.
[11] WEI X T, JI Z X, CHEN S W. Isolation of halotolerant Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 and regulatory effects of sodium chloride on yield and molecular sizes of poly-γ-glutamic acid[J]. Appl Biochem Biotechnol,2010,160(5):1332-1340.