
2014-03-27 10:44
游泳 2014年3期



The Kick 腿部动作(一)

When you are trying to do the kick of breaststroke, five phases are included:recovery, outsweep, insweep, lift and glide.


The recovery 收腿

The recovery phase, which happens after the completion of propulsive phase of the armstroke, is a preparing phase for the kick.收腿在手部动作完成推进力之后进行,目的是为整个蛙泳蹬腿做好准备。

During this phase, the lower legs should be brought forward by the flexion at the knees, not at the hips, to be very close to the buttocks (Fig 1, 2).在收腿阶段,通过屈膝而非屈髋使得小腿前收靠近臀部(图1,2)。

As the recovery is a preparing phase which would not increase any propulsion,try to do it quickly but softly so that you will not make more decrease in speed. 由于收腿阶段是并不产生任何推进力的准备阶段,因此应尝试尽量快速但较为轻柔地完成收腿动作,以避免使前进速度下降得更厉害。

Figure 1(图1)

Figure 2(图2)

Figure 3(图3)


Propulsive Phase:单 词 短 语,意为“推进力阶段”。第一个单词propulsive意思是“有推进力的”,它的名词形式是propulsion,推进力。不论是propulsive phase,还 是propulsion, 或者说propulsive force(推进力)在游泳中的运用都很多,与“让运动员身体加速前进”的有关问题相关。

The lower legs:小 腿;Knee:膝 盖;Hip:髋;Buttocks:臀部

The outsweep 外翻

During this phase, the feet should be circled outwards as soon as they approach the buttocks. They would stop only after they are facing back against the water and outside the hips to get the catch position (Fig 3). 在这一阶段,当完成收腿靠近臀部时,双脚开始外翻,直至双脚位于髋关节外侧,向后对准水,达到抓水位置(图3)。

Swimmers should flex the thighs at the hip slightly during the outsweep , so that more propulsive force can be produced due to both the hip and knee extensor muscles will be motivated during the insweep that follows. 在外翻阶段,运动员应稍屈髋,从而在接下来的向内蹬水阶段可以同时动员伸髋肌群和伸膝肌群,以产生更大的推进力。

Facing back against the water:短语,意为“向后对水”。这个短语其实不是英文中约定俗成的固定短语,但在游泳中却是非常常见的,几乎每一个讲形成抓水位置,开始产生推进力之前的动作都会用到它。

The catch position: “抓水位置”。这个短语对游泳技术来说至关重要啊,毕竟不能很好地抓水就意味着之后不能很好地获得推进力了。所以如果在文章中看到the catch position,一定要格外注意前后文都说了哪些很重要的事情。

Extensor muscles:也 可 以 仅 写 作“extensor”,意为“伸肌”,与flexor/ flexor muscle(屈肌)相对应

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