A+ Awards 三等奖/一等奖
面积2 100平米 造价500 000欧
制造商TP Arquitectura (巴塞罗那)
图像Engram Studio
照片S. Grazia
Paris (75)
Competition 2012
Completion 1/3 en 2013
3eme prix / 1er prix A+ Awards
CLIENT ArchTriumph
IMPORTANCE 2.100 m² shon / 0,5 M€ HT
FABRICANT TP Arquitectura
IMAGE Engram Studio
PHOTO S. Grazia
“塞纳河上的跳跃” 是一个配有巨型蹦床的的充气桥,人们在河流上方跳跃,以享受脱离地心引力的快感。蹦床桥由形如救生圈的膨胀的模块组成,直径30米,被安放在德比尔哈克姆桥附近。在每个环的中心部分,是一个拉伸的蹦床网。漂浮的救生圈用PVC膜制造,由绳子串联以形成一个稳定的、自支撑的整体。每个模块在充气状态下直径30米,充满3700立方米的空气,呈拱状。桥总长约94米。
“塞纳河上的跳跃”让每个游客从他们独一无二的空间位置来观赏巴黎,站立或跳跃,倒挂或翻滚。装置所处位置和艾菲尔铁塔呼应,装置本身是一个临时建筑的象征, 旨在提供一个独特的体验:全巴黎的景致。在我们看来,两个作品的并置展现了一个特殊的建筑类别: 一个能把幸福的体验注入城市中的设计。
Saut de Seine is an in fl atable bridge equipped with giant trampolines, dedicated to the joyful release from gravity as one bounces above the river. installed near the Bir-Hakeim Bridge, the saut de seine Bridge is formed of in fl atable modules, like giant life-preservers, 30 meters in diameter. In the central part of each ring, a trampoline mesh is stretched. The fl oating buoys, fabricated in PVC membrane, are attached together by cord to form a stable and self-supporting ensemble. each module under tension, about 30m diameter - fi lled with 3700 cubic meters of air - develops in space with an arch-like form. Le total length of the bridge is about 94m.
The Saut de Seine allows every visitor a novel view of Paris from his or her own unique spatial position:upright and leaping, upside down and tumbling, gliding above like a circus performer… the installation is located in direct relationship to eiffel’s tower, itself a symbol of ephemeral architecture designed to provide a unique experience: a view of all of Paris. We think the superposition of these two works reveals a speci fi c kind of architecture: one designed to install an experience of happiness in the city.