脑缺血后的锥体轴突反应可表现为以下几种形式[4]。最简单的生长方式是从已离断的轴突延伸;此外,受损轴突可从近端发出侧支,或在与离断通路临近或伴行神经纤维系统轴突生长。在没有干预因素的情况下,哺乳动物中枢神经系统的轴突生长很少超过1 mm;当治疗性干预介入后,轴突可以形成新的通路。
3.1 运动训练
3.2 运动训练结合药物干预
3.3 其他干预方法
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Motor Rehabilitation and Pyramidal Tract Remodeling after Cerebral Infarction(review)
ZHANG Chan-juan,WEN Hong-mei.Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510630,Guangdong,China
Motor dysfunction is one of the leading problems after stroke.The evidence existed that motor performance is largely affected by the location and volume of white matter especially the pyramidal tract,but not the cortex.The remodeling of contralesional primary motor output tract highly correlated with motor improvement.The unaffected pyramidal tract axons regenerate and cross into the affected side after ischemia can promte motor recovery after ischemia.Exercise and other rehabilitation may play a role on remodeling of pyramidal tract subsequent after cerebral infarction.
cerebral ischemia;pyramidal tract;motor;rehabilitation;review