
2013-08-13 15:25李静
重庆与世界 2013年10期

□ 文/本刊记者 李静







经过几年的积累和发展,越来越多的外国友人加入其中。Miles Taylor,英国人,现在重庆一家咨询公司工作,两年前,Miles在来重庆前就在网上搜索到了重庆征服者球队网站,因为自己从11岁就开始打橄榄球,他对重庆有这样一个球队感到特别兴奋,便提前报名加入进来。如今他已在球队打球两年,还是球队分组的队长。

Juan Lopez-Pena,来自阿根廷,也是通过网站找到征服者球队加入进来的。Juan对橄榄球非常热爱,球技精湛,现在也是征服者球队的兼职教练,帮助队员训练和提高打球水平。


麻辣联盟的成员每周都会严格按照要求进行三次训练,有时在重庆大学的操场,有时在渝北的一个体育场,有时在一家叫Comjoy的健身房训练轮换训练。队里还制定了“不训练,就不能比赛”(No train,No play)的规则,所以队员们都特别认真对待每一次的集训。虽然征服者球队里的队员来自不同国家,队员们操着不同的语言,但沟通似乎并没有成为他们之间交流的障碍。Miles告诉记者,我们的球队里有的外籍球员会说中文,中国或者其他国家的朋友也可以说英文,都是有语言基础的,所以沟通不成问题。他们表示,打橄榄球用到更多的是肢体语言,以及对这项运动的激情,有了这两个条件,一切问题都可以迎刃而解。


We Have a International Rugby Team in Chongqing

There is a special team in Chongqing. We call it special not only because it is the first British rugby football team in Chongqing, but also the players of the team are very international. There are players from China, New Zealand, Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom,Germany, Colombia, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Argentina, Fiji and many more. This"United Nations" type of team in Chongqing has experienced years of ups and downs and it became really popular in Chongqing among the expats. This is "The Chongqing Conquerors"rugby football team.

The First Rugby Team in Chongqing

The rugby team was originally set up jointly by an American and a local Chongqing person.In 2006, an American guy named Mathew came to China and worked as a teacher in Chongqing at Jiaotong University. As an avid rugby enthusiast, he had been looking for a group of like-minded friends to play rugby together. In 2008, Matt by pure happenstance met a rugby friend, Cheng Jie,who is also one of the most experienced players in the conquerors team and now has played two years of Amateur League rugby. Because of their common goal and passion for rugby, they began to organize an amateur rugby team, after overcoming the lack of players, training venues, official partners, etc., the first Chongqing rugby team - "The Chongqing Conquerors" - was finally established in 2008.

Now, one of the team's founders - Matt has returned to the United States, and Ting, known as a “rugby legend” in Chongqing, also had to leave unfortunately. Talking about the beginning of establishing the team, Cheng Jie said, “Initially our team players were mostly made up of foreign teachers and students in colleges and universities. In a short period of time, we found a few with a bit of rugby skill; the New Zealander Ting, who played rugby in Chongqing; and Xia Jialiang, as well as a number of foreigners who were living and working in Chongqing.Slowly, the team has increased by more than 20, including foreign players as well as locals; the team is developing every day.” Ting also created a Conqueror’s website to promote the team and to attract more rugby fans to join in.

From the Conquerors to Mala League

The team was expanding step by step, and they also began to participate in large and small competitions. During these competitions, the team was invited to other cities such as Chengdu, Shanghai and Xiamen to play friendly games with the rugby teams there; after many setbacks, they started to make small achievements.

After years of accumulation and development, more and more foreign friends joined them.

Miles Taylor, from the U.K, who now works for a consulting company in Chongqing, is currently the captain of the team. Two years before Miles came to Chongqing, he searched online and found the conquerors team website.Miles started playing Rugby at age 11. He was so excited to find out that there was a rugby team in Chongqing and registered to join in. He has played on the team for two years now. He also captains a Mala league rugby team.

Juan Lopez-Pena, from Argentina, also found the team through the website and joined the Conquerors. Juan loves rugby, he has played for almost 20 years and is quite good at it. Now he is not only a player but also the team's coach and helps players train and raise the level of play.

Many foreigners who are working and living in Chongqing have found the Conquerors team through websites, friends and so on. Any of Chongqing's local rugby enthusiasts are encouraged to register to join the conquerors team, which has become much bigger now. They plan to divide this team into 3 groups, consisting of rugby tens or sevens, each of which has a captain with 10+ years’experience playing rugby, a co-captain, and a social captain.The Conquerors developed into a combination of both Chongqing locals and expat friends. Members of the team are not only busy with training and competition, but they also organize a variety of activities, enhance mutual understanding and awareness, and enrich the life offoreigners in Chongqing. Also, they named the club with the most representative characteristic of Chongqing - The “Mala”League.

Mala League members are strictly in accordance with the requirements for training three times a week, sometimes on the fields at Chongqing University, sometimes in a stadium in Yubei District, and sometimes in a gym called Comjoy. The team has also developed a “no train, no play” rule, so at each training session, the teams are particularly serious with their practice.

Though players on the Conquerors team are from different countries, the communication does not seem to be a problem for them. Miles told us that some of the foreign players on the team can speak Chinese, and some of the Chinese players can speak English, so communication is not a problem. They said that playing Rugby relies more heavily on body language, as well as the passion for the sport. With these two conditions, any other problems can be solved.

This year, the rugby team has invited a professional coach from New Zealand to Chongqing, to help them improve their training plan and, in this way, also their level of rugby.The Mala league teams will play against each other a total of six times in the Autumn Season and the most outstanding players will be elected as representatives of “The Chongqing Conquerors” when they play against other cities. Players are eager and have great enthusiasm for the coming season. They even designed jerseys and representative logos for each team.They want the reputation of the team to become increasingly influential and professional because of the passion, love, and effort that they put everyday into their rugby team.

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