1.1实验仪器及设备 按照陆军装甲车辆舱室等比例缩小,模拟装甲舱室;MFB-50型发爆器,柱状纸质点爆源(成分包括黑素金0.35g,二硝基重氮酚300mg),NOVA 9型血气分析仪(美国),Sartorius BA61型电子天平(瑞士)。
1.2实验动物 清洁级雄性SD大鼠147只,体重200~220g,由第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所实验动物中心提供。实验前12h禁食,自由饮水。
1.3.1动物模型制备 戊巴比妥钠36mg/kg腹腔注射麻醉大鼠,固定于实验平台上,行左侧股动脉插管,测量并记录爆炸前平均动脉压(MAP);将大鼠固定于模拟舱室内,点爆源距大鼠胸腹部中心11~12cm瞬时引爆,迅速抽离舱内烟雾;炸后将大鼠静置于实验台,测量炸后10min的MAP并以此为零时相点,由股动脉导管匀速放血(30min放总血量的30%)致中度休克。
1.3.2实验方法 108只大鼠按随机数字表法分为无复苏组(对照组)、高渗盐溶液(7.5%高渗氯化钠/6%右旋醣酐)组(HSD组)、生理盐水组(NS组),每组36只。对照组不予任何治疗;NS组于伤后90min由股静脉匀速输入生理盐水,输入量为失血量的3倍,30min输注完毕;HSD组按照4ml/kg液体量匀速输入7.5%高渗氯化钠/6%右旋醣酐高渗盐溶液,5min输入完毕。各组于150、210、270min时间点在存活大鼠中随机处死8只,处死前由股动脉抽取0.3ml血液抗凝用于血气分析,处死后立即收集肺、脑组织标本用于含水量检测。另39只大鼠分组同上,每组13只,观察记录30、90、150、210、270min时间点各组血压变化及死亡状况。实验过程中大鼠体温始终维持在37.0±0.5℃水平。
1.4统计学处理 采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析,数据结果以±s表示,多组间比较采用重复测量的方差分析,进一步两两比较采用t检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.1各组死亡率比较 对照组13只大鼠有6只死亡,死亡率46.2%,其中3只大鼠死亡发生在爆炸伤后210min时。NS组在210min时有1只、270min时有2只动物死亡占23.1%。HSD组大鼠至270min时全部存活,死亡率为0%。各组间死亡率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
2.2大鼠MAP变化 爆炸后30min大鼠MAP低于40mmHg,停止放血后有所上升,于90min升至60mmHg左右。对照组大鼠MAP在90min后再次迅速下降,于270min降低至30mmHg左右。NS组及HSD组大鼠MAP均逐渐升高,其中HSD组升高更明显,210min及270min时相点NS组大鼠MAP存在明显下降趋势,HSD组下降不明显。在150、210、270min时间点,NS组及HSD组MAP显著高于对照组,且HSD组MAP显著高于NS组(P<0.05或P<0.01,表1)。
2.3各组大鼠肺、脑含水量比较 对照组大鼠肺含水量自伤后呈逐渐增高趋势,150min时为82.06%±0.76%,270min时稍增高至82.24%±0.67%。NS组大鼠肺含水量同样呈逐渐增高趋势,在伤后210、270min与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)。HSD组大鼠肺含水量在150min时轻度升高,升高程度低于对照组及NS组,210min及 270min时呈下降趋势,各时相点与对照组、NS组比较均有显著差异(P<0.01)。各组脑含水量变化趋势与肺含水量基本相同(表2)。
2.4各组大鼠血气指标比较 与对照组比较,虽然治疗过程中NS组及HSD组pH值、PO2整体仍呈降低趋势,血乳酸水平逐渐增高,但变化幅度明显低于对照组。在210、270min时相点,HSD组大鼠pH值、PO2均高于NS组,血乳酸则低于NS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01,表3)。
表1 各组大鼠MAP值比较(mmHg,n=13)Tab. 1 Comparison of MAP in different groups (mmHg, n=13)
表2 各组大鼠肺、脑含水量比较(%,±s,n=8)Tab. 2 Comparison of brain and lung tissue moisture in different groups (%,±s, n=8)
表2 各组大鼠肺、脑含水量比较(%,±s,n=8)Tab. 2 Comparison of brain and lung tissue moisture in different groups (%,±s, n=8)
(1)P<0.05, (2)P<0.01 compared with control group; (3)P<0.01 compared with NS group; (4)P<0.05, (5)P<0.01 compared with 150min; (6)P<0.05, (7)P<0.01 compared with 210min
Index Time(minute) 150 210 270 Lung tissue moisture Control group 82.06±0.76 81.11±0.99(4) 82.24±0.67 NS group 83.16±1.84 82.27±0.82(1) 84.02±1.00(1)HSD group 77.85±1.51(2)(3)76.76±0.97(2)(3) 74.57±0.75(2)(3)(6)(7)Brain tissue moisture Control group 78.23±0.84 80.10±1.5 82.16±0.76 NS group 81.07±1.60(2) 82.39±1.57(2) 83.20±1.07(5)(6)HSD group 77.46±0.64(3) 76.96±1.60(2)(3)75.25±1.09(2)(3)
表3 各组大鼠血气指标比较(±s,n=8)Tab. 3 Comparison of blood gas index in different groups (±s, n=8)
表3 各组大鼠血气指标比较(±s,n=8)Tab. 3 Comparison of blood gas index in different groups (±s, n=8)
(1)P<0.05, (2)P<0.01 compared with control group; (3)P<0.05, (4)P<0.01 compared with NS group; (5)P<0.05, (6)P<0.01 compared with 150min; (7)P<0.05, (8)P<0.01 compared with 210min
Group pH PO2(mmHg) Blood lactic acid (mmol/L) 150min Control group7.14±0.05 118.86±7.10 2.30±0.26 NS group 7.12±0.04(2) 126.67±9.00 2.36±0.39 HSD group 7.25±0.06(2)(4)130.71±17.71 1.99±0.16(3)210min Control group7.15±0.05 109.14±13.26 3.03±0.26(6)NS group 7.06±0.05(5) 97.86±13.37(6) 2.93±0.41(5)HSD group 7.21±0.03(3) 126.86±11.73(1)(4)2.44±0.41(2)(3)270min Control group6.73±0.07(6)(8) 88.57±13.04 3.67±0.35(6)(7)NS group 6.95±0.06(2)(6)(8)87.86±7.01 2.99±0.31(2)HSD group 7.19±0.05(2)(4) 116.71±15.98(2)(4)2.49±0.33(2)(3)
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Fluid resuscitation in rats suffering from explosion injury in closed cabin combined with hemorrhagic shock
CUI Hong1,2, WANG Li-li1, ZHOU Min1, LAI Xi-nan1*, XIAO Nan1*
1Institute of Field Surgery, State Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burn and Combined Injury, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China
2Department of Anesthesiology, First Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China
. LAI Xi-nan, E-mail: laixinan@163.com; XIAO Nan, E-mail: xiao_nan_99@yahoo.com
This work was supported by the Major Project of "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Medical Science Development Foundation of PLA (2009BAI87B00), and the Medical and Health Research Foundation of PLA (06Z034)
ObjectiveTo compare the therapeutic efficacy of fluid resuscitation with hypertonic or normal saline on the rats suffering explosion injury in closed cabin combined with hemorrhagic shock.MethodsOne hundred and forty-seven anesthetized male SD rats undergoing explosion injury in a closed cabin where detonator was detonated instantaneously, while they were fixed at the site where the explosive was 11-12cm from the center of thoraco-abdominal junction of the rats. Smog was quickly removed from the cabin. The 10min time point after explosion was set as the zero point to record mean arterial pressure (MAP), and moderate hemorrhagic shock was conducted by uniform femoral exsanguination. One hundred and eight rats were randomly divided into three groups (36 each): control group (no resuscitation), hypertonic saline solution (HSD, 75% NaCl/6% Dextran) group (4ml/kg) and normal saline (NS) group (NS:blood loss=3:1). Fluid was given via femoral vein catheter 90min after injury, and the infusion lasted for 5min in HSD group and 30min in NS group. Eight rats were randomly sacrificed in each group at the time points of 150, 210 and 270min to analyze the arterial blood gas and water content in the brain and lung tissues. The other 39 rats were alsorandomly and equally divided into 3 groups and the treatment was the same as above, but with recording of the MAP and survival rate at the time points of 30, 90, 150, 210 and 270min.ResultsSix rats died in control group, three died in NS group, and all rats of HSD group survived up to 270min. There were significant differences in survival rate among the 3 groups. The MAP rose obviously in NS and HSD groups at the time point of 150min, while it lowered gradually at 210min and 270min in NS group, but no obvious lowering was found in HSD group, and the difference was significant at 270min among the 3 groups (P<0.05). The water contents in the lung and brain tissues decreased in HSD group but increased in NS group at 150min, 210min and 270min, and the differences were significant among the 3 groups (P<0.05 orP<0.01). Arterial blood gas improvement was detected in both HSD and NS groups. At 210min and 270min, pH and PO2were higher but lactate level was lower in HSD group than in NS group (P<0.05 orP<0.01). Conclusion HSD could maintain the hemodynamic stability of rats suffering from explosion injury combined with hemorrhagic shock, and its positive effect on arterial blood gas and edema of the lung and brain is superior to normal saline.
enclosed space blast injuries; shock, hemorrhagic; saline solution, hypertonic; fluid resuscitation
400042 重庆 第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所,创伤、烧伤与复合伤国家重点实验室[崔红(现在重庆医科大学附属第一医院麻醉科)、王丽丽、周敏、赖西南、肖南]