
2013-04-29 08:47byMichaelWright译/刘志良
新东方英语 2013年6期

by Michael Wright 译/刘志良


Last week, the local supermarket in Jolibois had sold out of both fresh milk and white wine. This can mean only one thing: Britons of a certain age were back in town. So, as another wave of les Anglais descends on France for a late-summer dose of cheap wine, steak frites and sunburn, I hereby proffer2) a few tips on how to tread lightly3) here, for the benefit of those among my fellow countrymen who would rather mingle with the natives than be shot as spies—I mean, spotted as étrangers4). There are, after all, still a few people left who would rather appreciate and absorb the subtle nuances of a foreign culture, than blast them aside with the sheer force of their Englishness.

If you are wondering what on earth qualifies me to do this, you are absolutely right: even now, after nine years in rural France, I cannot walk down the street without being rumbled5) as an Anglais from 50 paces, long before I have opened my mouth. Undaunted, I am still doing my best to blend in.


In France, the quickest way to spot an Anglais is that hell be the one with the belly and the shirt hanging out. Indeed, the staple garment for Britons arriving at Limoges airport seems to be a shapeless black T-shirt, either baggy enough to disguise the space hopper6) beneath, or else confidently stretched across it, as if it were an orange in a sock. The modal7) garment for women of all ages, even the middle-aged who should know better, appears to be a saggy white T-shirt which dangles8) low enough to cover the bottom, and lots of jangly jewellery. The rural French are rather less casual in their approach to casual dress. T-shirts tend to have collars and be tucked in; shorts have buttons and zips rather than drawstrings9) and elastic; shoes dont look cheap. In England we used to call this look Smart Casual10); these days, what with11) inflation and everything, we have bumped it up to Smart.

Shaking hands

I always try to be ready to shake hands with anything that moves. This takes some nerve, and can misfire but, on balance12), people are more likely to consider the gesture charming than alarming, as they rack13) their brains to think where they have met you before.


If you think you know someone well enough to kiss them, but arent quite sure, the secret is to lean forward almost imperceptibly14), and see whether they reciprocate15) or remain glacially still. Britons are known for being a bit quick to kiss. A slap in the face means that, on balance, you probably should have shaken hands.


Britons think of lunchtime as 1 pm, but for the French it is midday. This may explain the pained expressions and air being sucked through teeth if you arrive at a local restaurant at 1:30 pm. Most places dont have ranks of casual staff. Theres probably just le patron16) and his wife, doing all the cooking and serving between them. Once shown to your table, do your best to sit tight. Dont wave or snap your fingers, and try to forget that you once had a vocab book in which the French for waiter was “gar?on.” Brits tend to imagine that one must fight to be served; that its all about attracting the waiters attention more manfully than the poor chap at the table next door. But a basket of bread and a carafe17) of water will come, and the waiter will take your order according to the rhythm of the place. Have faith. Pushiness is the quickest route to being ignored.


Rural bars are largely deserted since the smoking ban. French lads dont go out drinking at night, and the French ladette18) has yet to be invented. The few French customers are the ones standing at the bar, sipping their demis. The Brits are the ones at the tables outside. They have all ordered une grande bière, because the standard-size version does not chime19) with their idea of what constitutes true manliness.

Bonne journée

The French equivalent of that much-derided20) Americanism: “Have a nice day.” It is invariably uttered by the supermarket checkout lady when she gives you your receipt and your vouchers21) for derisory22) reductions on products you spurn23). Most Brits seem to let it go, but the French, without fail, say “merci” in response. I like to add “et vous aussi” for good measure24), though this probably marks me out as a Martian.

Being invited to someones house

The rural French arrive on time, and turn their cars around before they park. Be warned, if you are late, that you may arrive to find that nobody else has been offered a drink because the host was waiting for you. This is so hideously embarrassing that sometimes I sit up in bed in the middle of the night, eyes wide open, drenched in sweat, as the horror comes back to me. By the same token25), many guests make a habit of leaving at midnight on the dot26), even if you are in the middle of a sentence.


Here in the Limousin at least, the locals drink only red; white wine is left for the Brits. There is still some ridiculous snobbery about buying wine from supermarkets, too. Thus, if you are giving a bottle of wine as a present, it is preferable if it has only a single label, to show that it has come directly from the vineyard, or else from a specialist wine-seller. An extra label on the back, describing how the wine is best served at 3°C to accompany pike27), barn owl28) and smelly cheese, is a sure sign that you have been darkening the doors29) of the evil supermarket again. In extremis30), steam the bloody thing off.


If you wish to cycle in France, it is obligatory to do so in full Lycra31) with all the logos; shaved legs; gritted32) teeth; the works33). Sideburns34) help, obviously. Many cyclists dont wear helmets, but there is a sensible law which obliges motorists to leave at least a metre of space when overtaking a cyclist in towns, and a metre-and-a-half in the countryside. As it happens35), this rule also applies if youre overtaking a cart drawn by oxen, a mounted horseman, or a cat which happens to be going for a stroll. Where the law is not clear is how much space you must leave if you are a cat driving an ox-cart that is overtaking a car.












自从禁烟以来,乡间酒吧基本上空无一人。法国小伙子们晚上不会出去喝酒,而法国假小子们尚不存在。为数不多的几个法国顾客会站在吧台旁边呷着demi (指容量为半升的啤酒杯)。英国人则会坐在外面的桌子旁边。他们都点了une grande bière (一大杯啤酒),因为标准杯与他们所认为的真正的男子汉气概不搭调。

Bonne journée (祝你一天愉快)

这句法语对应的是备受嘲讽的那句美国式表达:“Have a nice day.”超市收银台的女士总是会说这句话,同时递给你收据和代金券——代金券金额少得可怜,而且能买的都是你不屑一顾的商品。大多数英国人似乎会把这句话当耳边风,但法国人必定会说句“merci”(谢谢)来回应。我喜欢额外再加上一句“et vous aussi”(您也一样),尽管这么做可能让我被归为火星人。







1. les Anglais:法语,意为“英国人”。

2. proffer [?pr?f?(r)] vt. 提供,提出

3. tread lightly:小心处理

4. étranger:法语,意为“外国人”。

5. rumble [?r?mb(?)l] vt. 〈英俚〉察觉;看穿

6. space hopper:充气弹跳球,一种儿童玩具

7. modal [?m??d(?)l] adj. 代表性的,典型的

8. dangle [?d??ɡ(?)l] vi. 悬垂;悬荡

9. drawstring [?dr???str??] n. (装于袋口、衣服腰部等处的)拉绳,束带

10. Smart Casual:出席特定场合的一种穿着要求,泛指一种“体面”的休闲穿着,介乎正装与便装之间。

11. what with:因为

12. on balance:总的说来

13. rack [r?k] vt. 折磨,使痛苦

14. imperceptibly [??mp?(r)?sept?bli] adv. 难以察觉地

15. reciprocate [r??s?pr?ke?t] vi. 回报;还礼

16. patron [?pe?tr?n] n. (尤指法国的)旅店(或饭店、酒吧)老板

17. carafe [k??r?f] n. 玻璃水瓶

18. ladette [l?d?et] n. 假小子;社会行为和男青少年或年轻男性相似的年轻女性

19. chime [t?a?m] vi. 协调,一致

20. deride [d??ra?d] vt. 嘲笑,嘲弄

21. voucher [?va?t??(r)] n. 代金券,购物券

22. derisory [d??ra?s?ri] adj. 荒谬可笑的,小得可笑的

23. spurn [sp??(r)n] vt. 蔑视;拒绝

24. for good measure:作为外加(或意外)的东西,附加

25. by the same token:同样地

26. on the dot:准时地,一秒不差地

27. pike [pa?k] n. [鱼]狗鱼

28. barn owl:[鸟]仓鸮

29. darken sb.s door(s):登门造访,跨进门槛

30. in extremis:在危急状态中,在最紧要关头

31. Lycra:莱卡,用于制作长筒袜、游泳衣等紧身衣物的弹性纤维衣料

32. grit [ɡr?t] vt. (发怒、下决心等时)磨(牙)等;咬紧

33. the works:相关的所有事物,全部

34. sideburns [?sa?d?b??(r)nz] n. [复] (下巴无须的)短连鬓胡子

35. as it happens:恰恰;令人惊奇的是
