Reasons of the Different Love and Marriage between Yao Mulan and Scarlett

2013-04-29 06:17陈永飞
散文百家·教育百家 2013年6期



Love and marriage are always the theme of life,therefore many classics inevitably develope around this theme。While Moment in Peking and Gone with the Wind,which are regarded as the masterpieces,unfold with the theme of love and marriage。

Lin Yvtang and Margaret Mitchell,two greatest novelists from different countries,were both famous for shaping female characters vividly in their respective works:Moment in Peking and Gone with the Wind。With elaborated portrayal of women's characteristics in turbulent living circumstances,the two novels described the distinctive attitudes toward love and marriage of the main characters and also revealed the different traditional culture's influence on their attitudes toward love and marriage。

Moment in Peking was written by Lin Yvtang and published in 1940,which novel are well-known at home and abroad。With natural emotional flow and implied graceful moral,it“may well become the classic background novel of modern china”。The story,based on Yao Mulan's love and marriage life,gave readers the ups and downs of Yao family and Tseng family in about thirty years beginning from the Boxer Movement in 1901 and ending with the outbreak of the Sina-Japanese War。Yao Mulan,the Yao family's eldest daughter,was viewed as the ideal female image,who not only possessed the traditional Chinese women's good-looks,virtue and intelligence,but also combined with man-like courage,fortitude and liberal mind。The traditional and modern virtue shown in Mulan is a highlight of this novel,which is also where Yao Mulan could grasp reader's eyes。“If I were a woman,I would be Mulan”,the reader can figure out that the author had payed great pain in shaping this character。

Margaret Mitchell,as an advocator of feminism,wanted to reveal her life value to all women and decided to write the book Gone with the Wind,which took her ten years to finish and became the one and only novel in her whole life。The book—Gone with the Wind was published in 1936,which turned out to be a significant success upon publication。Just as Margret Mitchell ever said“If this novel had a theme,the theme is survival”,this novel was backgrounded with the Civil War and revealed Scarlett's attitudes toward love and marriage under changeable circumstances。Love and marriage were the tool of pursuing a better life,which was the attitude of Scarlett。

Whether eastern or western countries,both past and present,it seemed like women's all life should focus on love,marriage and family,which is the orthodox。While because of the different background of traditional culture values and other aspects,the eastern and western women have very different attitudes toward love and marriage。Yao Mulan and Scarlett have many things in common especially their character,but they are so different particularly their attitudes toward love and marriage。Mulan gave up love because of marriage,while Scarlett resorted all means just to get the dreaming love。By comparing the main characters's different attitudes toward love and marriage,the author hope to help the readers have a better understanding and review of culture of different countries,especially the traditions。

1 Different background

Moment in Peking and Gone with the Wind both happened in a turbulent period and a turning of age,which unavoidably left the characters with waving and jolting life。Common people's life was closely bounded with the current situation。No matter Yao Mulan or Scarlett,their fate varied because of the transforming situation at that time。

1.1 Different background of time

The experience of life had great influence on the characters,which was also one of the major reasons of their different attitudes toward love and marriage。Because of the ups and downs,they developed strong and fortitude character,while they were both brave and strong,one braced herself up and sticked to the faithful of marriage,the other regardless of the secular shackles and experienced three times of marriage just to pursue her dreaming love。It was also because of the changing situation,the characters living in this time got the chance to receive new education and connect with some new thoughts,for example independence,freedom and so on。The thought of feminism had rooted in their mind。Therefore,both of them could standout from numerous people,Mulan managed her marriage with wisdom,Scarlett survived in the Civil War with courage。That was why the two heroines caught readers eyes。All of these were influenced by the background of that time。

The story,Moment in Peking,began from 1901 when the Boxer Movement broke out and ended with the Sina-Japanese War in 1938。The story based on the history happening in this period and interspersed with a number of historical evens。For example,Yuan Shikai's usurping the country,Zhang Xun's restoration,the May Fourth Movement,the Three-One-Eight Massacre and so on。The turbulence of the nation had a deep influence on the characters's attitude to love and marriage in this novel。The Boxer Movement broke out,to avoid being involved in the chaos caused by the war,these families proceeded for Shandong,which was the beginning and the lucky chance for Mulan and Sunya。On the way to Shandong,Mulan got lost with her family and fortunately was rescued by Tsing family,while that was also the turning point of Mulan's fate,since hereafter she was thought to be the daughter-in-law of Tsing family in the future。This was what the influence of that times。Kong Lifu was arrested because he published political comments,which was the portray of the written polemics between Yusi faction and Modern Critics faction。All her life Mulan knew she loved Lifu,but it was not until Lifu was pulled into the prison did Mulan realize how much she valued this love。Therefore,Yao Mulan risked her life and went to ask for help。Nonetheless,no matter how this emotion was dearly,Mulan had to suppress it and maintain her marriage,that was Mulan's faith toward love and marriage,anyhow since Mulan was brought up in a feudal society。Mulan's life,no matter happiness or misfortune,had a close-knit links with the background at that time。

Gone with the Wind,backgrounded with the Civil War,narrated Scarlett's struggling life of love and marriage before the war,during the war and after the war。The story took place on the eve of the civil war in 1861。The plantation economy boomed in southern country。Gone with the Wind took place in a changing era in Georgia when the Civil War broke,which reflected the history of the rise and fall of several southern families and also was the portrait of the southern social phenomenon。The fundamental characteristics ofAmericanatthattimewasindividualism,egoismand pragmatism。These were the influencing factors of Scarlett's attitude toward love and marriage。Brought up in a planter family,Scarlett born with a sense of superiority。Proud,arrogant,peacockery,all of these characters were showed in her distinctively,which also led to Scarlett's attitude toward love and marriage。For Scarlett's part,love and marriage were things which had no positive connections,while she could use them to fulfill her dream。Maybe this idea was a reflection that she was influenced by feminism。Therefore,she could experienced three marriage while still sticked to the so called“love”regardless of other people's feeling,Rhet was the best example,which was a representation of her egoism。It was not until Melanie's death did Scarlett realize she had fell in love with Rhet,never before Scarlett had always regarded Rhet as a tool to live a better life。

1.2 Different background of family and education

Born in wealthy families,both Yao Mulan and Scarlett got the chance to get into contact with fair education,which brought them the advanced ideas and achieved themselves。

1.2.1 The Confucianism and Toism education of Yao Mulan

Yao Mulan,born in a rich family,learned drama,studied curio with her father at a very young age。Her father,Yao Sian,was a devout Taoist who devoted himself to ploughing through the Taoist books and collecting curio to engage in self-cultivation。Yao Sian would like to accept new things and advanced thoughts with pleasure,which had deep influence on Mulan's development of being a new woman with new ideas。With the support of her father,Mulan did not need to bind feet and entered the new school to learn the most advanced knowledge。As father's most favorite daughter,Mulan accepted her father's thought of living in a peace and preferred to belive in fate and all things have its own way。Therefore Mulan became independent and a woman with thought,and at the same time influenced by Toism。While Mulan's mother was a typical traditional woman,who taught Mulan to be obedient and acted under the rules of the Confucian virtues。As a result,Mulan synthesized typical traditional women's good-looks,virtues and intelligence and men's courage,fortitude and liberal mind。Under the influence of both father and mother,Yao Mulan was a synthesis woman with traitional and modern thought。When managed the marriage,Mulan ensured full compliance with the traditional virtues。However,she was also longing for love。While Kong Lifu was the young man who could give her this feeling。“The trip left a permanent effect on Mulan。It made her realize that she could always be happy and content merely to be near Lifu。”Tsing Sunya was brought up in a traditional wealthy family,which lead to his playboy image impressed in readers。Compared with Tsing Sunya,Kong Lifu impressed us as a positive and thoughtful young man,who possessed with advanced ideas。However,both of them Therefore,Yao Mulan's attitude towards love and marriage was also a result of her education。

1.2.2 The American practicalism education of Scarlett

Scarlett was a daughter of a southern plantation owner。As the family's eldest daughter,Scarlett collected a myriad dotes。Even nannie favored her most。“In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother,a Coast aristocrat of French descent,and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father。”。She inherited her father's bold,rough,sloppy and grumpy character and also combined her mother's good tutor teachings and moral values。Noble birth gave her a good education,while she was also rebellious in nature。Not only did Scarlett's appearance but also her character was a combination of French and Irish tradition because of her French mother and Irish father's education。Scarlett was influenced by her Iresh father deeply。Her father gave her the chance and suggestions to chose her ideal companion。She became a new woman with the thought of independence and freedom。Therefore despite Rhet could give her whatever she want,Scarlett herself managed the timber mill regardless of people's various discussion because of her independence。While her mother taught her to be strong,which could also be reflected in her attitude toward love and marriage。She could again and again recover from the despair situation what life gave her and chose to live on。A woman who experienced two times of the death of husbands and had to move on。She was also a product of that period of time。First,before the war,she lived in the traditional and conservative plantation and the life style formed her plantation master's character of loving land than anything else in the world。Therefore,it was not difficult for the readers to understand what Scarlett had done to retain Tara Manor,even if the price was to sacrifice her marriage and robbed her sister's fiance。On the other hand,ScarlettinheritedAmerican'sspecificationssuchas individualism,egoism,practicalism。Itwasalsojusther individualism,egoism and practicalism which ruined her marriage。She considered love and marriage were unrelated things,which was why she chose to get marry to get away from the dilemma of life。

2 The influence of traditional thought

Yao Mulan lived in the late 19th and early 20th century,when China witnessed tremendous changes。Western culture forced an entrance into China,and the Chinese traditional culture was questioned。However,after experienced thousands years of feudal civilized countries,Confucian and Taoist were still the two pillars of traditional Chinese culture。Scarlett lived in 19th century,when America was undergoing in a civil war。Enterprising,ambitious,eagering for success,vain and greedy rash。All of these were Americans distinctive characters at that time。While as an immigrating country,hard-working and self-depending were also very important factors in building Americans who they are。

2.1 Confucianism and Taoism on Yao Mulan's view of love and marriage

Yao Mulan had read western novels,she knew the freedom of marriage after the western form of education at Tianjin University。Nonetheless,on the one hand,she chose to adhered to her father's Taoist thought:that was,love was not to possess,love was not the excuse to separate love and marriage。On the other hand,Yao Nulan was deeply influenced by her Confucian mother。Mrs Yao was a typical traditional wife and mother。She insisted that ladies should possess the virtues of hard working,dignified,humility,good management of the family,as well as the possession of the skill of cooking,tailoring,sewing and so on。The mother's strictly education enabled Mulan have morality。Mulan became a respectful and submissive daughter,a duteous wife,a selfless mother。She was always embodies the feminine virtue advocated by the oriental traditional fedual culture。As a result of the traditional culture influence,Yao Mulan chose to maintain her marriage and buried her love in the deep mind。

2.2 American practicalism and egoism on Scarlett's view toward love and marriage

America is a country where people belive that self-depending is the way to survive and a way to fulfill oneself。Practicalism and egoism are the most distinctive Americans。These belifs applied to the 19th century。Scarlett's living environment was the State War。The fundamental characteristics of American at that time was individualism,egoism and pragmatism。It was due to the edification and impact of this culture,Scarlett pursuit of love and her own happiness bravely and desperately。In order to fulfill her personal desire,Scarlett used all means。She persuaded Ashley emigrate with her before and after he got marriage。In order to raise the land tax,Scarlett looted her sister's fiance ignoring her sister's feelings。In order to revive the home,Scarlett betrayed her love and viewed marriage as a transaction。To some extent,Scarlett regarded marriage as a mean of fulfill her aspiration。Scarlett's attitude toward love and marriage was a manifestation of American culture's individualism and personal struggle,and also a reflection of extreme egoism and pragmatism。This is how the traditional thoughts influence the heroins。

3 Different attitude toward love and marriage

Yao Mulan gave up love because of marriage,while Scarlett resorted all means just to get the so-called love。Mulan's faithful to feminine virtues and Scarlett's rebellions to the traditional marriage resulted their entirely different ending。

3.1 Yao Mulan gave up love to maintain her marriage

Mulan got lost with her family at her childhood and was rescued by Tsing family。To return Tsing family's kindness,Mulan was arranged to be Tsing's daughter-in-law。Mulan endorsed this arrangement in a silent way。It was not until Lifu's appearance before the engagement did Mulan taste the love's sweetness。Mulan was dearly impressed by Lifu's handsome,courage,knowledge,and talents。

“They had seen together the sundown and the sunrise on the mountain,and somehow this made a difference for her when she was living down in the plains。The dark figure of Lifu standing speechless before the Chin Inscription,that walk in the early dawn,and those short minutes of talk in the Gedar Cave were fraught with spiritual meaning。”Mulan did not know what that meaning was and could not have expressed it in words,but she knew that through those gloriously captured moments she saw Lifu more clearly than before。However,she could do nothing except to accept Lifu as her brother-in-law。This was Mulan's love,preferring to burying this feeling deep in her heart rather than fighting for it。She complied with parents'order and the matchmaker's word,sticked to the thought of predoom and gave up her love in a rational way。Although Sunya was not an ideal companion,Mulan tried to discover the excellence and find ways to maintain a good marriage after the wedding。Mulan strove to maintain the virtues of traditional Chinese woman and be a good wife and mother in the eyes of the world。In order to save the marriage,Mulan rational cleverly solved husband's extramarital affairs。Mulan and her family migrated to the south in Hangzhou to live in seclusion。Sunya had accustomed to wealthy and comfortable life,therefore the dissatisfaction with the common domesticity led him to contact with a talented beautiful student,Cao Lihua,of the Academy of Arts。When Mulan learned this situation,“Mulan surprisingly found herself not at all excited or angry”[1]p787。Instead she rationally took the proper way to deal with the problem depending on the situation imperturbably。In order to fall in the wishes of her husband and preserve the marriage,Mulan analyzed the current situation and made some changes on the image。In addition,in order to show consideration for the dignity of her husband,Mulan initiatively to meet Cao Lihua,skillfully put forward two workarounds,and finally Cao Lihua take the initiative to withdraw from a very sensible way to resolve the marital crisis。That was traditionally what a woman chose to do to maintain her marriage according to the traditional virtues。But not all of them could solve it without alert anybody,this is where Mulan's wisdom and her Toism was showed to the readers and got readers'heart。

3.2 Scarlett sacrificed her marriage to harvest love

Contrary to Yao Mulan's attitude towards love and marriage,Scarlett opposed a marriage of“parents'order andthe matchmaker's word”。Pursuing the freedom of marriage was her way。Scarlett dedicated to pursue her love,showing strong rebellions:hercontemptfortradition,hernotobservantof conventional standards,her challenging to the traditional concept of marriage and gender roles。Scarlett throughout believed that if one could not stay with her(his) beloved people together,everything would be meaningless。She showed strong rebellion to her father's arrangement of marriage。She firmly held the right of marriage in the palm of her hands。She broke out from the family and public's pressure,adhering to the concept of the option of marriage。Scarlett desperately confessed her love to Ashley and even proposed to elope with him。Depart from the traditional view of marriage,Scarlett married three times all her life。It was also Scarlett who made the decision initiatively。Naturally she did not follow the orders of her husband to give up herself,instead she sticked to her independent status and fully exerted her talents and wisdom。After married with Frank,she started a timber business as her own career。Then,after Frank died of gunfight,Scarlett finally married Reiter。Still she did not give up her career and ran her business as in the past。The difference was that she handed the franchise to Ashley。The marriage with Reiter was actually the really marriage Scarlett had run,while of course she did not realize it until Reiter left her because of Scarlett's ignoring his love and he finally had no more illusions about the matter。Scarlett was always immersed in her fantasy love,which resulted in her brushing against the true love。Her individualism,egoism and practicalism costed her love and marriage。Finally she returned to Tara and still firmly believed that one day Rhet would come back,which lead to Scarlett's passing by happiness。That was really typically Scarlett's way。


Facing the choice of love and marriage,Yao Mulan and Scartett's different choices mainly caused by the different backgrounds of the times and a variety of traditional cultural edification。

Yao Mulan's attitude in the issues of love and marriage reflects the Toism of Zhuangzi philosophy,“Great sound is hard to hear,nothing is more than anything”。If this thought was used to explain love and marriage,that is love is not possession。Yao Mulan was deeply influenced by Taoism and Confucianism,which made her firmly believe fate and believe Tsing Sunya was her predestined husband。That was why Yao Mulan chose Tsing Sunya instead of Kong Lifu as her husband。Giving up love because of marriage,which was Yao Mulan's choice。This attitude towards love and marriage was closely related to Mulan's traditional thoughts。Scarlett's attitude toward love and marriage was a reflection of American's individualism,egoism and pragmatism。The marriage was a tool of pursuing a better life。for Scarlett's part,her independenceinrunninglifeandmarriagereflectedher individualism and selfishness。She could do whatever she want just to get what she want。There was no dout that Scarlett was a woman who possess wisdom,but that not applied to her love and marriage view。


[1] Lin Yvtang.Moment in Peking,Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press。1999。

[2] Margaret Mitchell.Gone with the Wind,Guangzhou:Zhu Hai Press,2006。

[3]WangKeping.TheClassicoftheDao,ANew Investigation.Beijing:Foreign Language Press,1998。

[4]Chang Yaoxin.Selected Readings in American Literature,Tianjin:Nankai University Press,2002。

[5]Lin Yvtang.My Country and My People。Beijing:Foreign LanguageTeachingandResearch Press,2000。

[6]Hu Jiena.American Culture。history and Literature. Tianjing:Nankai University Press,2004。




