Analysis of Dead Men’s Path

2013-04-29 06:17陈永飞
散文百家·教育百家 2013年6期


Is there any paths specially built for the dead?Or are ghosts really exist in this world? While people alive in this world would rather believe it is true so that they could commemorate their relatives,lovers and friends who had past away.To realize this wish, various of festivals especially for the dead are set around the world, such as Japanese Obon,Chinese Tomb-sweeping Day,western countriesHalloween and so on.Modern people inherit these traditions,or is the superstition,to memorize their ancestors.Or they believe in the faith what their ancestorshad kept.Traditional culture always includes some superstition,which is kept deep in the mind by the next generation although they know that it is not right and scientific.However, they abide by this tradition sometimes just because it is cultural heritage.Since national culture is regarded as the mark of the identity of a nation.Nowadays,people pay more and more attention to the impotence of national culture.AS a part of national culture,traditional culture develops in a better way with the process of discarding the dross and keeping the finer part. While the above mentioned is just in modern and economic development in a relativelygoodstates.Forcomparison,thedevelopmentand protection of traditional culture in poorer countries is considered as worrying.The short story Dead Mans Path ,which was written by Chinua Achebe,deployed around the topic of the potential contradiction existed between people from different countries because of different cultural beliefs.This essay will analyze the cultural conflict processing between modern ideas and traditional superstition,and why this conflict exists.

The short story Dead Mens Path is written by Chinua Achebe, whoisaNigerianandalsoanovelist,poet andprofessor.In this essay,a brief biography and analysis of the many aspects,such as background and characters also symbolism,of this short story will be described so that the readers could get a better understanding of what the author intended and howhewent about doingthat and alsohaveaclear train of thought about this short story.Unlike some African writers struggling for acceptance among contemporary English-language novelists of the 50s, Achebe had been able to avoid imitating the trends of English literature. Rejecting to accept the European notion"that art should beaccountabletonoone, and [needs] tojustifyitself to nobody,”as he puts it in his book of essays, Morning Yet on Creation Day, Achebe has embraced instead the idea at the heart of theAfricanoral tradition: that"artis, andalwayswas, attheserviceof man.”Thesewerethemotivationsofwritinginhiswholelifeandwhat he sought to do in his writing. As a Nigerian,Chinua Achebe really experienced and tasted the colonialism,and the conflict between the modern life and the traditional life in them.Therefore he could understood it and also reflect it in his works.This facet was showed in hisshort storyDeadMans Path.

By narrating the gradually formed contradictions between the local people of Ibo and the colonial government,the purpose of this story is to reveal the existing conflict between modern thought and the traditional thought.It was also a reflection of the potential friction between two kinds of different cultures.Achebe setted the tone of the story with the“theme being the struggle for people to live in a society that drives them down as human being everyday”and brought out the pain of the locals that these people must live in eating a crow in order to survive in this country,where originally was their home.

In the setting of the characters,the author provided the story folktales and proverbs,which was his unique style and also the influence of the previous life experience in the village of Ogidi, where was his birthplace.It was also this life experience helped him exploit the hard living that went on in the third world country, especially with the Negros.

As the saying goes story is a reflection of the real life,Achebe kept the faith that the characters in a story or literary works must have a direct relationship with their living environment.The story Dead Mans Path was a good proof.The hardship of life of the locals, the truthful belief of“the dead mans path”were all a miniature of the real life.”He uses personal recollection to make his characters come alive”,this was what Achebe stick to in his writing style.Maybe because of life experience,personally Achebe was concerned with individuals.While on the other hand,it was also impersonal,for instead of flamboyant colors of a heated imagination, the author shaped the characters with massive description of psychology so that the readers could have a fully clear lines that compose a picture by a dispassionate observer of human destiny.It also constructed a vision out of the awareness of an inexorable order within the characters and reflected this in the way that how the local people reacted to a long time of cultural imprisoned. Although the inhabitants of the village were not enslaved literally, Achebe reflects the theme of the“dead”as a symbolic reoccurrence within the story”to reveal the way that these people lived there earned their lives under the European colonialism. The imagery of the tale was the one that shines with the color black and reveals the darkness of the people subjugated. African imagery was used to convey the natural climate that these peoples lived and why they were a part of their environment. The color of skin was an obvious indication of racial discrimination.By revealing the oppressive heat of the Jungle, the blackness of the people, there is a very“dark image of the hard times”that these people experience under the yoke of the Europeans that dominated their society and forced them into cultural submission. These were images that reoccurred within this story and reflected the central theme, which was a culture that really appeared in the world to struggle to overcome European colonialism. The subject of this short story is to reveal the conflict between local people and the rural government under the English colonial rule.Characters Michael Obi and the old priest are respectively the representative of modern and tradition.While the title”Path”have its symbolic meaning.By means of narrating Michael Obis way to change local peoples traditional thoughts,the story reveals the potential contradictions between local people and the authority.

In the following paragraphs,the author will analyze this story by construing the storys setting,characters,symbolism and theme by comparison.

The story was setted in January 1949 in Ndume, which was a colony under the rural of the English government.The whole story was backgrounded in Ndume Central School.As an“unprogressive school”,it was operated by the so called“Mission authorities”, named the colonial government,who had decided to sent a“young and energetic man to run it”.Therefore,Michael Obi,who was considered to be a reform-minded young man, was appointed as the headmaster of this shool.The story took place at the school grounds, where Michael Obi and his wife had endeavored to settle more beautiful. However, their dream encountered roadblock because the local peoples spiritual path ran across the school grounds.As the headmaster of the school Mr. Obi spared no effort to make the school develop in his assumed way.As a result,the modern thought made a huge friction with the tradition.

The major characters were Michael Obi and the old priest,who showed the readers how they would respond to when their principles were violated.Michael Obi was vividly portrayed as an young man at his twenties,filled with naive conceit and full of passion.Michael Obi was a typically representation with modern thoughts.He was also a pioneer of the modern society and advocated to modern way of education through reformation.An energetic and enthusiastic mentality helps Obi to keep up with his good work.”We shall make a good job,shant we”embodied this young man and shows his eagerness to do great deeds.Since he has held the post of the school headmaster,he spared no effort to develop the school in a more promisingwayas he previouslyimagined.Young peoplewould always have the energy and thought to realize their dream.Therefore,there is no doubt that he did whatever he could to manage this school.Or it even could say as he devoted to this blest job.”Mr. Obi put his whole life into the work.He had two aims,a high standard of teaching was insisted upon,and the school compound was to turned into a place of beauty.”Obi regards the management of this school as his honorable career.As the schools headmaster,he was very strict with the school policy,which,of cause,dose not include allowing the villagers to go right across the school grounds,especially the path was regarded as a way“children coming into born”.This superstition was strictly forbidden by the headmaster ,who firmly believed in science.”The whole purpose of our school is to eradicate just such beliefs as that”and“our duty is to teach your children to laugh at such ideas”.As a schools headmaster coming form modern world, maybe his starting point is good.In his point of view,what he had done was a way to help the local people get rid of decadent thoughts and led them to a more scientific and hopeful life. Thus when a teacher tries to tell him what happened a few years ago when they closed the road, Mr. Obi says,“Thatwassometimeago.Butitwillnotbeused again”,which reflected the young mans aggressive and foolish at this age.When a respected village priest tries to convince him, he sticked to his position by saying,“we cannot allow people to make a highway of our school compound”In Obis point of view, a rule is a rule, and he did not intend to break it at any cost.However,this thought offended against the local peoples traditional thought, which was regarded as a blasphemy of the local peoples ancestors and also a disrespect of traditionalculture.Inaplacewherepeoplewassuppressednot onlyin lifebut alsoin thought over alongperiod,thecloseof deadpanspath was just a powderhose of the revolt.The closure of the path pushed peoples spirit of revolt to a high point and they found a way to lead off their unsatisfaction.Therefore what the white Supervisor had seen when he went to the shool was within the readers imagination. Thus there was no dout that Michael Obi finally failed to fulfill his ambitions.

The old priest of this village was a typical representation who firmly sticked to the traditional culture and also a humble religious leader of animist beliefs.As a priest growing up in this village all his life,he knew very well what the path meant to the local people.Aged as he was,the old priest was sophisticated and understood what life meat to the people living in hardship,especially under the dominate of colonial nation.For him,the close of the path was the racial discrimination and they were not be respected.He was a devout embracer of religion.Through his response to this event,the readers could distinguish his calm and also stable character.However,since his all life was bound to this occlusive village,he was astricted by the limited and outdated thought and also he was fear of the authority. Therefore,wise and far-sighted as he was,he could not persuade Mr. Obi give up his idea and he did not have the courage to make a strong claim.The old priest could be expressed as wise and far-sighted was because that he could understood what”the dead mans path”mean to the ordinary local people.He believed in that“the whole life of this village depends on“this footpath”.First of all, it was no longer just a path to walk,it was a symbol of faith,and also a inheritance from the forefathers.The path was a way to communicate with their ancestors.It was no longer just a path,it was a cultural heritage.Whats more,the old priest believed the paths closure or not had a strong relation with the local peoples dignity.Poor as they were,they had forceful expectation to be respected.So,as the priest understood,the local people would resist this action.Also the priest spared no effort to prevent the headmaster close the dead mans path.This where the old priest showed the readers his wisdom.While on the other hand,the priest was astricted by the limited and outdated traditional thought.Also he was a pious religious believer. Thus he could not get rid of the binding of superstition.To some extent,he was also one of the members who believed that the path was prepared for the death.What he could see was limited.Therefore, he could not convince Mr. Obi,a young man with modern thought,to understand the local peoples thought.He could not let the young man acquaint the huge gap existed between the authority and the common people,especially people who were dominated by the colonial government for a long time.

As for the Symbolism of this story,it was used to reflects the way that poor people in Africa lived and their hardship existed not only in the material level but also in mental.As this paper previously mentioned, using tales was a special style of Chinua Achebe.The author also used many symbols of a subservient culture within the tales in this short story.

There were several symbols in this short story.First of all,it was the“path”,which was a major clue throughout the whole story.It was the path,the traditional thought and the modern thought met and made conflicts.It was the path,Mr. Obi lost his dream and faced with his life challenge.Therefore,it was the path that the author displayed the theme of this story.On the one hand,it could be interpreted as a symbol of tradition.The path“across the school compound to the bush on the other side”.It“appears to be very important to them. Although it is hardly used, it connects the village shrine with their place of burial”.So it was not only a way across the school grounds, but also a way to connect local people with their ancestors.”.Our dead relatives depart by it and our ancestors visit us by it”In the local peoples mind,it was a bond between the living and the dead. They believed that through this path their ancestors could find their way home and also blessed the alive. Meanwhile, local people firmly believed that this path was essential for transforming the souls of the new born.Therefore,it was no wonder that local people finally outraged and ruined the beautiful hedges around the school to take out their resentment when the woman in this village died in childbed. The local people refused to accept the close of the path,they rejected tochangethetraditiontheyhadobeyedfromgeneration togeneration. To some extent,the path represented a process of change,a change from old older to new older,from past to future,from desperation to hope. On theother hand, the“path”was also a symbol of a bridge of communication and a bridge which could lead the local people from traditional society to a modern society.If Michael Obi,a young man with modern thought ,could understand what this path meant to the local people,maybe he would not close the path.Angry villagers ruined the school hedges which also cut off childrens accessing to scientific knowledge.As the saying goes,knowledge is power.Their action trapt themselves in poverty. Also the relationship between the ordinary local people and the authority was again stimulated and sharpen.Therefore,the path was no longer just a path.Another symbol was the flower cultivated in the gardens.These flowers were taken careof byMichael Obi and his wife.However ,they were ruined by the villagers after Mr. Obi closed the path.Here the flowers represent the the frailty of Michael Obis dream.His modern reform strategy failed to meet the needs of local education.Meanwhile,the modern thought was trampled by the inherited animist beliefs of local people.It represented that beautiful as his dream was,while Mr. Obis dream and his modern reformation did not apply to the local peoples life andviolatetheirtradition.

Short as the story is,it shows the readers a profound theme.The conflict engenders between Michael Obi and the priest means the conflict between the modern thoughts and the traditional thoughts.To general,the story shows the readers a confliction existed in different cultures of different country.And also it gives readers a introspection of the reality,leading people toward a more harmonious life.

After reading this short story,the author has a lot of perception of life and livelihood.Other peoples stories would always let people learn how to be a human with kindness,benevolence and charity. These stories will tell people to understand other peoples life and to know their difficulties.They will show the varieties facets of society and life.And also it is life itself teaches people to be adamancy.It is life teaches people to be a man with conscience.As a person living in this world,as a social man,we could no longer just consider ourselves.Leaving a little time to show solicitude for people around. Learning be tolerance and understanding.Walking in this long life time,all peoples life need to learn how to be a helpful man with benevolence.We are all on the way of getting older, we are on the way of learning.


[1] Gates,Jr., Henry, Kwame Anthony Appiah (Editor), Chinua Achebe: Critical Perspective, HarperTrade, January, 1994.

[2] King, Bruce, Introduction to Nigerian Literature, University of Illinois Press, January 1975.

[3] Chinua Achebe, Dead Mans Path
