
2013-04-09 08:55:08崔愷,吴朝辉,周旭梁
世界建筑 2013年10期






项目信息/Credits and Data

方案设计/Schematic Design:中国建筑设计研究院(崔愷,吴朝辉,周旭梁)/ China Architecture Design &Research Group (CUI Kai, WU Chaohui, ZHOU Xuliang)

工程设计/Construction Drawings:中国建筑设计研究院,浙江大学建筑设计研究院/ China Architecture Design & Research Group, Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University

建筑师/Architects:崔愷,周旭梁,王薇,杨易栋/ CUI Kai, ZHOU Xuliang, WANG Wei, YANG Yidong

建设地点/Location:杭州市江洋畈生态公园内/ Hangzhou Jiangyangfan Ecological Park

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area:12470m2

建筑高度/Building Height:12m(屋脊/Ridge)


钢结构(地上层)/ Reinforced concrete frame structure for underground floors, steel structure for aboveground floors

外立面材料/Materials for Facade:玻璃幕墙,面砖,涂料/Glass curtain wall, facing tile, paint

设计时间/Design Period:2010.05


摄影/Photos:张广源/ZHANG Guangyuan

4 屋顶/Roof

5 外景/Exterior view

6 剖面/Section

7、8 外景/Exterior view

The Hangzhou Cuisine Museum is located in Hangzhou's Jiangyangfan Ecological Park. The park is surrounded by mountains to the north, east and west but is itself flat-an area used as a reservoir for dredging from West Lake. After almost ten years of drying, the surface layer has formed a secondary wetland of weeping willows and hygrophytes.

The museum is made up of a collection of buildings-four different functional areas from west to east, including a VIP building and dining,business and exhibition areas-connected by wooden trestles and viewing spots. These wooden elements continue the wood trestle system of the park and provide visitors with moments of pause.Indoor activities extend into the outdoors-to the waterfront and park-under the cover of long roofs. These plate-folded roofs articulate spaces for gathering and work with the rhythms of the landscape beyond. Green-planted-roofs and brisesoleil further soften the buildings' edges on this wetland site. Buildings in Hangzhou are known for possessing "xiu" and "ya" (beauty and elegance). The museum aims to communicate these characteristics through its materials and detailing, to demonstrate the contemporary "xiu" and "ya" of Hangzhou building.□


WANG Zhu: The site is located amongst mountains,waters and wetlands. The museum complex meanders in step with the topography, breaking into separate discrete volumes with each folding of the land. The gaps between these buildings allow for two landscapes-the mountains to the north and the water to the south-to connect across the site. Undulating planted roofs and blocks of white painted and grey brick walls

not only highlight the building's organic connection to site and the passage of time, they also show how the project has defined an environment. Working with the characteristics of the site, the designer has integrated the "building unit" and "geographical unit." He has created an excellent Jiangnan landscape settlement, a creative strategy I will call "zhong fang zi" (growing a house). The zigzag layout of the buildings accentuates the museum's interface with the environment around it-the better for people to fully enjoy and be fed by the best kind of "eye candy," the natural beauty of the surrounding scenery, when they visit. The construction of this "local" building began with the discovery of an all-important local gene, and eventually produced its local language, achieving the goal of reconstruction of local building.

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